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UITMASTER - Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope Master Catalog



The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) was one of three ultraviolet telescopes on the ASTRO-1 mission flown on the Space Shuttle Columbia during the period of 2 - 10 December 1990. The same three instruments were later flown on the Space Shuttle Endeavour during 3 - 17 March 1995, as part of the ASTRO-2 mission. Exposures were obtained on 70-mm photographic film in the 1200-3300 Angstrom range using broadband filters and later digitized using a Perkin-Elmer microdensitometer. The image resolution was 3 arcseconds over a 40 arcminute field of view and images of targets as faint as 21st (ultraviolet) magnitude were recorded. Overall, the UIT-1 mission obtained 821 exposures of 66 targets (361 near-UV and 460 far-UV), and UIT-2 obtained 758 images of 193 targets (all far-UV), for a total of 1579 exposures.

This table contains only 1481 rows, 777 UIT-1 exposures (347 near-UV and 430 far-UV) and 704 UIT-2 exposures (all far-UV), implying that 98 exposures are 'missing' from this table.

Catalog Bibcodes



The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT), ASTRO 1 and ASTRO 2 shuttle missions
(1990, 1995)
    Stecher T.P., et al.
    <Astophysical Journal 395, L1 (1992)>

The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope: instrument and data characteristics.
    Stecher T.P., et al.
    <Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 109, 584 (1997)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in April 2012 based on CDS Catalog VI/104 file uitlist.dat.

HEASARC Implementation

In the original CDS version of this table, entries from the second ASTRO UIT observations had astro_point_id values with a dash ('-') between the 4th and 5th digits, e.g., '8447-10'. The HEASARC has removed these dashes from this parameter in its rendering of this table.


The target designation as specified by the UIT mission.

The Right Ascension of the target in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degrees to an apparent precision of 10-6 degrees in the original table; the real precision is likely no more than ^10-4 degrees (0.36 arcseconds).

The Declination of the target in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degrees to an apparent precision of 10-6 degrees in the original table; the real precision is likely no more than ^10-4 degrees (0.36 arcseconds).

The Galactic Longitude of the target.

The Galactic Latitude of the target.

The two ASTRO missions assigned a 'unique' 6-figure pointing identifier for each target according to the CDS documentation. The HEASARC notes, however, that there can be multiple entries in this table with the same pointing ID, so that it is actually not a unique identifier. The dataset identifier parameter (dataset_id) is a true unique identifier. The digits in the astro_point_id parameter contain information on the science classification of the object (general class and specific subclass) in digits 1 and 2, the target number within the science subclass in digits 3 and 4, and the number of pointings at the target in digits 5 and 6. Digit 5 is set to N for the Nth pointing at the target with a different roll or offset, while digit 6 is set to 0 if there was only one pointing at the target or to N for the Nth pointing.

The date and time of the UIT observation.

The total exposure time of the UIT observation, in seconds.

The UIT filter identifier. The UIT instrument included two six-position filter wheels. The "A" filters were sensitive in the near-UV while the "B" filters were sensitive in the Far-UV. The characteristics of the UIT filters, such as effective wavelengths and bandwidths, are listed in Table 3 of Stecher et al. (1997, PASP, 109, 584).

The ASTRO mission number: 1 for the first flight (2 - 10 December 1990) and 2 for the second flight (3 - 17 March 1995).

The UIT dataset identifier identifying the corresponding image data products at MAST, e.g., 'FUV0503', where the first 3 digits identify the camera used (FUV or NUV).

The UIT science classification of the object. (In some cases this is actually a calibration or spacecraft mode identification). The UIT mission used a hierarchical classification scheme as follows:

     0       Calibration
     0.0             HUT Camera Sensitivity Targets
     0.1             HUT Spectrometer Focus Targets
     0.2             HUT
     0.3             UIT Flat Field Sources
     0.4             UIT
     0.5             WUPPE Aperture Position Calibrators
     0.6             WUPPE Unpolarized & Polarized Standards
     0.7             BBXRT Calibration Sources
     0.8             BBXRT
     0.9             Joint Focus and Alignment Targets

     1       Solar System Objects
     1.1             Comets
     1.2             Planets
     1.3             Asteroids, etc.

     2       Individual Stars
     2.1             Supergiants
     2.2             Oe/Be Stars
     2.3             Wolf-Rayet Stars
     2.4             Rapid Rotators
     2.5             Normal White Dwarfs
     2.6             Magnetic/Pulsating W.D.'s
     2.7             Planetary Nebula Nuclei
     2.8             Normal Stars A0 & Later
     2.9             Hot Subdwarf Stars

     3       Variable and Binary Stars
     3.1             Pre-Main Sequence Stars
     3.2             Cataclysmic Variables
     3.3             Interacting Binaries
     3.4             Symbiotic Stars
     3.5             Active Chromospheres
     3.6             Pulsating Variables
     3.7             Low Mass X-Ray Binaries
     3.8             High Mass X-Ray Binaries
     3.9             X-Ray Transients

     4       ISM & Nebulae
     4.1             Planetary Nebulae
     4.2             Reflection Nebulae
     4.3             H II Regions
     4.4             Super Nova Remnants
     4.5             I.S. Polarization Probes
     4.6             I.S. Absorption Probes (Nearby & Hot)
     4.7             Herbig-Haro Objects
     4.8             Dark Clouds
     4.9             Diffuse Galactic X-Ray Emission Regions

     5       Star Clusters
     5.1             Metal Poor Globulars
     5.2             Metal Rich Globulars
     5.3             Open (Galactic) Clusters
     5.4             O/B Associations

     6       Normal Galaxies
     6.1             Nearby Galaxies
     6.2             Spirals
     6.3             Ellipticals
     6.4             Irregulars
     6.5             Dwarfs
     6.6             Edge On Systems

     7       Abnormal Galaxies
     7.1             Interacting Galaxies
     7.2             Amorphous Galaxies
     7.3             Rapid Star Formation
     7.4             W/Circumgalactic Matter
     7.5             E/S0 with I.S. Matter

     7       X-Ray Miscellany
     7.6             X-Ray Background
     7.7             Unidentified X-Ray Sources

     8       Active Extragalactic
     8.1             Seyfert I Galaxies
     8.2             Seyfert II Galaxies
     8.3             Radio Galaxies
     8.4             Radio Loud Quasistellar Objects
     8.5             Radio Quiet Quasistellar Objects
     8.6             BL Lacertae Objects
     8.7             LINERs
     8.8             Optically Violent Variable (OVV) Quasars

     9       Clusters of Galaxies
     9.1             Spiral Poor Clusters
     9.2             Spiral Rich Clusters
     9.3             X-Ray Selected Clusters
     9.4             Deep Survey Fields
     9.5             Cooling Flow Clusters

     9       Spacecraft Specific
     9.7             TAPS Tests
     9.8             Gyros/IMC/IPS
     9.9             Waterdumps/Handovers

The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the value of the object_type parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the UITMASTER database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:35:57 EDT