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WRCAT - The VIIth Catalog of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars



The VIIth Catalogue of Galactic Population I Wolf-Rayet (WR) Stars provides improved coordinates, spectral types, and bv photometry of known WR stars and adds 71 new stars compared to the VIth Catalog. This census of galactic WR stars has reached 227 stars (226 entries in this catalog), comprising 127 WN stars, 87 WC stars, 10 WN/WC stars, and 3 WO stars. This includes 15 WNL and 11 WCL stars within 30 pc of the Galactic Center. The catalog includes information on periodicity, binarity, terminal wind velocities, correlations with open clusters, OB associations, H I bubbles, H II regions, and ring nebulae, observed and dereddened narrow-band bv photometry, and distances, both heliocentric and galactocentric, and lists the references from which this information was obtained.

Catalog Bibcode



`The VIIth Catalogue of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars', K.A. van der Hucht 2001, New Astronomy Reviews 45, 135.


This catalog was created by the HEASARC in April 2001, based on electronic versions of Tables 13, 14, 15, and 28 from the published paper containing the catalog which were directly supplied to the HEASARC by the author.


The Wolf-Rayet Catalog designation, essentially a running number in order of increasing RA, based on the VIth Catalogue (van der Hucht et al. 1981, SSR 28, 227) running number with new stars being given intermediate designations, e.g., WR 102k. Notice that the WR star SMSP 4, labelled WR 31a by Shara et al. (1991) is here designated WR 31c, the WR star SMSNPL 8 labelled WR 48a by Shara et al. (1999) is here designated WR 48b, and that the WR star SMSNPL 17 labelled WR 102i by Shara et al. (1999) is here designated WR 102l.

An alternative common name for the WR star, either the Bayer name, HR number, IC number, or miscellaneous designations from discovery papers:

  AC     : Astrographic Catalogue
  AS     : Merrill & Burwell 1950
  AD     : Arkhipova & Dokuchaeva 1971
  BH     : Hidayat 1962
  BP     : Petterson 1978
  BS     : Stenholm 1975
  BSD    : Blum et al. 1995a
  DA     : Allen 1978, 1979
  Danks  : Danks et al. 1983
  FMM    : Figer et al. 1995, 1996, 1999b
  GL     : Walker & Price 1975
  He3-   : Henize 1976
  HR     : Pickering 1908
  IC     : Iriarte & Chavira 1956
  IRC    : Neugebauer & Leighton 1969
  KGE    : Krabbe et al. 1995
  LS     : Smith 1968a
  MS     : MacConnell & Sanduleak 1970
  NS     : Sanduleak 1971, 1976, 1979
  PMLC   : Pereira et al. 1998
  Sand   : Sanduleak 1971
  Sey    : Seyfert 1947
  SMSP   : Shara et al. 1991
  SMSNPL : Shara et al. 1999
  ST     : Stephenson 1966
  StSa   : Stephenson & Sanduleak 1977
  Th     : The 1961ab, 1962ab, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966
  The    : The 1961a, 1963, 1965
           (three WR stars discovered by P.S. The)
  Ve     : Velghe 1957
  Vy     : Vyssotsky 1942
  Wra    : Wray 1966

The variable star name from the Kukarkin et al. 1971-1998, General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS) [the HEASARC GCVS database].

The HD, Th, He3-, Wra, or AS catalogue number, or other designation:

  AS      : Merrill & Burwell 1950
  HD, HDE : Cannon & Pickering 1918-1924,
            Cannon 1925-1936,
            Cannon 1937,
            Cannon & Mayall 1949
  He3-    : Henize 1976
  SPH     : Schwartz et al. 1990
  Th      : The 1961ab, 1962ab, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966
  Wra     : Wray 1966

The LS, LSS, SPH or SS catalogue number:

  LS I   : Hardorp et al. 1959
  LS II  : Stock et al. 1960
  LS III : Hardorp et al. 1964
  LS IV  : Nassau & Stephenson 1963
  LSS    : Stephenson & Sanduleak 1971
  SPH    : Schwartz et al. 1990
  SS73   : Sanduleak & Stephenson 1973

The Astrometric catalogue number from:

  Hip : ESA 1997, The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues: Hipparcos Catalogue,
        1997, ESA-SP1200
  PPM : Roser & Bastian 1991
  GSC : Guide Star Catalog, Jenkner et al. 1990
  Tyc : ESA 1997, The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues, Tycho Catalogue,
        1997, ESA-SP1200

The Right Ascension of the WR star, in the selected equinox. The positions in the originating catalog were given in J2000 equatorial coordinates, and to a precision of either 0.01 or 0.1 seconds of time, except for one star (WR 121a) for which the precision was 1 second of time.

The Declination of the WR star, in the selected equinox. The positions in the originating catalog were given in J2000 equatorial coordinates, and to a precision of either 0.1 or 1 arcseconds.

The Galactic Longitude of the WR star.

The Galactic Latitude of the WR star.

The reference for the source of the coordinates:

  VIp    : van der Hucht et al. (1981, VIth Galactic WR Catalogue),
           precessed to J2000.0.
  BD99   : Blum et al. 1999
  BS96   : Blum et al. 1996
  CS99   : Cotera et al. 1999
  DW00   : Dougherty et al. 2000
  DM95   : Drissen 1995 and priv. comm.
  Ec98   : Eckart, priv. comm.
  FM95   : Figer et al. 1995
  FM96   : Figer et al. 1996
  FM99   : Figer et al. 1999b
  GSC    : Jenkner et al. 1990
  Hip    : ESA 1997
  Kr98   : Krabbe, priv. comm.
  L1     : Leitherer et al. 1995
  L2     : Leitherer et al. 1997
  MB94   : Mereghetti et al. 1994
  Sim    : Simbad
  SM91   : Shara et al. 1991
  SM99   : Shara et al. 1999
  SP90   : Schwartz et al. 1990
  Tyc    : ESA 1997
  VG01   : Veen et al. 2001a
  WC95   : Williams et al. 1995
  WD97   : Williams et al. 1997
  Wi98/9 : P.M. Williams, from supercosmos
           measurements on Tycho frame, priv. comm.

The references for finding charts for the WR stars:

  VI   : van der Hucht et al. 1981
  BD99 : Blum & Damineli 1999
  BM94 : Belloni & Mereghetti 1994
  BS95 : Blum et al. 1995a
  CS99 : Cotera et al. 1999
  DD83 : Danks et al. 1983
  DM95 : Drissen 1995
  DR90 : Duerbeck & Reipurth 1990
  FM99 : Figer et al. 1999a
  FB96 : Fender & Bell Burnell 1996
  HL92 : Hoekzema et al. 1992
  KG95 : Krabbe et al. 1995
  LSS  : Stephenson & Sanduleak 1971
  SM91 : Shara et al. 1991
  SM99 : Shara et al. 1999
  SP90 : Schwartz et al. 1990
  TF82 : Turner & Forbes 1982
  Tu85 : Turner 1985
  Tu99 : Turner 1999
  VG01 : Veen et al. 2001a
  WC95 : Williams et al. 1995
  WK89 : Wagner et al. 1989

The name of the open cluster or group with which the WR star is, probably is (":") or possibly is ("?") associated, with the latter qualifications according to Lundstrom & Stenholm 1984a and references therein.

The name of the OB Association with which the WR star is, probably is (":") or possibly is ("?") associated, with the latter qualifications according to Lundstrom & Stenholm 1984a and references therein.

The references for the quoted correlations with open clusters and/or OB associations:

  VI    : van der Hucht et al. 1981
  AC00  : Ahumada et al. 2000
  An77  : Andrews 1977
  BC99  : Bohannan & Crowther 1999
  BD99  : Blum et al. 1999
  BV99  : Baume et al. 1999
  BM94  : Belloni & Mereghetti 1994
  BSD96 : Blum et al. 1996
  CD98  : Crowther & Dessart 1998
  CH95a : Crowther et al. 1995a
  CS99  : Cotera et al. 1999
  DM95  : Drissen et al. 1995
  DW96  : Dougherty et al. 1996
  DW00  : Dougherty et al. 2000
  FE92  : Forbes et al. 1992
  Fi87  : FitzGerald 1987
  FM96  : Figer et al. 1996, 1999a
  FM99  : Figer et al. 1999b
  GS92  : Garmany & Stencel 1992
  HH88  : van der Hucht et al. 1988
  HM93  : Hillenbrand et al. 1993
  HS97  : van der Hucht et al. 1997b
  KG92  : Kaltcheva & Georgiev 1992
  KG94  : Kaltcheva & Georgiev 1994
  KG95  : Krabbe et al. 1995
  LG87  : Lortet et al. 1987
  LS79  : Lundstrom & Stenholm 1979
  LS84  : Lundstrom & Stenholm 1984a and references therein
  LT84  : Lortet et al. 1984
  MF77  : Moffat & FitzGerald 1977
  MJ93  : Massey & Johnson 1993
  MJ95  : Massey et al. 1995
  MS91  : Moffat et al. 1991
  MT91  : Massey & Thompson 1991
  PB98  : Piatti et al. 1998
  PH91  : Perry et al. 1991
  PJ95  : Parthasarathy & Jain 1995
  PJ00  : Pozzo et al. 2000
  Ra89  : Radoslavova 1989
  RC97  : Raboud et al. 1997
  RF84  : Reed & FitzGerald 1984
  RL66  : Reddish et al. 1966
  SB78  : Smith et al. 1978
  Sh98  : Shorlin 1998
  SM91  : Shara et al. 1991
  SM94  : Smith et al. 1994a
  TF82  : Turner & Forbes 1982
  Th61  : The 1961b
  TM83  : Turner et al. 1983
  TM99  : Tuthill et al. 1999ab
  TN96  : Tovmassian et al. 1996b
  TT91  : Torres-Dodgen et al. 1991
  Tu79  : Turner 1979
  Tu80a : Turner 1980a
  Tu80b : Turner 1980b
  Tu81  : Turner 1981
  Tu85  : Turner 1985
  Tu96  : Turner 1996
  Tu98  : Turner 1998
  Tu99  : Turner 1999
  VW95  : Vazquez et al. 1995
  WD97  : Williams et al. 1997
  WK01  : Williams et al. 2001
  ZH99  : de Zeeuw et al. 1999

The name or description of the HII region, ring nebula, or HI bubble with which the WR star is or may be associated. The following abbreviations are used in these notes:

  r       : ring
  2r      : double ring
  3r      : triple ring
  r:      : probable ring
  diff.   : diffuse
  v. diff.: very diffuse
  ext.    : extended
  fil.    : filamentary [OIII]

The references for the quoted correlation of the WR star with the HII region, ring nebula, or HI bubble:

  VI    : van der Hucht et al. 1981
  AC96  : Arnal & Cappa 1996
  AC99  : Arnal et al. 1999
  AM91  : Arnal & Mirabel 1991
  Ar92  : Arnal 1992
  AR97  : Arnal & Rogers 1997
  Ar99  : Arnal 1999
  BC99  : Benaglia & Cappa 1999
  BD99  : Blum et al. 1999
  BM94  : Belloni & Mereghetti 1994
  CD96  : Cappa et al. 1996a
  CG99  : Cappa et al. 1999
  CH87  : Caswell & Haynes 1987
  CN84  : Cappa de Nicolau & Niemela 1984
  CN86  : Cappa de Nicolau et al. 1986
  CN88  : Cappa de Nicolau et al. 1988
  CN96  : Cappa et al. 1996b
  CT83  : Chu et al. 1983
  DG92  : Dubner et al. 1992
  DG98  : Dubner et al. 1998
  DL90  : Dopita & Lozinskaya 1990
  DM90  : Dopita et al. 1990
  DN90  : Dubner et al. 1990
  ER95  : Esteban & Rosado 1995
  EV90  : Esteban et al. 1990
  EV91  : Esteban et al. 1991
  EV92  : Esteban & Vilchez 1992
  EVS92 : Esteban et al. 1992
  Fo89  : Forbes 1989
  GB97  : Girardi et al. 1997
  GC00  : Gruendl et al. 2000
  GK91  : Garnett 1991
  GN98  : Gimenez de Castro & Niemela 1998
  GM98  : Grosdidier et al. 1998
  GR84  : Gonzales & Rosado 1984
  GR96  : Georgelin et al. 1996
  GS99  : Gervais & St-Louis 1999
  HB82  : Heckathorn et al. 1982
  HB00  : Harries et al. 2000
  Is80  : Israel 1980
  LG87  : Lortet et al. 1987
  Lo82  : Lozinskaya 1982
  Lo83  : Lortet 1983
  Lo91  : Lozinskaya 1991
  LP93  : Lozinskaya et al. 1993
  LP94  : Lozinskaya et al. 1994
  LP97  : Lozinskaya et al. 1997
  LR90  : Lozinskaya & Repin 1990
  LT84  : Lortet et al. 1984
  Ma95  : Marston 1995
  Ma96  : Marston 1996
  Ma97  : Marston 1997
  MC92  : Mathis et al. 1992
  MC93  : Miller & Chu 1993
  MC94  : Marston et al. 1994a
  MH00  : Moore et al. 2000
  MY94  : Marston et al. 1994b
  MW99  : Marston et al. 1999
  NC91  : Niemela & Cappa de Nicolau 1991
  PB98  : Piatti et al. 1998
  PG96  : Pineault et al. 1996
  SB01  : Setia Gunawan et al. 2001
  SC94  : LJ.Smith et al. 1994
  Si97  : Sitkin 1997
  Sm95  : LJ.Smith 1995
  SM99  : Shara et al. 1999
  SN98  : Sirianni et al. 1998
  SP84  : LJ.Smith et al. 1984
  SP88  : LJ.Smith et al. 1988
  SS92  : Saken et al. 1992
  SS97  : LJ.Smith et al. 1997
  St01  : St-Louis 2001
  VW95  : Vazquez et al. 1995

The spectral type of the Wolf-Rayet star or the multiple system containing the WR star, based on the generally accepted spectral classification scheme for such stars (extensively discussed in Section 2 of the published paper containing the catalog), and with the spectral type of a visual binary component given in parentheses. Some additional letters describing the spectrum are sometimes used:

          d : persistent hot dust formation
         ed : episodic hot dust formation
         pd : periodic hot dust formation
         vd : variable persistent hot dust formation

The references for the quoted spectral type:

  VI:   van der Hucht et al. 1981
  AS90  : Acker & Stenholm 1990
  BC99  : Bohannan & Crowther 1999
  BD99  : Blum et al. 1999
  BS95  : Blum et al. 1995a
  CD98  : Crowther & Dessart 1998
  CDB98 : Crowther et al. 1998
  CH91  : Cohen et al. 1991
  CN79  : Conti et al. 1979
  Co84  : Corbally 1984ab
  Co00  : Cohen 2000, priv. comm.
  Cr97  : Crowther 1997
  Cr99  : Crowther 1999, priv. comm.
  CS97  : Crowther & Smith 1997
  CS99  : Cotera et al. 1999
  CV90  : Conti & Vacca 1990
  DS99  : De Marco & Schmutz 1999
  DW00  : Dougherty et al. 2000
  FM95  : Figer et al. 1995
  FM96  : Figer et al. 1996
  FM99  : Figer et al. 1999b
  GP00  : Genzel et al. 2000
  GR00  : Gosset et al. 2000
  HH88  : van der Hucht et al. 1988
  HS00  : Hanson et al. 2000
  KC92  : van Kerkwijk et al. 1992
  KG95  : Krabbe et al. 1995
  MB94  : Mereghetti et al. 1994
  MC83  : Massey & Conti 1983
  MM95  : Marchenko et al. 1995
  NG99a : Niemela et al. 1999
  NG99b : Niemela & Gamen 1999
  Ni95  : Niemela 1995
  NK97  : Najarro et al. 1997
  NM83  : Niemela et al. 1983
  NS98  : Niemela et al. 1998
  PM98  : Pereira et al. 1998
  RV96  : Rauw et al. 1996a
  SC94  : LJ.Smith et al. 1994 (see also CS97)
  Sh90  : Shylaja 1990
  SM99  : Shara et al. 1999
  SS90  : Smith et al. 1990 (WC stars)
  SS96  : Smith et al. 1996 (WN stars)
  SS96* : Smith et al. 1996 (WN stars),
          with b,o subscripts removed, cf. Conti 1999
  SS99  : Schweickhardt et al. 1999
  t.w.  : this work
  WD97  : Williams et al. 1997
  WH90  : Williams et al. 1990
  WH94  : Williams et al. 1994b
  WH96  : Williams & van der Hucht 1996
  WH00  : Williams & van der Hucht 2000
  WK01  : Williams et al. 2001

The apparent v magnitude in the narrow-band ubv system of Smith (1968a, MNRAS 138,109) chosen to avoid the strongest WN emission lines. This is the observed value except in the case of the heavily reddened WR stars near the Galactic Center for which it is the inferred value based on their IR magnitudes.

This is a flag for the v magnitude, where "(" and ":" indicate an uncertain value, and ">" that the quoted value is an upper limit.

The apparent b-v color in the narrow-band ubv system of Smith (1968a, MNRAS 138,109) chosen to avoid the strongest WN emission lines. This is the observed value except in the case of the heavily reddened WR stars near the Galactic Center for which it is the inferred value based on their IR magnitudes.

This is a flag for the b-v value, where "(" and ":" indicate an uncertain value.

The references for the quoted visual photometry in the Smith-68 system:

  VI   : van der Hucht et al. 1981
  CH91 : Cohen et al. 1991
  Cr98 : Crowther, priv. comm.
  HH88 : van der Hucht et al. 1988
  KG96 : van Kerkwijk et al. 1996
  Ma84 : Massey 1984 (synthetic bv)
  MC83 : Massey & Conti 1983
  Sim  : Simbad
  SM91 : Shara et al. 1991
  SM99 : Shara et al. 1999
  SS90 : Smith et al. 1990
  Th64 : The 1964
  TM88 : Torres & Massey 1988
  WD97 : Willis et al. 1997

The terminal wind velocity (often called vinfinity), in km/s.

The references for the terminal wind velocity, derived from (in order of preference) P-Cyg profiles of IR HeI lines; from P-Cyg profiles of UV resonance lines (where vinfinity = vblack = 0.76 vedge, see Prinja et al. 1990); and from optical emission lines (Torres et al. 1986) corrected with a factor 0.83 (Prinja et al. 1990):

  BC99  : Bohannan & Crowther 1999
  CD98  : Crowther & Dessart 1998
  CP99  : Crowther et al. 1999
  CS95b : Crowther et al. 1995b
  CS95c : Crowther et al. 1995c
  CS95d : Crowther et al. 1995d
  CS96  : Crowther & Smith 1996
  EW94  : Eenens & Williams 1994
  HK95  : Hamann et al. 1995a
  HM99  : Hillier & Miller 1999
  HS92  : Howarth & Schmutz 1992
  KH95  : Koesterke & Hamann 1995
  LA94  : Leitherer et al. 1994
  MH00  : Morris et al. 2000a
  PB90  : Prinja et al. 1990
  Sc93  : Schmutz 1993
  SC94  : LJ.Smith et al. 1994
  Sc97  : Schmutz 1997
  TC86o : Torres et al. 1986 (optical em. lines)
  TC86u : Torres et al. 1986 (UV P-Cyg profiles)
  WD97  : Willis et al. 1997
  WH92  : Williams et al. 1992

The observed orbital period or periodicities, in days.

The binary status of the WR star, where SB means spectroscopic binary (SB1 single-lined SB, and SB2 double-lined SB), VB means visual binary, CWB means colliding wind binary, a means absorption line(s) are present in the optical spectrum, and d.e.l. means diluted emission lines are present.

The references for the information on periodicity and binary status:

  AB95   : Antokhin et al. 1995
  AC85   : Antokhin & Cherepashchuk 1985
  An91   : Annuk 1991
  An94   : Annuk 1994
  An95   : Annuk 1995
  An00   : Annuk 2000, priv. comm.
  As82   : Aslanov 1982
  AV92   : Andrillat & Vreux 1992
  BD99   : Blum et al. 1999
  BE89   : Balona et al. 1989
  Be94   : Bertrand 1994
  Be95   : Bertrand 1995
  BF83   : Bisiacchi et al. 1983
  CD99   : Cieslinski et al. 1999
  CM89   : Conti & Massey 1989
  CM94   : Cherepashchuk & Moffat 1994
  CN79   : Conti et al. 1979
  CP00   : Coker & Pittard 2000
  Cr97   : Crowther 1997
  DH96   : Duijsens et al. 1996
  DL86   : Drissen et al. 1986
  DM81   : Davis et al. 1981
  DM95   : Drissen et al. 1995
  DR92   : Drissen et al. 1992
  DS87   : Drissen et al. 1987
  DS99   : De Marco & Schmutz 1999
  DS00   : De Marco et al. 2000
  DW96   : Dougherty et al. 1996
  FK80   : Firmani et al. 1980
  GH86   : van Genderen & van der Hucht 1986
  GH89   : van Genderen et al. 1989
  GH90   : van Genderen et al. 1990
  GK99   : Georgiev et al. 1999
  GM91   : Grandchamps & Moffat 1991
  GM99   : Glass et al. 1999
  GN99   : Gaman & Niemela 1999
  Go87   : Golombek 1987
  GR91   : Gosset et al. 1991
  GR99   : Gosset et al. 1999
  GR00   : Gosset et al. 2000
  GV90   : Gosset & Vreux 1990
  GV91   : van Genderen et al. 1991
  GVM90  : Gosset et al. 1990
  HH88   : van der Hucht et al. 1988
  HH97   : Harries & Hilditch 1997
  Hip97  : ESA 1997, Hipparcos Cat. Vol.10
  HL93   : Hoekzema et al. 1993
  HM99   : Hartkopf et al. 1999
  HS00   : Hanson et al. 2000
  Hu92   : van der Hucht 1992
  HW92   : van der Hucht et al. 1992
  IM81   : Isserstedt & Moffat 1981
  IV99   : Ivanov et al. 1999
  JB63   : Jeffers et al. 1963
  KB89   : van der Klis & Bonnet-Bidaud 1989
  KC92   : van Kerkwijk et al. 1992
  Ke93   : van Kerkwijk 1993
  KF80   : Koenigsberger et al. 1980
  KG96   : van Kerkwijk et al. 1996
  La83   : Lamontagne 1983
  LD00   : L'epine et al. 2000
  LM82   : Lamontagne et al. 1982
  LM87   : Lamontagne & Moffat 1987
  LM93   : Lewis et al. 1993
  LM96   : Lamontagne et al. 1996
  LS84   : Lundstr"om & Stenholm 1984a
  LT84   : Lortet et al. 1984
  Ma81   : Massey 1981
  MA00   : Marchenko et al. 2000
  MB94   : McCandliss et al. 1994
  MC81   : Massey & Conti 1981
  MD90   : Moffat et al. 1990b
  MG98   : Mason et al. 1998
  MG99   : Morel et al. 1999b
  ML87   : Moffat et al. 1987
  ML88   : Monderen et al. 1988
  MLC86  : Moffat et al. 1986a
  MLS86  : Moffat et al. 1986b
  MM93   : Moffat & Marchenko 1993
  MM94   : Matthews & Moffat 1994
  MM95   : Marchenko et al. 1995
  MM96   : Moffat & Marchenko 1996
  MM98   : Marchenko & Moffat 1998
  MM99   : Morel et al. 1999a
  MMA96  : Marchenko et al. 1996b
  MMEv98 : Marchenko et al. 1998a
  MMEe98 : Marchenko et al. 1998c
  MMH98  : Marchenko et al. 1998b
  MMK94  : Marchenko et al. 1994
  MML96  : Marchenko et al. 1996a
  MN82   : Moffat & Niemela 1982
  MN84   : Moffat & Niemela 1984
  Mo77   : Moffat 1977
  Mo92   : Moffat 1992
  Mo99   : Monnier 1999
  Mo00   : Moffat 2000, priv. comm.
  MS77   : Moffat & Seggewiss 1977
  MS80   : Moffat & Seggewiss 1980
  MS85   : Moffat et al. 1985
  MS86   : Moffat & Shara 1986
  MT99   : Monnier et al. 1999
  MV86   : Moffat et al. 1986c
  NB95   : Niemela et al. 1995a
  NC95   : Niemela et al. 1995b
  NG99a  : Niemela et al. 1999
  NG99b  : Niemela & Gamen 1999
  NG00   : Niemela & Gamen 2000
  Ni81   : Niemela 1981
  Ni82   : Niemela 1982
  Ni91   : Niemela 1991
  Ni95   : Niemela 1995
  Ni00ab : Niedzielski 2000ab
  NM82   : Niemela & Moffat 1982
  NM83   : Niemela et al. 1983
  NM84   : Niemela et al. 1984
  NM85   : Niemela et al. 1985
  NM96   : Niemela et al. 1996a
  NR96   : Niemela et al. 1996b
  NS80   : Niemela & Sahade 1980
  NS98   : Niemela et al. 1998
  OE99   : Ott et al. 1999
  PA00   : Panov et al. 2000
  Re99   : Reig 1999
  PS90   : Panov & Seggewiss 1990
  RC89   : Rustamov & Cherepashchuk 1989
  RG96   : Rauw et al. 1996a
  RM89   : Robert et al. 1989
  RM90   : Robert et al. 1990
  RV96   : Rauw et al. 1996b
  RVG96  : Rauw et al. 1996c
  SB84   : Stickland et al. 1984
  SB00   : Setia Gunawan et al. 2000
  SB01   : Setia Gunawan et al. 2001
  SC88   : Steiner et al. 1988
  SC99   : Steiner et al. 1999
  SD87   : St-Louis et al. 1987
  SD98   : Steiner & Diaz 1998
  SG96   : Schmutz et al. 1996
  SH89   : Schulte-Ladbeck & van der Hucht 1989
  Sh90   : Shylaja 1990
  SM89   : compilation of Smith & Maeder 1989
  SS90   : Smith et al. 1990
  SS96   : Smith et al. 1996
  SSK99  : Schweickhardt et al. 1999b
  SSS97  : Schmutz et al. 1997
  SSS99  : Schweickhardt et al. 1999a
  St01   : Stevens 2001
  TC99   : Tokovinin et al. 1999
  TM99   : Tuthill et al. 1999ab
  TM01   : Tuthill et al. 2001
  Tu81   : Turner 1981
  TW     : Tamura et al. 1996
  UH94   : Underhill & Hill 1994
  VA85   : Vreux et al. 1985
  VG95   : Veen et al. 1995
  VG95   : Veen et al. 1995
  VGC01  : Veen et al. 2001b
  VGH01  : Veen et al. 2001ac
  VH98   : Veen et al. 1998
  WC95   : Williams et al. 1995
  WD97   : Williams et al. 1997
  WH90   : Williams et al. 1990
  WH92   : Williams et al. 1992
  WH94   : Williams et al. 1994b
  WH99   : Williams & van der Hucht 1999
  WH00   : Williams & van der Hucht 2000
  WHW87  : Williams et al. 1987b
  Wi97   : Williams 1997
  Wi99   : Williams 1999
  Wi01   : Williams 2001
  WK01   : Williams et al. 2001
  WM01   : Wallace et al. 2001
  WS99   : Wallace et al. 1999

The intrinsic (i.e., dereddened) narrow-band b-v color.

The selective extinction in the narrow-band b-v color, E(b-v).

The total extinction or reddening in the narrow-band v, A(v), calculated using the relation A(v) = 4.1 * E(b-v).

The intrinsic (i.e., dereddened) narrow-band v Magnitude.

The derived absolute v magnitude of the WR star, or (if in a multiple system) of the WR star component, M(v)WR.

The inferred magnitude difference, deltam, between the other component and the WR star component if a multiple system. If the WR star is brighter than the other component, deltam is positive, whereas if the WR star is fainter than the other component, deltam is negative.

The derived absolute v magnitude of the multiple system containing the WR star, M(v)sys. This is related to the absolute v magnitude of the WR star, M(v)WR, and the magnitude difference between the components, deltam, by the relation: M(v)sys = M(v)WR - 2.5*log10(1+10^(-deltam/2.5)).

The true distance modulus of the WR star, DM0, in magnitudes, where DM0 = 5*log10(D) + 10, where D is the distance to the WR star in kiloparsecs.

The (heliocentric) distance to the WR star, in kiloparsecs (kpc).

The distance z that the WR star lies above or below the galactic plane, in parsecs (pc).

The distance of the WR star from the Galactic Center, in kiloparsecs (kpc).

This flag is set to "Y" if there are notes on the star in the published version of the catalog (q.v.).

The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the spectral type parameter value.

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Questions regarding the WRCAT database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:36:52 EDT