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XMMCDFS510 - XMM-Newton Deep Survey in the CDF-S 5-10 keV Source Catalog



Nuclear obscuration plays a key role in the initial phases of AGN growth, yet not many highly obscured AGN are currently known beyond the local Universe, and their search is an active topic of research. The XMM-Newton survey in the Chandra Deep Field South (XMM-CDFS) aims at detecting and studying the spectral properties of a significant number of obscured and Compton-thick (NH >= 1024 cm-2) AGN. The large effective area of XMM-Newton in the 2-10 and 5-10 keV bands, coupled with a 3.45-Ms nominal exposure time (2.82 and 2.45 Ms after lightcurve cleaning for MOS and PN, respectively), allows the authors to build clean samples in both bands, and makes the XMM-CDFS the deepest XMM-Newton survey currently published in the 5-10 keV band. The large multi-wavelength and spectroscopic coverage of the CDFS area allows for an immediate and abundant scientific return.

In this paper, the authors present the data reduction of the XMM-CDFS observations, the method for source detection in the 2-10 and 5-10 keV bands, and the resulting catalogs. A number of 339 and 137 sources are listed in the above bands with flux limits of 6.6 x 10-16 and 9.5 x 10-16 erg/s/cm2, respectively. The flux limits at 50% of the maximum sky coverage are 1.8 x 10-15 and 4.0 x 10-15 erg/s/cm2, respectively. The catalogs have been cross-correlated with the Chandra ones: 315 and 130 identifications have been found with a likelihood-ratio method, respectively. 15 new sources, previously undetected by Chandra, have been found; 5 of them lie in the 4-Ms area. Redshifts, either spectroscopic or photometric, are available for ~92% of the sources. The number counts in both bands are presented and compared to other works. The survey coverage has been calculated with the help of two extensive sets of simulations, one set per band. The simulations have been produced with a newly-developed simulator, written with the aim of the most careful reproduction of the background spatial properties. For this reason, the authors present a detailed decomposition of the XMM-Newton background into its components: cosmic, particle, and residual soft protons. The three components have different spatial distributions. The importance of these three components depends on the band and on the camera; the particle background is the most important one (80-90% of the background counts), followed by the soft protons (4-20%).

X-ray sources were detected in the 3-Ms XMM-Newton observations of the Chandra Deep Field South. Source detection was done in two steps, first using the PWXDetect software, and then using emldetect. 137 Sources detected in the 5-10 keV band by both programs are presented in the main table, while 61 5-10 keV sources only detected by PWXDetect are presented in the supplementary table. The 2-10 and 5-10 keV bands were analyzed separately.

This HEASARC table contains the main sample of 137 sources detected in the 5-10 keV band in the XMM-CDFS survey. (The table of 2-10 keV XMM-CDFS sources is also available at the HEASARC as the XMMCDFS210 table.) This table does not include the 61 supplementary sources which were detected only with PWXDetect. These supplementary sources were on average detected at low significance; many of them were on the borders of the FOV; and a few were in crowded fields where EMLDetect had trouble separating the different PSF components. Nevertheless, 4 of these sources were bright enough that a spectrum could be extracted.

Catalog Bibcode



The XMM-Newton deep survey in the Chandra Deep Field South.
III. Point source catalogue and number counts in the hard X-rays.
    Ranalli P., Comastri A., Vignali C., Carrera F.J., Cappelluti N., Gilli R.,
    Puccetti S., Brandt W.N., Brunner H., Brusa M., Georgantopoulos I.,
    Iwasawa K., Mainieri V.
    <Astron. Astrophys. 555, A42 (2013)>
    =2013A&A...555A..42R        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in September 2013 based on CDS Catalog J/A+A/555/A42 files main510.dat and notes510.dat.


A uniquely identifying source number for each 5 - 10 keV source in the catalog. Specifically, this is the PWXDetect source number. It is referred as the ID510 parameter in the reference paper.

The 5-10 keV source designation in the standard IAU-recommended position-based format, i.e., 'XMMCDFS JHHMMSS.s-DDMMSS', where the prefix stands for 'XMM-Newton survey in the Chandra Deep Field South' and the numerical string is based on the J2000.0 equatorial coordinates of the source.

The Right Ascension of the XMM-Newton 5-10 keV source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degree to a precision of 10-4 degrees (0.36 arcseconds) in the original table.

The Declination of the XMM-Newton 5-10 keV source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degree to a precision of 10-4 degrees (0.36 arcseconds) in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the XMM-Newton 5-10 keV source.

The Galactic Latitude of the XMM-Newton 5-10 keV source.

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the position of the XMM-Newton 5-10 keV source, in arcseconds.

The net source counts (summed MOS1, MOS2 and PN) in the 5-10 keV band as determined by EMLDetect.

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the source counts (summed MOS1, MOS2 and PN) in the 5-10 keV band.

The expected background counts as determined by EMLDetect, in counts arcsec-2.

The net count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 5-10 keV band as determined by EMLDetect, in ct s-1.

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 5-10 keV band, in ct s-1.

The flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 5-10 keV band as determined by EMLDetect, in erg s-1 cm-2. The flux to count rate conversion factor CF was calculated for a power-law spectrum with a slope Gamma = 1.7 (Mainieri et al. 2007, ApJS, 172, 368); the value is 0.91 x 1011 counts cm-2 erg-1 for the 5-10 keV band. Had the authors used a different slope (for example, 1.4 or 2.0), the conversion factor would have differed by 8-9%. The Galactic column density in the CDF-S direction is 8 x 1019 cm-2, so that the 5-10 keV band flux is not significantly affected and no correction for Galactic absorption is needed.

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 5-10 keV band as determined by EMLDetect, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The significance (~ number of sigma) of the 5-10 keV source detection from PWXDetect.

The detection likelihood of the 5-10 keV source (from EMLDetect).

The PWXDetect wavelet scale for the detection, in arcseconds.

The source number of the Chandra Counterpart. The original reference for the Chandra counterpart source number is specified in the ref_cxo_source_number parameter value. Two sources (source_number = 1149 and 1150) had values of -1 for the cxo_source_number in the original reference table which the HEASARC has nullified in the present table. The meaning of these values (if any) is not known to the HEASARC.

The original reference for the Chandra counterpart source number, as follows:

          E: Lehmer et al., 2005 ApJS, 161, 21, [LBA2005] NNN in SIMBAD,
    (blank): Xue et al.,    2011 ApJS, 195, 10, [XLB2011] NNN in SIMBAD.

The redshift of the source. One source in this table (source_number = 1150) had an unphysical redshift value of -1.235 in the original reference table which the HEASARC has left as is. One reasonable guess would be that the intended value for this source was 1.235 but the HEASARC can neither confirm nor refute this supposition.

The reference code for the source of the quoted redshift. The meaning of these codes is as follows:

    Value  Bibcode                Author(s)          Comment

     1     2004A&A...428.1043L    Le Fevre et al.
     2     2004ApJS..155..271S    Szokoly et al.
     3     2004ApJS..155...73Z    Zheng et al.
     4     2005A&A...437..883M    Mignoli et al.
     5     2007A&A...465.1099R    Ravikumar et al.
     6     2008A&A...478...83V    Vanzella et al.
     7     2009A&A...494..443P    Popesso et al.
     8     2009ApJ...693.1713T    Treister et al.
     9     2010A&A...512A..12B    Balestra et al.
    10     2010ApJS..191..124S    Silverman et al.
    11     2013A&A...549A..63K    Kurk et al.
    12     2012MNRAS.425.2116C    Cooper et al.
    13     2011ApJ...742....3R    Rafferty et al.
    14     2008ApJS..179...19L    Luo et al.
    15                                              Keck spectra (2007-2008):
                                                    no formal publication yet
    16                                              Keck spectra (2010):
                                                    no formal publication yet
    17     2005ApJS..161...21L    Lehmer et al.
    18                                              VLT spectra:
                                                    no formal  publication yet
    19                                              VIMOS/GOODS
    21     2010ApJS..189..270C    Cardamone et al.
    22     2013arXiv1303.5556G    Georgantopoulos et al.
    23     2012A&A...546A..84I    Iwasawa et al.
    24     2009ApJS..183..295T    Taylor et al.
    25     2012MNRAS.427..520C    Coppin et al.

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the quoted value is a spectroscopic redshift, and to 0 if it is a photometric redshift, or no redshift value is available.

The exposure time for the source averaged over the three EPIC cameras, in seconds (converted by the HEASARC from the ks units used in the original table).

The counterpart XMM-Newton CDFS 2-10 keV Catalog source number (called ID210 in the reference paper) for the 5-10 keV source.

Notes concerning the source, mainly about source blends and counterparts.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the XMMCDFS510 database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:37:03 EDT