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XMMOMCAT - XMM-Newton OM Object Catalog



The Optical Monitor Catalog of serendipitous sources (OMCat) contains entries for every source detected in the publicly available XMM-Newton Optical Monitor (OM) images taken in the imaging mode. Since the OM records data simultaneously with the X-ray telescopes on XMM-Newton, it typically produces images in one or more near-UV/optical bands for every pointing of the observatory. As of the beginning of 2014, the data in the public archive covered roughly 0.5% of the sky in 3425 fields. The OMCat is not dominated by sources previously undetected at other wavelengths; the bulk of objects have optical counterparts. However, the OMCat can be used to extend optical or X-ray spectral energy distributions for known objects into the ultraviolet, to study at higher angular resolution objects detected with GALEX, or to find high-Galactic-latitude objects of interest for UV spectroscopy.

Differences between the current OMCat and the previous version of the OMCat (which was designated as XMMOMOBJ) are improved coordinates, improved quality flags, and a reduced number of spurious sources. The OM reduction was done with the standard ESAS software, with post-processing to apply the coordinate corrections in a more consistent manner. There is a major change in the way the data are represented in the table. In the previous XMMOMOBJ table a separate row was generated for each filter. In the current XMMOMCAT table each observation of each object generates only a single row regardless of how many filters were used. Unused filters have nulls while filters where the object is not detected have nulls for the detection parameters but a non-zero value for exposure.

The table includes information for each filter and averaged information for the object as a whole. Only filters in which the object was detected are used in the averages. The parameters in this table comprise two sets: parameters describing the detection overall including id's and mean values, and values specific to the individual bands. There are three possible situations for the band data:

(1) If there was no exposure in that band, then all fields for that band will be null.

(2) If there was some exposure in the band but the object was not detected in that band, then the exposure field will give the actual exposure, but all of the other fields for that band will be null.

(3) If the object was detected, then all of the fields for the band should be filled in.

The filters included are V, B, U, UVW1, UVM2, UVW2 and white (i.e., unfiltered).

Catalog Bibcode



OMCat: Catalogue of Serendipitous Sources Detected with the XMM-Newton
Optical Monitor
    Kuntz, K.D., Harrus, I.M., McGlynn, T.A., Mushotzky, R.F., Snowden S.L.
   <Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 120, 740-758 (2008)>


The original table (formerly known as XMMOMOBJ) was created by the HEASARC in March 2008, based on a table supplied by the authors. The XMMOMCAT version was generated and ingested in February 2014 using a program which concatenated the objects detected in processing each observation.

Data Products

A single dynamically generated quicklook data product is associated with this catalog. At each object's location a small cutout from the full OM image is made for each OM filters used during the obsid. The cutouts are arranged in a horizontal strip in a fixed order. Each filter is shown at a specific location in the strip and if no data was taken in that filter that area is left blank. Cutouts will be given for filters were there was any observing time even if this object was not detected in that filter. A label is given for each filter for which there is a cutout.

The image cutouts are only 19x19 pixels. To enhance visibility each pixel is replicated as a 5x5 block. So in the generated PNG each cutout is 95x95 pixels.


A unique identifier for each object in this catalog. It is a concatenation of the observation identifier and the source index (obj_num).

A unique XMM-Newton observation identifier made up of the proposal number, target number of the proposal, and exposure number of the target.

A unique target counter for the OM source within the observation specified by the obsid. Thus, the combination of obsid and obj_num uniquely identifies an entry in this table. In this table it is simply the index of the source within the FITS table.

The start time of the observation. This is stored internally as a Modified Julian Date (MJD), but the HEASARC's archive interfaces usually convert it into an ISO 8601 format date.

The Right Ascension of the OM source in the selected equinox. In most cases, the Right Ascension is the mean of all measurements of the source corrected to the USNO-B frame.

The Declination of the OM source in the selected equinox. In most cases, the Declination is the mean of all measurements of the source corrected to the USNO-B frame.

The Galactic Longitude of the OM source.

The Galactic Latitude of the OM source.

The position error of the OM source, in arcseconds.

The RMS residuals in the fit of the OM source with the USNO Catalog, in arcseconds.

The Right Ascension of the matching USNO object in the selected equinox.

The Declination of the matching USNO object in the selected equinox.

If the source is extended, the semi-major axis of the OM source averaged over all bands in which the source was detected, in arcseconds.

If the source is extended, the mean semi-minor axis of the OM source in the bands in which the source was detected.

If the source is extended, the position angle of the major axis of the OM source averaged over all bands in which the source was detected, in degrees.

The quality flag parameter (called Q_FLAG in the reference paper) is set to 0 for OM sources with good data quality. The quality flag is combined over all bands in which the source is detected. The following positive values are used to flag compromised source quality (notice that they can be used additively):

      1 = bad pixel
      2 = source on possible read-out streak
      4 = source on possible smoke ring
      8 = source on possible star diffraction spike
     16 = source likely affect by mod-8 pattern
     32 = source near bright source
     64 = source within central enhanced region

This flag parameter (called C_FLAG in the reference paper) is set to 0 for OM sources which are unconfused. The confusion flag is combined over all bands in which the source is detected. The following positive values are used to flag different types of confusion (notice that they can be used additively):

      1 = one or more sources lie within a radius of 6 to 1 unbinned pixels
      2 = one or more sources lie within a radius of 6 unbinned pixels
      4 = source near an image edge
      8 = point source lies partly or entirely within an extended source region

This flag parameter (called E_FLAG in the reference paper) is set to 0 for OM sources which are non-extended, and to 1 for extended sources. The flag parameter is the maximum value for the bands in which the source was detected. (I.e., the source is marked as extended if it is extended in any detected wavelength.)

The V-band count rate, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the V-band count rate, in ct/s.

The statistical significance of the V-band detection.

The V-band instrumental magnitude.

The uncertainty in the V-band magnitude.

If extended, the length of the major axis in the V-band detection.

If extended, the length of the minor axis in the V-band detection.

If extended, the position angle of the major axis in the V-band detection.

The V-band quality flag. Flag values are defined in the q_flag parameter above.

The V-band confusion flag. Flag values are defined in the c_flag parameter above.

The V-band extension flag. Set to 1 if the object is extended is this band.

The V-band exposure time. The exposure time is set if any exposure was made in this wavelength, even if the object was not detected.

The B-band count rate, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the B-band count rate, in ct/s.

The statistical significance of the B-band detection.

The B-band instrumental magnitude.

The uncertainty in the B-band magnitude.

If extended, the length of the major axis in the B-band detection.

If extended, the length of the minor axis in the B-band detection.

If extended, the position angle of the major axis in the B-band detection.

The B-band quality flag. Flag values are defined in the q_flag parameter above.

The B-band confusion flag. Flag values are defined in the c_flag parameter above.

The B-band extension flag. Set to 1 if the object is extended is this band.

The B-band exposure time. The exposure time is set if any exposure was made in this wavelength, even if the object was not detected.

U-band count rate, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the U-band count rate, in ct/s.

The statistical significance of the U-band detection.

U-band instrumental magnitude.

The uncertainty in the U-band magnitude.

If extended, the length of the major axis in the U-band detection.

If extended, the length of the minor axis in the U-band detection.

If extended, the position angle of the major axis in the U-band detection.

The U-band quality flag. Flag values are defined in the q_flag parameter above.

The U-band confusion flag. Flag values are defined in the c_flag parameter above.

The U-band extension flag. Set to 1 if the object is extended is this band.

The U-band exposure time. The exposure time is set if any exposure was made in this wavelength, even if the object was not detected.

The UVW1-band count rate, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the UVW1-band count rate, in ct/s.

The statistical significance of the UVW1-band detection.

UVW1-band instrumental magnitude.

The uncertainty in the UVW1-band magnitude.

If extended, the length of the major axis in the UVW1-band detection.

If extended, the length of the minor axis in the UVW1-band detection.

If extended, the position angle of the major axis in the UVW1-band detection.

The UVW1-band quality flag. Flag values are defined in the q_flag parameter above.

The UVW1-band confusion flag. Flag values are defined in the c_flag parameter above.

The UVW1-band extension flag. Set to 1 if the object is extended is this band.

The UVW1-band exposure time. The exposure time is set if any exposure was made in this wavelength, even if the object was not detected.

The UVM2-band count rate, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the UVM2-band count rate, in ct/s.

The statistical significance of the UVM2-band detection.

UVM2-band instrumental magnitude.

The uncertainty in the UVM2-band magnitude.

If extended, the length of the major axis in the UVM2-band detection.

If extended, the length of the minor axis in the UVM2-band detection.

If extended, the position angle of the major axis in the UVM2-band detection.

The UVM2-band quality flag. Flag values are defined in the q_flag parameter above.

The UVM2-band confusion flag. Flag values are defined in the c_flag parameter above.

The UVM2-band extension flag. Set to 1 if the object is extended is this band.

The UVM2-band exposure time. The exposure time is set if any exposure was made in this wavelength, even if the object was not detected.

The UVW2-band count rate, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the UVW2-band count rate, in ct/s.

The statistical significance of the UVW2-band detection.

The UVW2-band instrumental magnitude.

The uncertainty in the UVW2-band magnitude.

If extended, the length of the major axis in the UVW2-band detection.

If extended, the length of the minor axis in the UVW2-band detection.

If extended, the position angle of the major axis in the UVW2-band detection.

The UVW2-band quality flag. Flag values are defined in the q_flag parameter above.

The UVW2-band confusion flag. Flag values are defined in the c_flag parameter above.

The UVW2-band extension flag. Set to 1 if the object is extended is this band.

The UVW2-band exposure time. The exposure time is set if any exposure was made in this wavelength, even if the object was not detected.

The white-band count rate, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the white-band count rate, in ct/s.

The statistical significance of the white-band detection.

The white-Band instrumental magnitude.

The uncertainty in the white-band magnitude.

If extended, the length of the major axis in the white-band detection.

If extended, the length of the minor axis in the white-band detection.

If extended, the position angle of the major axis in the white-band detection.

The white-band quality flag. Flag values are defined in the q_flag parameter above.

The white-band confusion flag. Flag values are defined in the c_flag parameter above.

The white-band extension flag. Set to 1 if the object is extended is this band.

The white-band exposure time. The exposure time is set if any exposure was made in this wavelength, even if the object was not detected.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the XMMOMCAT database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:37:17 EDT