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FAUST - Faust Far-UV Point Source Catalog



This catalog contains a list of the photometric measurements of point sources made by the Far Ultraviolet Space Telescope (FAUST) when it flew on the ATLAS-1 space shuttle mission. The list contains 4660 galactic and extragalactic objects detected in 22 wide-field images of the sky (note that the abstract of the published catalog states that it contains 4698 sources: the reason for this discrepancy is not known to the HEASARC). At the locations surveyed, this catalog reaches a limiting magnitude that is approximately a factor of 10 fainter than the previous UV all-sky survey, TD1. The catalog limit is approximately 1x10-14 ergs/s/cm2/Angstrom, although it is not complete to this level. Listed for each object is the position, Far-UV (FUV) flux, the error in this flux, and, where possible, an identification from catalogs of nearby stars and galaxies. These catalogs include the Michigan HD (MHD) and HD Catalogs, the SAO Catalog, the HIPPARCOS Input Catalog (HIC), the Position and Proper Motion (PPM) Catalog, the TD1 Catalog, the McCook and Sion Catalog of white dwarf stars, and the RC3 Catalog of Galaxies. 2239 FAUST sources are identified with objects in the stellar catalogs and 172 with galaxies in the RC3 catalog. The number of sources with incorrect identifications is estimated to be less than 2%.

Of the 4660 FUV sources in this catalog, 161 have multiple stellar and/or galaxy counterparts (155 sources have 2 possible counterparts, 4 sources have 3 possible counterparts, 1 source has 4 possible counterparts, and 1 source has 6 possible counterparts), with the 4499 remaining FUV sources having 0 or 1 stellar and/or galaxy counterparts. Hence, there are a grand total of 4831 = (4499 + 155x2 + 4x3 + 1x4 + 1x6) entries in this database, since each entry corresponds to a source/counterpart combination. The HEASARC added a parameter 'multiple_ID' to allow the user to identify sources with multiple possible counterparts. FAUST Sources with multiple counterparts thus have multiple entries in this database, and can be recognized by having multiple_id values greater than 1 (and differing information in the parameter fields that contain the properties of the stellar and/or galaxy counterparts).

Catalog Bibcode



Bowyer, S., Sasseen, T.P., Wu, X., and Lampton, M. 1995, ApJS, 96, 461.


This catalog was created at the HEASARC in September 1998 based on CDS/ADC Catalog J/ApJS/96/461.


The recommended designation for sources in the FAUST catalog, created by adding the prefix 'FAUST ' to the running sequence number given for each source in this catalog.

A flag that is set to 1 for objects with either no or one stellar or galaxy counterpart, and that is set to 2, 3, 4, or 6 for objects with multiple stellar or galaxy counterparts. FAUST Sources with multiple counterparts thus have multiple entries in this database, and can be recognized by having multiple_id values greater than 1 (and differing information in the parameters that describe the counterpart properties).

A running sequence number that uniquely identifies each FUV source, in order of increasing right ascension. Notice that some FUV sources with multiple (2 to 6) stellar and/or galaxy possible counterparts are listed multiple times (once for every counterpart). Thus, while there are 4660 unique FUV sources, there are a larger number (4831) of entries in this database that are uniquely specified by a sequence_number and multiple_id (q.v.) combination.

The right ascension of the source in the default equinox. In the original catalog this is given to the nearest second. Notice that the full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the FAUST resolution is 3.5 arcminutes, and that, from a comparison of measured source positions with the known positions of a sample of stars from the MHD Catalog, the authors estimate that 82% of the sources are within 2 arcminutes of their measured positions.

The declination of the source in the default equinox. In the original catalog this is given to the nearest 0.1 arcminutes. Notice that the full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the FAUST resolution is 3.5 arcminutes, and that, from a comparison of measured source positions with the known positions of a sample of stars from the MHD Catalog, the authors estimate that 82% of the sources are within 2 arcminutes of their measured positions.

The galactic longitude of the source.

The galactic latitude of the source.

The flux in units of photons/s/cm2/Angstrom in the FAUST bandpass, which is roughly triangular in shape from 1400 to 1800 Angstroms, and has a peak at 1650 Angstroms. This number was obtained from the observed source count rate in counts/s by multiplying it by the conversion factor of 5.3x10-3 photons/cm2/Angstrom/count obtained from the Bowyer et al. (1993, ApJ, 415, 875) calibration. Note that no adjustment for interstellar extinction was performed for these measurements.

Uncertainty in 1650A flux

The angular offset of the catalogued stellar object from the FUV source, in arcminutes. The MHD Catalog position is used, if there is an MHD counterpart, else this quantity is taken (in order of preference) from the HIC, PPM, SAO, or HD catalogs.

The V magnitude of the stellar counterpart. This quantity is taken from the MHD Catalog, if there is an MHD counterpart, else it is taken (in order of preference) from the HIC, PPM, SAO, or HD catalogs.

The spectral type of the stellar counterpart. This quantity is taken from the MHD Catalog, if there is an MHD counterpart, else it is taken (in order of preference) from the HIC, PPM, SAO, or HD catalogs.

The HD or Michigan HD (MHD) catalog number of the stellar counterpart.

The Hipparcos Input Catalog (HIC) number of the stellar counterpart.

The PPM catalog number of the stellar counterpart.

The SAO catalog number of the stellar counterpart.

The TD1 catalog number.

The angular offset of the catalogued galaxy, if present, from the FUV source, in arcminutes.

The name of the galaxy identified with the FAUST source.

Browse classification, derived from the spectral type parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the FAUST database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:27:18 EDT