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FERMIL2PSR - Fermi LAT Second Catalog of Gamma-Ray Pulsars (2PC) |
HEASARC Archive |
The second Fermi Large Area Telescope catalog of gamma-ray pulsars. Abdo A.A., Ajello M., Allafort A., Baldini L., Ballet J., Barbiellini G., Baring M.G., Bastieri D., Belfiore A., Bellazzini R., Bhattacharyya B., Bissaldi E., Bloom E.D., Bonamente E., Bottacini E., Brandt T.J., Bregeon J., Brigida M., Bruel P., Buehler R., Burgay M., Burnett T.H., Busetto G., Buson S., Caliandro G.A., Cameron R.A., Camilo F., Caraveo P.A., Casandjian J.M., Cecchi C., Celik O., Charles E., Chaty S., Chaves R.C.G., Chekhtman A., Chen A.W., Chiang J., Chiaro G., Ciprini S., Claus R., Cognard I., Cohen-Tanugi J., Cominsky L.R., Conrad J., Cutini S., D'Ammando F., de Angelis A., DeCesar M.E., De Luca A., den Hartog P.R., de Palma F., Dermer C.D., Desvignes G., Digel S.W., Di Venere L., Drell P.S., Drlica-Wagner A., Dubois R., Dumora D., Espinoza C.M., Falletti L., Favuzzi C., Ferrara E.C., Focke W.B., Franckowiak A., Freire P.C.C., Funk S., Fusco P., Gargano F., Gasparrini D., Germani S., Giglietto N., Giommi P., Giordano F., Giroletti M., Glanzman T., Godfrey G., Gotthelf E.V., Grenier I.A., Grondin M.-H., Grove J.E., Guillemot L., Guiriec S., Hadasch D., Hanabata Y., Harding A.K., Hayashida M., Hays E., Hessels J., Hewitt J., Hill A.B., Horan D., Hou X., Hughes R.E., Jackson M.S., Janssen G.H., Jogler T., Johannesson G., Johnson R.P., Johnson A.S., Johnson T.J., Johnson W.N., Johnston S., Kamae T., Kataoka J., Keith M., Kerr M., Knodlseder J., Kramer M., Kuss M., Lande J., Larsson S., Latronico L., Lemoine-Goumard M., Longo F., Loparco F., Lovellette M.N., Lubrano P., Lyne A.G., Manchester R.N., Marelli M., Massaro F., Mayer M., Mazziotta M.N., McEnery J.E., McLaughlin M.A., Mehault J., Michelson P.F., Mignani R.P., Mitthumsiri W., Mizuno T., Moiseev A.A., Monzani M.E., Morselli A., Moskalenko I.V., Murgia S., Nakamori T., Nemmen R., Nuss E., Ohno M., Ohsugi T., Orienti M., Orlando E., Ormes J.F., Paneque D., Panetta J.H., Parent D., Perkins J.S., Pesce-Rollins M., Pierbattista M., Piron F., Pivato G., Pletsch H.J., Porter T.A., Possenti A., Raino S., Rando R., Ransom S.M., Ray P.S., Razzano M., Rea N., Reimer A., Reimer O., Renault N., Reposeur T., Ritz S., Romani R.W., Roth M., Rousseau R., Roy J., Ruan J., Sartori A., Saz Parkinson P.M., Scargle J.D., Schulz A., Sgro C., Shannon R., Siskind E.J., Smith D.A., Spandre G., Spinelli P., Stappers B.W., Strong A.W., Suson D.J., Takahashi H., Thayer J.G., Thayer J.B., Theureau G., Thompson D.J., Thorsett S.E., Tibaldo L., Tibolla O., Tinivella M., Torres D.F., Tosti G., Troja E., Uchiyama Y., Usher T.L., Vandenbroucke J., Vasileiou V., Venter C., Vianello G., Vitale V., Wang N., Weltevrede P., Winer B.L., Wolff M.T., Wood D.L., Wood K.S., Wood M., Yang Z. <Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 208, 17 (2013)> =2013ApJS..208...17AA full description of the LAT Second Catalog of Gamma-Ray Pulsars is given in the Second Fermi Large Area Telescope Catalog of Gamma-Ray Pulsars (Abdo et al., 2013). The catalog and associated data products are available from the Fermi Science Support Center.
The designation of the pulsar, PSR JHHMM+DDMMA.
The Right Ascension of the gamma-ray source in the selected equinox. This was
given in J2000 decimal degrees to a precision of 0.0001 degrees (0.36
arcseconds) in the original table.
The Declination of the gamma-ray source in the selected equinox. This was
given in J2000 decimal degree coordinates in the original table.
The Galactic Longitude of the gamma-ray source, as derived from the J2000
position in the original table.
The Galactic Latitude of the gamma-ray source, as derived from the J2000
position in the original table.
The pulsar rotation period, in milliseconds.
The pulsar rotation period first time derivative, in seconds per second.
The pulsar spin-down luminosity, uncorrected for the Shklovskii Effect due to
the proper motion of the pulsar, Shklovskii 1970) or galactic acceleration,
in erg/s.
The best-fit photon flux integrated from 100MeV to 100GeV, in
the statistical error for the best-fit photon flux integrated from 100 MeV to
100 GeV, in photons/s/cm2.
The best-fit energy flux from 100MeV to 100GeV, in erg/s/cm2.
The statistical error for the best-fit energy flux from 100MeV to 100GeV, in
The test statistic for PLSuperExpCutoff model, with the parameter
representing the sharpness of the cutoff (b) fixed to 1. This is abbreviated
as the PLEC1 model by the table authors, and defined in equation B1 of Abdo
et al. (2013).
The significance of the spectral cutoff, obtained from the improvement in
log(likelihood) from the PLSuperExpCutoff spectral model fit over a PowerLaw
spectral fit.
The improvement in the test statistic when the exponential index is left free
in the PLSuperExpCutoff spectral fit. A value of 0 indicates no improvement
in the fit using the PLSuperExpCutoff model.
The best-fit photon index (alpha) for the PLSuperExpCutoff (PLEC) spectral
The statistical error for the best-fit photon index (alpha).
The best-fit cutoff energy for the PLSuperExpCutoff spectral model, in MeV.
The statistical error in the best-fit cutoff energy, in MeV.
The distance to the pulsar, in parsecs. Null values indicate that only an
upper limit has been determined.
The negative uncertainty for the pulsar distance, in parsecs.
The positive uncertainty for the pulsar distance, in parsecs
The upper limit on pulsar distance, in parsecs.
A code to describe the method used to determine the distance. Methods are: K
for the kinematic model, DM for the dispersion measure using the NE2001 model
of Cordes & Lazio (2002), O for optical measurements, and X for X-ray
measurements. DMM means that the distance to the Galaxy's edge, as determined
by the maximum DM value provided by the NE2001 model for that line of sight,
is taken as an upper limit.
The reference bibcode for the distance.
The proper motion of the pulsar, in milli-arcseconds per year.
The uncertainty in proper motion of the pulsar, in milli-arcseconds per year.
The reference bibcode for the proper motion.
The intrinsic period derivative (after correction for Shklovskii Effect and
galactic acceleration, in seconds per second.
The negative uncertainty for the intrinsic period derivative, in seconds per
The positive uncertainty for the intrinsic period derivative, in seconds per
The intrinsic spin-down power (after correction for Shklovskii Effect and
galactic acceleration) in erg/s.
The negative uncertainty for the intrinsic spin-down power, in erg/s.
The positive uncertainty for the intrinsic spin-down power, in erg/s.
The pulsar gamma-ray luminosity in the 0.1 - 100 GeV band, in erg/s.
The statistical error for the pulsar gamma-ray luminosity in the 0.1 - 100
GeV band, in erg/s.
The negative systematic uncertainty for the pulsar gamma-ray luminosity in
the 0.1 - 100 GeV band, in erg/s.
The positive systematic uncertainty for the pulsar gamma-ray luminosity in
the 0.1 - 100 GeV band, in erg/s.
The upper limit on the pulsar gamma-ray luminosity in the 0.1 - 100 GeV band,
in erg/s.
The pulsar efficiency, defined as the ratio of the gamma-ray luminosity to
the spin-down luminosity.
The statistical error for the pulsar efficiency.
The negative systematic uncertainty for the pulsar efficiency. Systematic
uncertainties are derived from the distance uncertainty. Values are null when
only an upper limit exists.
The positive systematic uncertainty for the pulsar efficiency. Systematic
uncertainties are derived from the distance uncertainty. Values are null when
only an upper limit exists.
The upper limit for the pulsar efficiency. Entries are null when a value has
been determined. Null values in any efficiency parameter indicate unreliable
spectral fits.
The 1400-MHz radio flux density, in milliJansky.
The upper limit for the 1400-MHz radio flux density, in milliJansky.
The reference bibcode for the 1400-MHz radio flux density.
The number of peaks in the rotationally-phase-folded gamma-ray lightcurve, in
the 0.1 - 100 GeV band.
A code describing the method used to choose the radio fiducial phase. The
codes are: p for the peak radio intensity, h for an opposite hemisphere shift
(0.5 phase shift from the peak intensity), s for the point of symmetry in the
radio profile, and o for some other method (used only for PSR J0534+2200).
The phase separation between the first gamma-ray peak and the radio peak.
The uncertainty in phase separation between the gamma-ray and radio peaks.
The phase separation between the first and last gamma-ray peaks. This value
is null for pulsars with only a single gamma-ray peak.
The uncertainty in phase separation between the first and last gamma-ray
peaks. This value is null for pulsars with only a single gamma-ray peak.
The half-width half-maximum of the leading (left) first peak edge, as fitted.
The uncertainty in half-width half-maximum of the leading (left) first peak
The half-width half-maximum of the trailing (right) first peak edge.
The uncertainty of the half-width half-maximum of the trailing (right) first
The half-width half-maximum of the leading (left) second peak edge, as fitted.
The uncertainty of the half-width half-maximum of the leading (left) second
peak edge.
The half-width half-maximum of the trailing (right) second peak edge, as
The uncertainty of the half-width half-maximum of the trailing (right) second
peak edge.
The hydrogen column density to the source, in hydrogen atoms/cm2. The
values are null when only an upper limit for the hydrogen column density
The negative systematic uncertainty in hydrogen column density, in hydrogen
The positive systematic uncertainty in hydrogen column density, in hydrogen
The upper limit on hydrogen column density, in hydrogen atoms cm-2. Entries
are null when a value has been reported.
The non-thermal unabsorbed x-ray energy flux in the 0.3-10 keV energy band,
in erg/s/cm2.
The negative uncertainty of the X-ray flux (90% confidence level), in the
0.3-10 keV band, in in erg/s/cm2.
The positive uncertainty of the X-ray flux (90% confidence level), in the
0.3-10 keV band, in in erg/s/cm2.
The upper limit on X-ray flux in the 0.3-10 keV band, in erg/s/cm2. Entries
are null when a value has been reported.
The estimated non-thermal x-ray background flux from the brightest part of
the associated plerion in the 0.3-10 keV energy band, in erg/s/cm2.
The negative uncertainty (90% cl) in x-ray background flux, in the 0.3-10 keV
energy band, in erg/s/cm2.
The positive uncertainty (90% cl) in x-ray background flux, in the 0.3-10 keV
energy band, in erg/s/cm2.
A flag which gives an assessment of the quality of X-ray detections: '0'
indicates no confirmed counterpart, '1' indicates that a counterpart has been
identified but with too few counts for further characterization, and '2'
indicates that a counterpart has been identified with sufficient counts for
spectral characterization.
A code to indicate the object to which the measured optical flux pertains. The
codes are B for binary system; U for upper limit; P = neutron star detected;
P* = pulsed optical detection; P+ = pulsar candidate (possible unpulsed
pulsar detection); C = companion detected ; N = nebula (PWN) detected.
The filter used for the optical observation: B, I, J, K, R, U, V, or g.
The magnitude of the optical counterpart for the pulsar or pulsar system,
where a counterpart is detected. This is null if no observation is available.
The lower limit of magnitude of the optical counterpart.
The value of the optical extinction, in magnitudes, derived from the hydrogen
column density using the relation of Fitzpatrick (1999). Entries are null
when only an upper limit is known.
The negative uncertainty in optical extinction, in magnitudes.
The positive uncertainty in optical extinction, in magnitudes.
The optical extinction upper limit in magnitudes, when no value has been
reported. Entries are null when a value has been reported.
The corrected (unabsorbed) optical energy flux in the V-band, in erg/s/cm2.
The optical flux has been corrected for interstellar reddening, and scaled to
the V-band (peak wavelength 5500 Angstrom, bandwidth = 890 Angstrom) where
necessary. Entries are null when only an upper limit has been reported.
The negative uncertainty in the corrected (unabsorbed) optical energy flux in
the V-band, in erg/s/cm2.
The positive uncertainty in the corrected (unabsorbed) optical energy flux in
the V-band, in erg/s/cm2.
The upper limit on the corrected (unabsorbed) optical energy flux in the
V-band when no measurement has been reported, in erg/s/cm2.
Entries are null when a value has been reported.
A code which indicates the type of pulsar: YRL indicates that the pulsar is a
young radio loud (YRL) pulsar; YRQ indicates that the pulsar is a young radio
quiet (S1400 > 30 µJy) pulsar; MSP indicates that the pulsar is a
millisecond pulsar.
A flag [Y/N] which indicates that the pulsar is in a binary system. A value
of Y indicates that the pulsar is in a binary system.
A code which indicates in which band the pulsar was discovered: Radio
Indicates that the pulsar was discovered in the radio band, X-ray indicates
that the pulsar was discovered in the X-ray band, and Gamma indicates that
the pulsar was discovered in gamma rays.
A flag [Y/N] that indicates that the spectral fit used only on-peak events. A
value of Y indicates that the spectral fit used only on-peak events.
This give the best-fit prefactor p in the PLEC1 fit, in photons/cm2/s/MeV.
PLEC1 is shorthand for the PLSuperExpCutoff model, with the parameter
representing the sharpness of the cutoff (b) fixed to 1.
The uncertainty in best-fit prefactor p in the PLEC1 fit, in
The scaling energy for the spectral fit using a PLEC1 model (where the
exponential index is fixed at a value of 1), in MeV.
The best-fit cutoff energy for the PLEC1 fit, in MeV.
Uncertainty in the best-fit cutoff energy for the PLEC1 fit, in MeV.
The best-fit prefactor and associated error for the spectral fit using a
PLSuperExpCutoff model (where the exponential index is left free), in
Uncertainty in the best-fit prefactor and associated error for the spectral
fit using a PLSuperExpCutoff model (PLEC, where the exponential index is left
free), in photons/cm2/s/MeV.
The best-fit photon index for the PLEC model.
The uncertainty in the best-fit photon index for the PLEC model.
The scaling energy for the spectral fit for the PLEC model, in MeV.
The best-fit value for the spectral fit using the PLEC model.
Uncertainty in the best-fit value for the spectral fit using the PLEC model.
The photon flux integrated from 100 MeV to 100 GeV for the PLEC model, in
Uncertainty in the photon flux integrated from 100 MeV to 100 GeV for the
PLEC model, in photons/s/cm2.
The energy flux integrated from 100 MeV to 100 GeV for the spectral fit using
the PLEC model, in erg/s/cm2.
Uncertainty in the energy flux integrated from 100 MeV to 100 GeV for the
spectral fit using the PLEC model, in erg/s/cm2.
Best-fit prefactor P using the PowerLaw model, in photons/cm2/s/MeV.
Uncertainty in the best-fit prefactor P using the PowerLaw model, in
The best-fit photon index for the spectral fit using a PowerLaw model.
Uncertainty in the best-fit photon index for the spectral fit using a
PowerLaw model.
The scaling energy for the spectral fit using a PowerLaw model, in MeV.
The photon flux integrated from 100 MeV to 100 GeV for the spectral fit using
a PowerLaw model, in photons/cm2/s/MeV.
Uncertainty in the photon flux integrated from 100 MeV to 100 GeV for the
spectral fit using a PowerLaw model, in photons/cm2/s/MeV.
The energy flux integrated from 100 MeV to 100 GeV and associated error for
the spectral fit using a PowerLaw model, in erg/s/cm2.
The uncertainty the energy flux integrated from 100 MeV to 100 GeV and
associated error for the spectral fit using a PowerLaw model, in erg/s/cm2.
A flag that indicates off-peak emission class. Possible values: M for
magnetospheric (pulsar-like), W for possible PWN emission, and U for
Unidentified, and L is assigned to a source with no significant off-peak
The minimum phase that defines the off-peak interval.
The maximum phase that defines the off-peak interval.
For pulsars with two off-peak phase ranges, the minimum phase for the second
off-peak interval.
or pulsars with two off-peak phase ranges, the maximum phase for the second
off-peak interval.
The test statistic obtained at the best-fit position of the assumed
point-like source. TS is computed at the best-fit position assuming a
power-law spectral model (except for PSR J0534+2200).
The significance of any possible extension for the source.
The significance of any spectral cutoff for a source detected in the off-peak
region, computed at the pulsar's position.
The significance of variability in the off-pulse emission.
For regions with a significant detection, this is the best spectral model
selected by the analysis procedure described in Section 7.2 of Abdo et al.
2013. The possible spectral models are PowerLaw, PLSuperExpCutoff, and
FileFunction and are consistent with naming convention in the FERMI science
analysis tool "gtlike".
The best-fit photon flux integrated from 100 MeV to 316 GeV, in
The statistical error in the best-fit photon flux integrated from 100 MeV to
316 GeV, in photons/cm2/s/MeV.
The best-fit energy flux integrated from 100 MeV to 316 GeV, in erg/s/cm2.
The statistical error in the best-fit energy flux integrated from 100 MeV to
316 GeV, in erg/s/cm2.
The best-fit prefactor for the PowerLaw and PLSuperExpCutoff spectral models,
in photons/cm2/s/MeV. The prefactor is defined in Eq. 3 and Eq. 4 of Abdo
et al. (2013) for the two spectral models.
The statistical error in the best-fit prefactor for the PowerLaw and
PLSuperExpCutoff spectral models, in photons/cm2/s/MeV.
The prefactor is defined in Eq. 3 and Eq. 4 of Abdo et al. (2013) for the two
spectral models.
The best-fit normalization for FileFunction spectral models. The
normalization is defined in Eq. 5 of Abdo et al. (2013).
The statistical error in the best-fit normalization for FileFunction spectral
models. The normalization is defined in Eq. 5 of Abdo et al. (2013).
The scaling energy for the PowerLaw and PLSuperExpCutoff spectral models, in
MeV. The scale is defined in Eq. 3 and Eq. 4 of Abdo et al. (2013).
The best-fit photon index for the PowerLaw and PLSuperExpCutoff spectral
models. The photon index is defined in Eq. 3 and Eq. 4 of Abdo et al. (2013)
for the two spectral models.
The statistical error in the best-fit photon index for the PowerLaw and
PLSuperExpCutoff spectral models. The photon index is defined in Eq. 3 and
Eq. 4 of Abdo et al. (2013) for the two spectral models.
The best-fit cutoff energy for the PLSuperExpCutoff spectral model, in MeV,
as defined in Eq. 4 of Abdo et al. (2013).
The statistical uncertainty in the best-fit cutoff energy for the
PLSuperExpCutoff spectral model, in MeV, as defined in Eq. 4 of Abdo et al.
For off-peak regions with a significant detection, the spatial model selected
by the analysis procedure described in Section 7.2 of Abdo et al. (2013). The
choices are "At Pulsar", "Point", and "Extended".
The Right Ascension, in degrees, of the off-peak source. For upper limits and
sources with a best-fit spatial model at the pulsar position, this is the
pulsar's position. For sources where the localized position is the selected
spatial model, this is the best-fit position. For spatially-extended sources,
this is the center of the best-fit extended source spatial model.
The Declination, in degrees, of the off-peak source. For upper limits and
sources with a best-fit spatial model at the pulsar position, this is the
pulsar's position. For sources where the localized position is the selected
spatial model, this is the best-fit position. For spatially-extended sources,
this is the center of the best-fit extended source spatial model.
For sources with a "Point" spatial model, the statistical error on the source
localization. For sources with an "Extended" spatial model, the statistical
error on the center of the extended source. Values are given in degrees.
For sources with an "Extended" spatial model, the best fit extension, in
For sources with an "Extended" spatial model, the statistical uncertainty in
the best fit extension, in degrees.
For regions with no significant detection, this is the 95% confidence-level
photon flux upper limit computed assuming a PowerLaw spectral model with
Index = 2 and integrated from 100 MeV to 316 GeV, in photons/s/cm2.
For regions with no significant detection, this is the 95% confidence-level energy flux upper limit computed assuming a PowerLaw spectral model with Index = 2 and integrated from 100 MeV to 316 GeV, in erg/s/cm2.
For regions with no significant detection, this is the 95% confidence-level
photon flux upper limit computed assuming a PLEC1 spectral model integrated
from 100 MeV to 316 GeV, in photons/s/cm2.
For regions with no significant detection, this is the 95% confidence-level
energy flux upper limit computed assuming a PLEC1 spectral model integrated
from 100 MeV to 316 GeV, in erg/s/cm2.