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ASIAGOSN - Asiago Supernova Catalog (Dynamic Version)



This table contains the dynamic version of the Asiago Supernova Catalog. It supersedes the original 1999 version by Barbon et al. (1999A&AS..139..531B, Cat. II/227), and contains data about the supernovae observed since 1885 and their parent galaxies through a few days prior to the most recent update. In addition to the list of newly discovered SNe, the literature has been searched for new information on past SNe as well. The data for the parent galaxies have also been homogenized.

Catalog Bibcode



The ASIAGOSN database table was last updated on 2 October 2017.


The Asiago Supernova Catalogue (Dynamic Version)
     Barbon R., Buondi V., Cappellaro E., Turatto M.
    <Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 139, 531 (1999)>


This table was created by the HEASARC based on the CDS Catalog B/sn. The CDS updates it regularly, and this HEASARC version is accordingly updated within a week of such updates.


This flag is set to 'Y' if there have been multiple SN discoveries within the same galaxy.

The supernova designation in the standard form as recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, consisting of the 'SN' prefix followed by the year it was discovered, and either the upper-case letters 'A' through 'Z' (for the first 26 SNe discovered in a given year) or the lower-case letters 'aa', 'ab', etc. (for the 27th, 28th, etc., SNe discovered in a given year).

This flag is set to '?' if the SN has not been confirmed.

The parent galaxy identification. In case a galaxy has different identifications, the following naming priority was adopted: NGC, IC, MCG (M), UGC, ESO (E), PGC, Leda, and then others. Anonymous galaxies are listed with the letter A prefix followed by the co-ordinates.

The Right Ascension of the parent galaxy fixed in the J2000.0 equinox in which it was given in the original catalog, and specified to the nearest second of time.

The Declination of the parent galaxy fixed in the J2000.0 equinox in which it was given in the original catalog, and specified to the nearest arcsecond.

The Right Ascension of the supernova in the specified equinox. Notice that the input table from which this parameter was obtained contained this parameter in J2000.0 equinox specified to the nearest 0.01, 0.1 or 1.0 seconds of time. For many, particularly the older, SNe, this parameter was not given in the original catalog as obtained from the CDS. In such cases, the HEASARC has set the value of the parameter ra (in J2000) equal to that of the parameter galaxy_ra_j2000 (no attempt has been made to add the ra_offset value to the galaxy_ra_j2000 value, notice): in order for such cases to be readily identifiable by users, the HEASARC has added a new parameter called position_flag which is set to the value 'G' for all such cases.

The Declination of the supernova in the specified equinox. Notice that the input table from which this parameter was obtained contained this parameter in J2000.0 equinox specified to the nearest 0.1 or 1.0 arcseconds. For many, particularly the older, SNe, this parameter was not given in the original catalog as obtained from the CDS. In such cases, the HEASARC has set the value of the parameter dec (in J2000) equal to that of the parameter galaxy_dec_j2000 (no attempt has been made to add the dec_offset value to the galaxy_dec_j2000 value, notice): in order for such cases to be readily identifiable by users, the HEASARC has added a new parameter called position_flag which is set to the value 'G' for all such cases.

The Galactic Longitude of the supernova.

The Galactic Latitude of the supernova.

This flag indicates whether or not positional information for a supernova was provided in the original catalog as obtained from the CDS. For many, particularly the older, SNe, this parameter was not given there, so, in such cases, the HEASARC has set the J2000 values of the parameters ra and dec equal to those of the parameters galaxy_ra_j2000 and galaxy_dec_j2000, respectively. In order for such cases to be readily identified, the HEASARC has created this new parameter which is set to the value 'G' for all cases where positional information for a supernova was NOT explicitly provided in the original catalog.

The parent galaxy morphological type.

The parent galaxy morphological type code using the RC3 coding system.

Only given for disk-like systems, this is the inclination of the polar axis of the parent galaxy with respect to the line of sight, in degrees. This parameter is set to 0 for face-on systems

The position angle of the major axis of the parent galaxy, measured counterclockwise (towards East) from North, in degrees.

The heliocentric radial velocity of the parent galaxy, measured in km/s, typically given for nearby galaxies with redshifts less than 0.1.

The redshift of the parent galaxy, typically given for distant galaxies with redshifts greater than or equal to 0.1.

A flag which is set to ':' if the redshift or heliocentric radial velocity is uncertain.

A flag that, if non-blank, indicates that the magnitude given by the parameter galaxy_app_mag is NOT the integrated B magnitude of the parent galaxy, but is the photographic magnitude (if set to 'p'), the R-band magnitude (if set to 'R'), or the V-band magnitude (if set to 'V').

The integrated B magnitude of the parent galaxy, mostly from the RC3 or the LEDA database, except if the parameter galaxy_app_mag_flag (q.v.) is set, in which case it is the magnitude in a different bandpass as specified in this latter parameter.

The decimal logarithm of the apparent isophotal diameter of the supernova's parent galaxy, in units of 0.1 arcminutes.

The offset of the supernova in the RA (E or W according to the value of the parameter ra_offset_dir) direction from the nucleus of the parent galaxy, in arcseconds.

The direction of the offset of the supernova in the RA direction relative to the nucleus of the parent galaxy.

The offset of the supernova in Declination (N or S according to the value of the parameter dec_offset_dir) from the nucleus of the parent galaxy, in arcseconds.

A flag which is set to ':' if the corresponding value of dec_offset is uncertain.

The direction of the offset of the supernova in the Declination direction relative to the nucleus of the parent galaxy.

The photometric band in which the value of the SN maximum or discovery magnitude (max_mag) is given: (Johnson bands) U, B, V, R, I, J, K, (SDSS bands) g, r, i, z, or, to indicate SN discovered in the radio, '#'. If blank, the observation was not made in a standard photometric system, e.g., those reported in the original discovery announcement as photographic, blue plate, red plate, CCD without filter, and so on.

The supernova magnitude at maximum (or discovery) in the photometric band given in the parameter max_mag_band, if available; if the value of the parameter max_mag_flag is blank, the quoted value is the maximum magnitude, whereas if the value is 'D', it is the discovery magnitude.

This flag is set to ':' if the value of the parameter max_mag is considered to be uncertain, or to 'D' if it is the discovery magnitude.

The supernova classification, mostly inferred from spectroscopy, using the standard supernova classification scheme. The 'IIn?' class indicates the so-called 'supernova impostors', i.e., super-outbursts from very massive luminous blue variables like eta Carinae.

The date of the maximum or discovery (if max_epoch_flag = 'D') of the supernova.

This flag is set to ':' if the value of the parameter max_epoch is considered to be uncertain, or to 'D' if it is the discovery rather than the maximum epoch.

The name of the SN discoverer(s). For organized search teams, the standard acronyms are given, e.g., EROS, MACHO, etc.

The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the value of the sn_type parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the ASIAGOSN database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:24:29 EDT