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VERONCAT - Veron Catalog of Quasars & AGN, 13th Edition |
HEASARC Archive |
The present edition of this catalog contains 133336 quasars, 1374 BL Lac objects and 34231 active galaxies (including 15627 Seyfert 1 galaxies), for a grand total of 168941 objects, significantly more than the number of objects listed in the 12th edition (108080).
The 13th edition includes positions and redshifts, as well as photometry (U, B, and V) and 6-cm and 20-cm flux densities, when available. 178 objects once proposed but now rejected as quasars are NOT included in the online version of this catalog: their names and positions are listed in the file This HEASARC table also does NOT contain the additional information on gravitationally lensed quasars and quasar pairs listed in Tables 3 and 4 of the published paper: these tables are available in electronic form at the CDS files table2.dat and table3.dat (sic).
The present edition of this catalog contains quasars with measured redshift known prior to July 1st, 2009.
Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (13th Ed.) Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P. <Astron. Astrophys. 518, A10 (2010)> =2010A&A...518A..10V
Previous editions of this catalog are listed below:
1st Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 1984, ESO Scientific Report 1. 2nd Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 1985, ESO Scientific Report 4. 3rd Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 1987, ESO Scientific Report 5. 4th Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 1989, ESO Scientific Report 7. 5th Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 1991, ESO Scientific Report 10. 6th Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 1993, ESO Scientific Report 13. 7th Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 1996, ESO Scientific Report 17. 8th Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 1998, ESO Scientific Report 18. 9th Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 2000, ESO Scientific Report 19. 10th Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 2001, Astron. Astrophys. 374, 92 11th Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 2003, Astron. Astrophys. 412, 399 12th Edition, Veron-Cetty M.P., Veron P., 2006, Astron. Astrophys. 455, 776A complete list of the references that are given as numerical codes in this database can be obtained via anonymous FTP or the Web at
The most common name of the object.
The Right Ascension of the object (given to a precision of 0.1 seconds
of time in the original table).
The Declination of the object (given to a precision of 1 arcsecond
in the original table).
The Galactic Longitude of the object.
The Galactic Latitude of the object.
This flag is related to the accuracy and source for the
quoted position:
O = optical position with an accuracy better than 1 arcsecond R = radio position with an accuracy better than 1 arcsecond A = approximate position
This flag is 'Y' if the object has been detected in the radio
and 'N' if it has not been detected in the radio.
The flux density at 6 cm (5 GHz) in milliJanskies (mJy). Note
that the CDS version of this table has a unit of Janskies (Jy) for this
Numerical code of the reference for the 6-cm flux density.
A complete list of the references that are given as numerical codes
in this database can be obtained via anonymous FTP or the Web at
The flux density at 20 cm (1.4 GHz) in milliJanskies (mJy). Note
that the CDS version of this table has a unit of Janskies (Jy) for this
Numerical code of the reference for the 20-cm flux density.
A complete list of the references that are given as numerical codes
in this database can be obtained via anonymous FTP or the Web at
This flag is set to 'E' if the redshift was estimated by
slitless spectroscopy, and is set to '>' if the quoted redshift is a
lower limit.
The redshift of the object.
A code created by the catalog authors describing the
classification of the object:
S1: Seyfert 1 spectrum S1h: broad polarized Balmer lines detected S1i: broad Paschen lines observed in the infrared S1n: narrow-line Seyfert 1 S1.0, S1.2, S1.5, S1.8, S1.9: intermediate Seyfert galaxies S2: Seyfert 2 spectrum S2?: probable Seyfert 2 S3: Seyfert 3 or liner S3b: Seyfert 3 or liner with broad Balmer lines S3h: Seyfert 3 or liner with broad polarized Balmer lines detected S : unclassified Seyfert S?: possibly a Seyfert H2: nuclear HII region HP: high optical polarization (>3%) BL: confirmed BL Lac object BL?: probable BL Lac object ?: questionable BL Lac object Q2: type-2 quasarDefault object_type values are set to the following for objects in tables qso.dat, bllac.dat and agn.dat, if none were explicitly given in the original tables:
Table qso.dat = Q : quasar Table bllac.dat = B?: presumed BL Lac object Table agn.dat = AG: unspecified type of active galaxy
This flag is 'V' for a visual magnitude; 'P' for a photographic magnitude;
'B' for a blue magnitude; 'R' for a red magnitude, 'I', 'J', or 'K' for
infrared-band magnitudes; or 'O' for a magnitude from a photographic O- or J-
The apparent magnitude of the object, where the type of magnitude
is specified by the value of the app_mag_flag parameter.
The (B-V) color of the object, when known.
The (U-B) color of the object, when known.
The absolute magnitude of the object (a Hubble constant of
71 km/s/Mpc and a deceleration parameter of 0 have been assumed).
Numerical code of the reference for the finding chart.
A complete list of the references that are given as numerical codes
in this database can be obtained via anonymous FTP or the Web at
Numerical code of the reference for the photometry.
A complete list of the references that are given as numerical codes
in this database can be obtained via anonymous FTP or the Web at
Numerical code of the reference for the redshift.
A complete list of the references that are given as numerical codes
in this database can be obtained via anonymous ftp or the Web at
The broad Veron object classification, a parameter
created by the HEASARC which is based on the table in which it was
listed in the original reference: objects in the qso.dat table
have been assigned a value of 'QSO', those in bllac.dat, 'BLLAC',
and those in agn.dat, 'AGN'.
The HEASARC Browse classification type. The classification
value is based on the value of the object_type parameter.