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PMPULSAR - Parkes Multibeam Survey New Pulsar Catalog



The Parkes Multibeam (PM) Pulsar Survey uses the 20 cm multibeam receiver system and multibeam filter banks, digitizer and data-acquisition system to survey a region within |b| < 5 degrees in the inner Galactic plane for pulsars, many of which will be young and/or short-period. This survey is a factor of 7 times more sensitive to young and distant pulsars than that of Johnston et al. (1992, MNRAS, 255, 401) which detected 100 pulsars. The present source list contains pulsars that have been newly discovered in the course of this survey.

The PM Survey is specifically targeted for (i) obscured regions of the Galactic plane, (ii) young pulsars,and (iii) binary pulsars with massive companions. As of August 1999, analysis of about 50% of the total expected data to be collected has resulted in the confirmed detection of over 400 new pulsars (an increase of more than 50% of the known population).

Here are some of the features of the PM Survey:

Survey Area: -260 < l < 50 deg , -5 < b < 5 deg
Center Frequency: 1374 MHz
Bandwidth: 288 MHz (96 channels x 3 MHz per channel x 2 polarizations)
Sampling Rate: 0.25 ms x 1 bit per channel
Integration Time: 35 min per pointing (13 beams per pointing)
Data Storage: DLT tape (about 35 GB per tape)
Sensitivity: about 7 times better than previous 400 MHz surveys

Catalog Bibcodes



This catalog was obtained from the PM Survey website at The results of the PM Survey have been published in an ongoing series of papers:
J/MNRAS/328/17: The Parkes Multi-Beam Pulsar Survey. I. Observing and Data
Analysis Systems, Discovery and Timing of 100 Pulsars,
     Manchester R.N., Lyne A.G., Camilo F., Bell J.F., Kaspi V.M., D'Amico
     N., McKay N.P.F., Crawford F., Stairs I.H., Possenti A., Kramer M.,
     Sheppard D.C.
     <Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 328, 17 (2001)>

J/MNRAS/335/275: The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey. II. Discovery and
Timing of 120 Pulsars,
     Morris D.J., Hobbs G., Lyne A.G., Stairs I.H., Camilo F., Manchester
     R.N., Possenti A., Bell J.F., Kaspi V.M., D'Amico N., McKay N.P.F.,
     Crawford F., Kramer M.
     <Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 335, 275 (2002)>

J/MNRAS/342/1299: The Parkes Multi-Beam Pulsar Survey. III. Young Pulsars
and the Discovery and Timing of 200 Pulsars,
     Kramer M., Bell J.F., Manchester R.N., Lyne A.G., Camilo F., Stairs
     I.H., D'Amico N., Kaspi V.M., Hobbs G., Morris D.J., Crawford F.,
     Possenti A., Joshi B.C., McLaughlin M.A., Lorimer D.R., Faulkner A.J.
     <Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 342, 1299 (2003)>


This database table was initially created by the HEASARC in December 2001 and revised in March 2002. The contents of the table are based on the file on the authors' website. The HEASARC table will be updated on a weekly basis whenever the original table is updated.


The HEASARC has added three derived parameters to this table which were not present in the original catalog as obtained from the ATNF: log_b_surf, log_age and log_e_dot. See the parameter descriptions for the formulae used to calculate these parameters.

Binary Pulsars

A small number of the new pulsars discovered in the PM Survey have been discovered to be in binary systems. A table with information on the binary parameters can be found in the file


Name of the pulsar using the standard designation for pulsars, based on its J2000 coordinates.

The Right Ascension of the pulsar. This is given to various precisions in the originating table, ranging from 0.0001 to 1 seconds of time.

The Declination of the pulsar. This is given to various precisions in the originating table, ranging from 0.001 arcseconds to 1 arcminute.

The Galactic Longitude of the pulsar.

The Galactic Latitude of the pulsar.

The positional uncertainty of the pulsar, in seconds of time.

The positional uncertainty of the pulsar, in arcseconds.

The pulsar barycentric period, in seconds. This is given to various precisions in the originating table, notice.

The uncertainty in the pulsar barycentric period, in seconds.

The first time derivative of the pulsar barycentric period, in units of 10-15 seconds per second (10-15 s/s).

The uncertainty in the first time derivative of the pulsar barycentric period, in units of 10-15 seconds per second (10-15 s/s).

The reference epoch for the timing parameters such as barycentric period, given in MJD in the originating table.

The pulsar Dispersion Measure (DM), in units of pc/cm3.

The uncertainty in DM, in units of pc/cm3.

The time-averaged flux density of the pulsar at 1400 MHz, in milliJanskies (mJy).

The uncertainty in the 1400 MHz flux density, in mJy.

The derived distance of the pulsar, in kpc.

This flag is set to 'Y' for those pulsars that are in binary systems. A table with information on the binary parameters can be found in the file

The log10 of the characteristic age T in years (set to null if the period derivative Period_dot is not positive), calculated using the standard relation T = (0.5*Period/Period_dot).

The log10 of the surface magnetic field strength B_surf in Gauss (set to null if the period derivative Period_dot is not positive), calculated using the standard relation B_surf = 3.2 x 1019 x (Period x Period_dot)0.5.

The log10 of the total energy loss rate E_dot in erg/s (set to null if the period derivative Period_dot is not positive), calculated using the standard relation E_dot = 4 x pi2 * I * (Period_dot/Period3), and an assumed value for the moment of inertia I of 1045 gm cm2.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the PMPULSAR database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:33:07 EDT