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AAVSOVSX - AAVSO International Variable Star Index



This database table contains Galactic stars known or suspected to be variable. It lists all stars that have an entry in the American Association of Variable Star Observers' (AAVSO) International Variable Star Index (VSX;

It consisted initially of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS) and the New Catalogue of Suspected Variables (NSV) and was then supplemented with a large number of variable star catalogues, as well as individual variable star discoveries or variables found in the literature. Effort has also been invested to update the entries with the latest information regarding position, type and period and to remove duplicates. The VSX database is being continually updated and maintained.

For historical reasons some objects outside of the Galaxy have been included.

Catalog Bibcodes



The AAVSOVSX database table was last updated on 11 March 2025.


The AAVSO International Variable Star Index
    Watson C., Henden A.A., Price A.
   <AAVSO (2009)>


This table was created by the HEASARC based on the CDS catalog B/vsx. The CDS updates it regularly, and this HEASARC version is accordingly updated within a week of such updates.


An internal source identifier for each source in the catalog which can be used to link out to the AAVSO database.

The variable star name.

This flag parameter indicates the degree of confidence in the variability of the star:

   0 = Variable,
   1 = Suspected variable,
   2 = Constant or non-existent,
   3 = Possible duplicate

The Right Ascension of the star in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 10-5 degrees in the original table.

The Declination of the star in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 10-5 degrees in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the star.

The Galactic Latitude othe star.

The variability type, as described in detail at the AAVSO website.

This flag parameter is set to '(' to indicate that the corresponding max_mag value is an amplitude.

This parameter contains in some cases upper or lower limit flag for the value of the max_mag parameter.

The magnitude at maximum, if max_mag_type = ' ', or the amplitude of variability, if max_mag_type = '('.

This flag parameter is set to ':' if the corresponding max_mag values is considered uncertain.

The passband in which the value of the max_mag parameter was measured. Passbands used include the following:

       U B V R I   = Johnson broad-band
       J H K L M   = Johnson infra-red (1.2, 1.6, 2.2, 3.5, 5um)
       R_c I_c     = Cousins' red and infra-red
       u v b y     = Stroemgren intermediate-band
       u'g'r'i'z'  = Sloan (SDSS)
       pg pv bj rf = photographic blue (pg, bj) visual (pv), red (rf)
       w C CR CV   = white (clear); R or V used for comparison star.
       R1          = ROTSE-I (450-1000nm)
       Hp T        = Hipparcos and Tycho (CDS Cat. I/239)
       NUV         = near-UV
       H1A H1B     = STEREO mission filter (essentially 600-800nm)
The complete list of passbands can be found at

This flag parameter is set to '(' to indicate that the corresponding min_mag value is an amplitude relative to the max_mag value rather than the magnitude at minimum.

This parameter contains in some cases upper or lower limit flag for the value of the min_mag parameter.

The magnitude at minimum, if min_mag_type = ' ', or the amplitude of variability, if min_mag_type = '('.

This flag parameter is set to ':' if the corresponding max_mag value is considered uncertain.

The passband in which the value of the min_mag parameter was measured. Passbands used include the following:

       U B V R I   = Johnson broad-band
       J H K L M   = Johnson infra-red (1.2, 1.6, 2.2, 3.5, 5um)
       R_c I_c     = Cousins' red and infra-red
       u v b y     = Stroemgren intermediate-band
       u'g'r'i'z'  = Sloan (SDSS)
       pg pv bj rf = photographic blue (pg, bj) visual (pv), red (rf)
       w C CR CV   = white (clear); R or V used for comparison star.
       R1          = ROTSE-I (450-1000nm)
       Hp T        = Hipparcos and Tycho (CDS Cat. I/239)
       NUV         = near-UV
       H1A H1B     = STEREO mission filter (essentially 600-800nm)
The complete list of passbands can be found at

The epoch of maximum or minimum of the variability, in heliocentric Julian Date (HJD). This was given to a maximum precision of 10-4 days in the original table.

This flag parameter is set to ':' if the corresponding epoch value is considered uncertain.

This flag parameter for the period is set to '>' or '<' if the period is a lower or upper limit, respectively, or to '(' to indicate that the period is the mean cycle time of a U Gem or recurrent nova (in the latter case the period_flag parameter contains a closing bracket).

The period of the variable star, in days. This was given to a maximum precision of 10-10 days in the original table.

This flag parameter can contain the following possible symbols:

       : = uncertainty flag
       ) = value of the mean cycle for U Gem or recurrent nova
           (the corresponding opening bracket exists in l_Period)
       *N = the real period is likely a multiple of the quoted period
       /N = the period quoted is likely a multiple of the real period

The spectral type of the variable star.

The bibliographic code (bibcode) in the standard ADS style of a paper discussing the variable star.

The bibliographic code (bibcode) in the standard ADS style of a second paper discussing the variable star.

The bibliographic codes (bibcode) in the standard ADS style of additional papers discussing the variable star. To see the abstract of any of the papers referenced by a bibcode, the user should go add the prefix "" in front of each bibcode listed, e.g.,

The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the value of the variability_type parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the AAVSOVSX database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:23:59 EDT