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6. High-Level OSSE Spectral Data Products

This appendix describes the new products being delivered.

6.1 Delivered Products Listing

This section lists the products that are being delivered.

The tapes delivered by NRL conataining the new High-Level data products are created by VMS BACKUP command. Each backup directory contains files for one viewing period target and are named in this format:


where VP = viewing period number TARGNAME = OSSE target name

All filenames (except the Daily Difference SDB files) will begin with:


The filenames for the Daily Difference SDB files are named in this format:

PYYDDDHHMM_PRI[A|B]#.SDB for primary target #
PYYDDDHHMM_SEC[A|B]#.SDB for secondary target #,etc.

YY = observation year
DDD = day-of-year of observation
HHMM = time of start of observation
[A|B]# = a filename modifier used to prevent the possibility of
    similarly named files on days when the VP changes
    (2 primary sources for the same day)

* See the Appendix for example contents from the first delivery.

Each Directory will contain the files:

Product Type Filename Root Number of files per
    target directory

Summed DDS Data

  _GSM.SDB 1
  _TOT.SDB 1

Graphics Output

  _PREP.PS 1

Input Parameters

.CFG 1

Flux Table


Log files

.LOG 1
  _BLN.LOG 1

Daily Difference SDB

.SDB  28
  TOTAL  53 files per target


Normal Viewing Periods may contain up to 6 targets X  53 =  318 files

6.1.1 Delivered Products Description

This section describes the new HIGH-LEVEL OSSE Products being delivered. The SPECANAL(IGORE v7.4) routines used to generate each product are noted. AUX Record Types for the SDB files are described. Corresponding AUX Type Numbers are given in parentheses. Daily Difference Spectra(DDS)

Each DDS file generated by BLD_QUAD_DIF contains the background subtracted Daily Difference Spectra for one OSSE target for a single day of observation.

The new AUX types exist for DDS-SDB files and are briefly described here.

#.SDB]Daily difference - One SDR exists for each 2-minute analyzable unit.

'Bottom-line' count spectra. Basically a sum of all Spectral Data Records(SDR), for all days and all detectors. Generated by BOTTOMLINE. An SDR exists for each detector totalled by day.
Good-summed count spectra. Statistical correlations caused by shared backgrounds in pointing strategy have been removed, making it a better result than the regular Day-Summed DSM file. Generated by DAY_SUMMMER

Total count spectra, with response matrix, generated by FIT_PREP. An SDR exists for each detector, totalled for the viewing period. Graphical products

Graphical products consist of 6 SPECANAL(IGORE) postscript outputs:

Generated by PLOTANAL SHOW_WHEN plot. Shows the pointing strategy used by each detector for each state of the instrument. Good for recognizing possible confusing sources in both source & background pointings.

Generated by PLOTANAL TEMPORAL plot (i.e. a light curve). Plots are generated for 4 energy bands: 0.05-0.15 MeV, 0.15-0.30 MeV, 0.30-0.80 MeV, 0.80-1.50 MeV, showing the daily-summed source intensity for each day of the observation. Curves are plotted for each detector and their sum. For the summed plots, the mean is computed for the observation and used as the model for the fit. P is the probability that the (constant) intensity model is consistent with the data points. The final table compares the data from one detector with the model produced by the average of the other detectors.

Generated by BOTTOMLINE plot. 'Bottom line' Count rate and flux. Generates resampled plots in both count and photon space.

Generated by FIT_PREP. These are difference count spectra plotted for each detector on the source. The are plots linear in energy from zero to 4 MeV and logarithmically for 0.01 to 10 MeV. These plots are also generated with rebinning.

Generated by PLOTANAL. PLOTANAL count rate plot. The count plots are generated by individual detectors and summed detectors. Each of these plots is run over two energy ranges (linear & logarithmic) and two different energy-binnings. The DSA in the graph title represents the Detector Step Angle corresponding to an on-source pointing.

Generated by PLOTANAL. Daily count rate plots consisting of two major components: daily plots showing each detector (and two energy ranges for each detector), and each detector summed for the duration of the observation. Each data set is fit to a constant model of zero, the chi-square representing the probability that the plot is consistent with the zero model (probability of a non-detection). SPECANAL Logs

.LOG from Entire batch job
_PREP.LOG from FIT_PREP Miscellaneous products

- SPECANAL Flat file listing 'approximate' photon flux points. Produced using simple powerlaw model ( $1
\times 10^{-3}(E/0.1 MeV)^{-2.0}$). Useful for plotting the output using your own software. Generated from call to BOTTOMLINE.

- Complete configuration of the run including ANAL, BQD, DSM, and FITPREP namelists.

Next: 7. OSSE Pipeline Configuration Up: OSSE Pipeline Documentation Previous: 5. OSSE Data Files