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3.1 Retrieving OSSE Data via FTP

If you're not using a WWW browser like Netscape, the best way to retrieve OSSE data from the archive is using anonymous FTP:

cd /compton/data/osse
These steps will place you at the top of the OSSE data directory tree which is described in Table 3.1. In the table, [xx] is the phase number, [nnnn_n] is the viewing period number with the decimal point replaced with a `_', and [targetname] is a version of the target name with blank spaces removed and `+' signs replaced by `_'.

Table 3.1: OSSE Archive Directory Structure

WARNING: When navigating around through directories in the archive, it is best to use the full path name of a directory. Due to the layout of the jukebox, using relative references such as .. to move around can place you in unfamiliar areas. To recover, just use `cd' with the full path name.

The data products available are described in Table 3.2. These files should be downloaded with FTP in binary mode.

Table 3.2: CGRO/OSSE Data Products Description