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FFIT_PREP prepares spectra for forward folding analysis. It sums spectra (either by detector or not, depending on the state of BYDET, DETID), runs routines to correct for DTW efficiencies and to eliminate low-medium range overlap, then, optionally, builds a response matrix with user specified count and photon channel ranges (or it uses reasonable defaults).

Calling Sequence


No argument inputs. The setup hierarchy is (in decreasing order of precedence):

  1. Individual setup parameter keyword. Any setup parameter may be passed in via a keyword. Keyword names are same as setup parameter names, as described below. Setup parameters passed in in this manner take precedence over passed structures or files. Note that these keywords are NOT documented in a namelist file.

    If parameter keywords are set but SETUP and FILE are not set, the function will prompt for a file spec, read in the namelist file, then override those parameters with the keyword values. Note that this mode does NOT result in a namelist file that documents the run.

  2. keyword FILE is set to a string containing a namelist file specification. This file will be read and a setup structure produced internally.
  3. FILE is not set, in which case the routine prompts the user for a file specification.

The normal modes of operation are anticipated to be 2) and 3).

Setup Variables

String containing title used for count spectrum plot.

String containing name of the SDB file containing DAY_SUMMER results.

Array of tagwords to exclude from summation (limit of 30). Defaults to all tags processed.

Flag to indicate whether detectors are summed together (0) or not (1). Defaults to 0.

Bit pick to indicate which detectors to process. Defaults to all dets.

Flag to indicate whether redundant source aspect configurations are combined using CRC_ROUNDER (1) or not (0). If used, this speeds up matrix creation. If observations with different transscan angles are combined, do not use this option. Defaults to 1.

String containing SDB file name for output spectra. Defaults to <fileroot>_tot.sdb. If not set and no FILEROOT, or if set to 'NONE', no output file is produced.

String containing root of matrix file name. Defaults to null, in which case no matrix file will be written, but matrix will be placed in a common block.

String containing root name for output, log and plot files. Overriden by explicit file name entries (outfile, plotfile, logfile). If not present and explicit entry not present, file will not be produced.

String containing name of file containing log information on run. Defaults to <fileroot>.log. If not set and no FILEROOT, or if set to 'NONE', no log file is produced.

String containing name of plot file. Defaults to <fileroot>.ps. If not set and no FILEROOT, or if set to 'NONE', no plot file is produced.

Number of photon bins in matrix to be created. Bins should be chosen so as to be small compared to resolution width. Defaults to 460 logrithmic photon channels starting at 0.04 MeV.

Two element array containing the minimum and maximum matrix photon energies in MeV. Defaults to standard overscan of full energy range in spectrum.

Two element array containing the minimum and maximum count spectrum energies in MeV. Spectrum and matrix are truncated to this range. Defaults to a range from 0.06 MeV to the maximum energy in the spectrum.


Optional keyword containing a setup structure (see INPUTS for description)

Optional keyword containing a namelist file specification (see INPUTS for description)

Flag which if set, results in no response matrix production. Default is to produce the matrix.

returned array of summed SDR - contents of *_TOT.SDB

returned array of SDRs read from input SDB file.


Output consists of an SDB file containing spectra ready to deconvolve, a plot file containing count spectrum plots, a log file detailing the run and a response matrix. See FFIT_PREP_SETUP for file naming conventions.

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