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FITIT performs forward folding spectrum deconvolution and analysis via DO_FOLD_ANAL. It takes as input SDB files or SDRs produced by FFIT_PREP or similar procedures and produces as output best fit models and pseudo-deconvolved spectra.

FITIT reads in prepared spectra and performs a forward folding deconvolution analysis, the result of which is a best fit spectrum model and a pseudo-deconvolved photon spectrum. Log files and plot files are produced.

Unlike previous (v.7.3 and earlier) versions, FITIT does not expect the input file to contain a detector sum spectrum in addition to the individual detector spectra.

Calling Sequence
status = FITIT([FILE = SETUPFILE] [,keywords]



*** Initialization and Documentation

string containing name of namelist setup file. If omitted, user will be prompted for file name.

Title used for spectrum plot.

String containing root name for best fit model, deconvolved spectrum, both SDB and ascii, fit routine diagnostic output, log and plot files. Overriden by explicit file name entries (FITMODEL, PHOTFILE, binfile, fitfile, logfile, and plotfile). If not present and explicit entry not present, file will not be produced.

String containing name of file containing log information on run. Defaults to <fileroot>.log. If not set and no FILEROOT, or if set to 'NONE', no log file is produced.

String containing name of plot file. Defaults to <fileroot>.ps. If not set and no FILEROOT, or if set to 'NONE', no plot file is produced.

*** Input Specifications, Selection and Processing

String array(10) containing names of SDB files with spectra to model. These spectra must either be in Counts/second, in which case they are interpreted as OSSE spectra, or tex2html_wrap_inline2128, in which case they are interpreted as additional data (ie data from other instruments).

Optional list of SDRs to be used as input in lieu of SDB file specified in SETUP. Note that the use of the SDBFILE parameter in SETUP will override the SDR keyword

String array(10) containing file names of files containing additional data to be fit along with OSSE data. Data are assumed to be in tex2html_wrap_inline2064 unless units are encoded otherwise (see below). A unit response matrix is created to match. Additional data may overlap OSSE data in energy range, and additional data from multiple instruments that overlap each other may be concatenated together into the same file or supplied by the same function or be supplied in separate files or functions. All data are concatenated, including additional data supplied in SDB files specified via the SDBFILE variable (see above). Data may be presented as a formatted file readable by the READ_DATAPTS routine. The order of data is channel edge (MeV), channel width (MeV), flux integrated over channels (tex2html_wrap_inline2064), flux uncertainty with one line per spectrum channel.

Although the desired flux units or tex2html_wrap_inline2064, other units may be used. In particular, units that are per unit energy (e.g. /MeV or /keV) may be used. In this case, the comments of the READ_DATAPTS file must include the phrase UNITS="*/*MeV*" or UNITS="*/*keV*" or UNITS="@nnnn" (case insensitive) where the * represents a wild card and nnnn represents a numeric value of the SPECUNITS variable from the SDB header in which the /MeV or /keV bits are set. If this is found, the data are multiplied by the channel widths. Additional data may also be supplied via a function call. In this case, ADD_DATA is a string, starting with '@', that specifies the name of the function to call (e.g. ADD_DATA='@DATFUNC'). The calling sequence of the function is:


where the first four variables are arrays containing the channel edges, widths, data and uncertainties and the UNITS variable is a string specifying the units as described above. If UNITS is not supplied or does not contain MeV or keV in the denominator, the units are assumed to be tex2html_wrap_inline2064 and no modification is undertaken.

String array (30) containing names of response matrix files. The matrices match the data in that, if more than one spectrum is present, the matrix must have more than one response (each in its own file). These are assembled into a concatenated matrix in FITIT. The default is to look for matrices in SDB file aux. data types.

List of target names to use in fit. Default is to use all targets provided in SDR/RMTRX configuration. Each target name corresponds to one source spectrum folded through a response appropriate to that target's position in the collimator for each count spectrum. Hence, if you desire a fit to only a subset of all the targets included in the compound response, TARGNAMES identifies the desired subset.

String containing name of user screening routine to select data from SDB files. Calling sequence is:


where SDRS is an input array of SDRs with dat,err,edg,wid,crc populated and GOOD_INDEX is an output index array pointing to the selected SDRs.

Integer that specifies which detectors from input SDB files to use. If input is sum of detectors, if any detectors in sum match any of criterion detectors, select spectrum Standard detid bitpick that defaults to 15 (all detectors).

Integer array(20) that specifies which DSA's to use from input spectra. Functions if input spectra are SDB files or SDR keyword SDRs. If all zeroes, use all DSA's (default).

Float array(20) that specifies which which scan angles to use from input spectra. Alternative to DSA selection. If both present, Scan selection is used. Functions if input spectra are SDB files or SDR keyword SDRs. If all zeroes, use all scan angles (default). Works by comparing values to targscan from header, with 0.2 degree tolerance.

Double Precision Array(2,10) containing start and stop time pairs which specify intervals to include. Format is day.fraction. Spectra to use must lie entirely within one of the specified intervals. Default (all zeroes) is use all intervals.

*** Fitting Specifications

String containing model file name. This file is used for definition and initialization of the model. If a different model file is used for fit result output, this initialization file can be used repeatedly. Defaults to MODELFILE.DAT.

String containing file name of model file to receive best fit model. Can be the same as MODELFILE, but this will overwrite the original file, requiring a new initialization file for each fit. Alternatively, the output model file from one fit may be used as the input to another fit. Defaults to <fileroot>.mdl.

String containing file name for SDB file containing deconvolved photon spectra. Defaults to <fileroot>_PHOT.SDB. If not set and no FILEROOT, or if set to 'NONE', or if model has multiple sources (which implies that the deconvolved photon spectrum is not meaningful) no SDB file is produced.

Two element array containing minimum and maximum energies to fit (in MeV) i.e. [.06,2.] will cause channels from .06 to 2.0 MeV to be fit. Defaults to entire spectrum.

Integer that specifies SUPERFIT diagnostic output mode. See SUPERFIT for details.

Flag that, when set, activates tex2html_wrap_inline2090 mapping for parameters with the duper flag set in the model file. Defaults to cleared (no tex2html_wrap_inline2090 mapping).

Floating value of the significance level desired for parameter uncertainties derived via tex2html_wrap_inline2090 mapping. Defaults to 0.68.

SUPERFIT iteration termination criterion (see SUPERFIT). Defaults to 0.0001.

SUPERFIT iteration termination criterion (see SUPERFIT). Defaults to 0.0001.

String containing file name of file to receive SUPERFIT diagnostic output. Contents depend on value of NPRINT. Defaults to <fileroot>.dat.

*** Binning Specifications for Plotting

String containing file name for ASCII file containing deconvolved spectrum. Defaults to <fileroot>_PHOT.DAT. If not set and no FILEROOT, or if set to 'NONE', no file is produced.

String containing name of file or procedure that defines rebinning for plots.

Flag that, if set allows rebinning with fractional spectrum channels. Otherwise, integral numbers of energy channels are added together. Defaults to clear (integral channels).

String containing code that specifies alternative means of defining channel summing for plots. 'LOG': PLOT_NCHAN logrithmically spaced channels 'SQRT': PLOT_NCHAN square root channels 'LIN': Add channels in PLOT_NCHAN groups 'NOSUM':No summation Defaults to 'LOG'. This is overridden by PLOT_BINDEF.

Number of summed channels (see above).

*** Display Specifications
A flag which, if set, results in plots containing count spectra rather than photon spectra. In either case, the best fit model is superimposed on the data. Defaults to photon spectra (i.e. cleared).

In the case of a model composed of the sum of several model elements, the number of model elements to plot. Defaults to plot all elements. Elements are plotted from the first element to the total requested. For example, if a model consists of a power law and two gaussian lines, entered in the model file in that order, setting PLOTMODELS=1 would result in only the power law being plotted, =2 would result in only the power law and first line, etc. The only way to plot the lines without the power law is to enter them first in the model file (using, for example, BUILDMODEL and MODEL_WRITE), then set PLOTMODELS=2.

Integer flag, set to 1 to produce plots on screen, 0 to produce no plots on screen. Default is produce plots on screen (1).

String containing the hardcopy device as used in an IDL SET_PLOT command (e.g. SET_PLOT,'PS'). Blank => no hardcopy produced. Defaults to postscript ('PS').

Two-element array containing minimum and maximum energies to plot (in MeV) e.g. [.06,2.0] would plot from .06 to 2.0 MeV. Note that IDL plotting will round the axes in some cases. Defaults to entire energy range.

Two-element array containing minimum and maximum fluxes to plot (in tex2html_wrap_inline2162 or tex2html_wrap_inline2164) e.g. [1.e-4,2.] would plot from 0.0001 to 2.0 tex2html_wrap_inline2162. Note that IDL plotting will round the axes in some cases. Defaults to entire flux range.

Plot x-axis linear (0) or log (1). Defaults to log.

Plot y-axis linear (0) or log (1). Defaults to log.

If set, plot residuals in addition to spectra and fit results. Defaults to set (residuals plotted).

*** tex2html_wrap_inline2090 Grid Mapping Specifications

String containing file name for XDR file containing tex2html_wrap_inline2090 map and related variables. Defaults to <fileroot>_MAP.XDR. If not set and no FILEROOT, or if set to 'NONE', no file is produced.

If set, turn on grid-type 1- or 2-Dimensional tex2html_wrap_inline2090 mapping. Default is not set.

NOTE: The following parameters define which parameter(s) to map. They identify the domain, function within the domain (note that many models may be the sum of several functions) and parameter within the function.

The output array MAPARRAY, which (for a 2-D map) contains tex2html_wrap_inline2090 vs parameter-1 and parameter-2 grid point, and the vectors MAP1 and MAP2, which contain the parameter values for each grid column and row (respectively), are defined such that performing a CONTOUR,MAPARRAY,MAP1,MAP2 will align parameter-1 with the x-axis of the plot and parameter-2 with the y-axis of the plot.

"domain" or source spectrum containing parameter-1 for two dimensional tex2html_wrap_inline2090 mapping (or the only parameter in the case of 1-D mapping). This is a string containing a target name. The target name is converted into a target id number, which is compared to the domain indices in the matrix/model structure. Remember that each domain is one source spectrum and hence is identified by a single target id. If this variable is null, then the first domain will be used regardless of target id. String array of 30 elements, each of which defines the domain for a 1D map of one parameter. For 2-D map, only first element is used.

"domain" or source spectrum containing parameter-2 for two dimensional tex2html_wrap_inline2090 mapping. This is a target name string (see above).

Within the domain defined by MAPPARDOMAIN1, this is a string containing the call name of the function (e.g. Pwrlaw for a power law) containing the desired parameter. String array of 30 elements, each of which defines the function for a 1-D map of one parameter. For 2-D map, only first element is used.

Within the domain defined by MAPPARDOMAIN2, this is a string containing the call name of the function containing the desired parameter.

Since some models may have multiple occurances of a particular function within a single domain (e.g. multiple Gaussian line functions), this is an integer that identifies which occurance of the function specified in MAPPARFUNC1 contains the desired parameter. 1 is the first occurance, etc. Defaults to 1. Integer array of 30 elements, each of which defines the occurance number for a 1-D map of one parameter. For 2-D map, only first element is used.

Since some models may have multiple occurances of a particular function within a single domain (e.g. multiple Gaussian line functions), this is an integer that identifies which occurance of the function specified in MAPPARFUNC2 contains the desired parameter. 1 is the first occurance, etc. Defaults to 1.

Parameter sequence number within the specified function of the desired first parameter. Integer array of 30 elements, each of which defines the parameter number for a 1-D map of one parameter. For 2-D map, only first element is used.

Parameter sequence number within the specified function of the desired parameter.

Increment in parameter-1 between grid values. Floating array of 30 elements, each of which defines the parameter increment for a 1-D map of one parameter. For 2-D map, only first element is used.

Increment in parameter-2 between grid values.

Number of grid points to each side of the best fit point for parameter-1 (i.e. 2*NMAPPAR1 +1 points). Integer array of 30 elements, each of which defines the number of parameters for a 1-D map of one parameter. For 2-D map, only first element is used.

Number of grid points to each side of the best fit point for parameter-2 (i.e. 2*NMAPPAR2 +1 points).


Outputs include the following files:

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