M31 with RXJ0045.4+4154 transient

Image credit: S.L. Snowden (USRA, NASA/GSFC)
This image illustrates the position of RX J0045.4+4154 relative to the nucleus of M31. On the left is a mosaic, made by Steve Snowden, that uses the inner region of the PSPC detector where the PSF is optimal. In these pointings RX J0045.4+4154 was not in outburst. Binning and smoothing the data for display purposes in the image has reduced the apparent sensitivity to point sources. On the right is an optical image obtained from the digitized sky survey of the Palomar plates using skyview.

Image credit: S.L. Snowden (USRA, NASA/GSFC)
This image illustrates the position of RX J0045.4+4154 relative to the nucleus of M31. On the left is a mosaic, made from all of the long (> 10,000s) PSPC exposures and using the full field of view. RX J0045.4+4154 was in outburst during some of these PSPC observations. On the right is an optical image obtained from the digitized sky survey of the Palomar plates (generated using skyview). The position of the transient is indicated.
From RX J0045.4+4154: A Recurrent Supersoft X-ray Transient in M31. A paper accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol 445, L125.
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