Martin Elvis
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,
The following is the text from viewgraphs presented at the San Diego HEAD session on the ROSAT long-term observing plan.
Nearby AGN
Extended emission around Seyfert 1, 2s
- About a dozen nearby AGN have deep (
10 ks) HRI observations.
- At least 1/2 of these show extended X-ray emission around the compact source.
- For those which show extended emission, it is a major component: 20%-30% of HRI total count rate.
- The extended X-ray emission appears related to extended optical/radio emission - but there are no clear correlations yet.
- The extended emission may be aligned with jet axes.
- The observations also show an excess of point-like sources near Seyferts.
- OBSERVE: 50 nearby Seyferts at 25 ks each for 1.25 Ms.
- ``Activity'' may be ubiquitous in galaxy nuclei.
- 1/3 of m<12.5 Shapley-Ames galaxies have LINER nuclei.
- 14% of same have Low Luminosity AGN (LLAGN, e.g., M 81) [Palomar survey].
- Half of the LLAGN/LINERs in the Shapley-Ames catalog may have been missed (e.g., edge-on orientation).
- No continuum flux is observed for these LLAGN/LINERS.
- LLAGN are important to understanding the X-ray background and nature of the faintest X-ray sources.
- The luminosity function of these objects is highly uncertain.
- The HRI can separate the nucleus from bulge.
- The Palomar sample has 486 galaxies. A well defined sub-set can be used for a ROSAT HRI survey.
- 10 ks is required to detect L
erg s
at 20 Mpc.
- OBSERVE: 200 galaxies at 10 ks each for 2 Ms.
Dwarf Galaxies
- Can dwarf galaxies harbor AGN? I.e., is there a lower limit to the galaxy mass in which a massive black hole can be found?
- Are dwarf galaxies related to both quasar and galaxy formation processes?
- Problems: a bright AGN would swamp a dwarf galaxy; a faint
erg s
) is hard to see optically.
- Targeted survey of nearby, nucleated dwarfs: from Kraan-Kortweg & Tamman (1986)
- OBSERVE: 50 dwarfs at 20 ks each for 1 Ms.
Rare and Distant AGN
- Extreme examples of a class can illuminate their physics.
- Extreme examples are ipso facto, rare.
- Need survey volume to find them.
- BUT: The ROSAT all-sky survey is wide angle, but shallow; pointed PSPC archive is deep, but narrow angle.
- Therefore, we must target known examples from the radio and optical.
High Redshift Quasars
- Aim: Study the evolution of emission mechanism and environment via
, and cut-offs.
- Almost no radio-quiet z>2 quasars known in X-rays; none bright enough to get X-ray spectra.
- OBSERVE: all
50 z>2 .AND.
17 QSOs at 20 ks each for 1 Ms.
High CSS and GPS Quasars
- Compact (10-100 pc), lobe-dominated (non-blazar) quasars.
- Are they confined by medium? X-ray cut-off; X-ray extent.
- Approximately 10 cut-off examples.
- Approximately 1 extended example. (out of approximately 3).
- Approximately 75 CSS in 3CR (no GPS because of low frequency selection).
at 5-10 ks each for 0.5 Ms.
Red Quasars
- Mix of synchrotron cut-off, reddening, and quasars with no ``blue bump''?
- Peculiar geometry? Nearly edge-on?
- OBSERVE: 15% of 3CR,
objects at 25 ks each (faint) for 1.25 Ms.
Damped L
- Lyman-
absorption in quasars (
- Probable protogalaxies (e.g., Art Wolfe et al.)
- X-ray measurement of abundances (e.g., G. Madejski - A0235+164)
- Few detections. Typically m=17-18.
- OBSERVE: 20 DLA objects at 25 ks each for 0.5 Ms.
Extended emission around Seyfert 1, 2s:
1.25 Ms
Mini-AGN & LINERS: 2 Ms
Dwarf galaxies: 1 Ms
High Redshift Quasars: 1 Ms
CSS & GPS Quasars: 0.5 Ms
Red Quasars: 1.25 Ms
Damped Lyman Systems: 0.5 Ms
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