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On-axis Effective Area

Figure 5.11 (which appeared as Figure 11.1 of Appendix F) is a plot of the on-axis effective area of the XRT/HRI as a function of incident energy; this function is tabulated in Tab. 5.3 (Table 11.1 of Appendix F).

Figure 5.11: The on-axis effective area of the XRT/HRI vs. photon energy


Energy Lambda Effective Ares Energy Lambda Effective Area
keV Å cm tex2html_wrap_inline17377 keV Å cm tex2html_wrap_inline17379
0.10 124.0 1.0 1.10 11.3 94.5
0.20 62.0 20.2 1.20 10.3 89.7
0.28 44.3 43.5 1.30 9.5 84.7
0.28 44.1 0.0 1.40 8.9 76.1
0.30 41.3 1.0 1.50 8.3 56.5
0.40 31.0 10.6 1.60 7.8 50.0
0.50 24.8 19.3 1.70 7.3 37.2
0.60 20.7 7.6 1.80 6.9 28.0
0.63 19.7 11.9 1.90 6.5 19.4
0.70 17.7 35.5 2.00 6.2 11.2
0.80 15.5 59.9 2.10 5.9 2.7
0.90 13.8 82.6 2.20 5.6 0.6
1.00 12.4 83.2 2.30 5.4 0.4
3.40 5.2 0.2
Table 5.3:  The effective area of ROSAT XRT plus HRI

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