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UV Sensitivity


Some of the available WFC filters have a secondary transmission band in the far-ultraviolet.  Although these are much weaker than the primary XUV bands, problems may arise when observing objects that have a particularly strong far-UV component in their spectrum.  The count rate detected by the WFC will then be an unresolved mixture of XUV and far-UV photons.   In severe cases the scientific return of the observation may be compromised. Observers should ensure that their selected targets do not fall into this category. For any target the severity of the potential problem can be assessed by referring to Tab. 6.6. This lists predicted count rates for each filter from an tex2html_wrap_inline17975 blackbody source at temperatures of 10000, 20000 and tex2html_wrap_inline17977 . The expected far-UV count rate from a target can then be estimated by scaling the tex2html_wrap_inline17979 count rate for the appropriate temperature to the actual tex2html_wrap_inline17981 value (i.e. by multiplying the value given in Tab. 6.6 by tex2html_wrap_inline17983 ).   Note that the UV leak is largest for the S2 filter; for the other filters the UV leak is unlikely to be a problem except for the brightest stars.   



Temp (K) Count rate in each filter (counts tex2html_wrap_inline17989 )
S1 S2 P1 P2
10000 tex2html_wrap_inline17991 tex2html_wrap_inline17993 tex2html_wrap_inline17995 tex2html_wrap_inline17997
20000 tex2html_wrap_inline17999 0.74 tex2html_wrap_inline18001 tex2html_wrap_inline18003
30000 tex2html_wrap_inline18005 2.1 tex2html_wrap_inline18007 tex2html_wrap_inline18009
Table 6.6: Predicted far-UV count rate for a blackbody source with tex2html_wrap_inline17987


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