ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #101:

August 3, 1994



A revision to the naming convention for follow-up observations required us to make some changes to the ROSAT Public Archive Table (which is available via anonymous ftp from legacy and also available as the ROSPUBLIC database under the HEASARC BROWSE interface). We've revised this table to incorporate the new naming convention and have added some useful information that previous versions of the table lacked. For every data set that has been released to the ROSAT Public Archive, the new data table contains the following information:

SEQ ID = sequence id
INST = instrument (PSPC or HRI)
F = boron filter used (Y/N)
SITE = data processing site
EXPTIME = exposure time in seconds
REQT = requested time in ksec
RA = RA in J2000
DEC = Dec in J2000
START = start of observation (yymmdd)
END = end of observation (yymmdd)
DISTR = distribution date (yymmdd)
PUBLIC = public date (yymmdd)
TARGET = name of target
PI = last name of principal investigator
F = first initial of principal investigator
ROR = 6-digit ROR number
INDEX = follow-on index (ie A00)
C = subject category
R = revision
TITLE = proposal title

This data table is available via anonymous ftp from in the directory rosat/doc/archive and comes in two flavors:

rosarchive_yymm.pos = sorted by position
rosarchive_yymm.seq = sorted by sequence ID

where yymm is the year/month of the last update.

Users of the HEASARC BROWSE interface can access this table by browsing the ROSPUBLIC data base.

BROWSE users also should note that information on the distributions of ROSAT datasets will be available through the ROSDISTRIB data table.

The updated ROSPUBLIC and ROSDISTRIB data tables will be available through BROWSE on MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1994.


Public EUV images obtained by the Wide Field Camera on ROSAT are now available via anonymous ftp from The images are located in the directory rosat/data/wfc and are in FITS format. We have found that some of the FITS headers have the WCS keyword CTYPE2 incorrectly labeled as CTYPE1, so users should be advised. We are working on correcting this problem.

BROWSE users can consult the data table WFCPOINT to determine which images are (or will be) available.


Proposal abstracts have been added as a data product to the ROSAO data table in BROWSE. Users can now obtain as an ASCII text file the abstract of any proposal listed using the xp/abs command.

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Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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