ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #102:

August 7, 1994

New Software for Extended Source Analysis

Software for the analysis of PSPC observations of extended objects and the diffuse background is now ready for export through the legacy anonymous ftp account. At present, the software package operates as individual stand-alone FORTRAN programs that use FITSIO and routines from the MPE ASTROLIB library (the necessary subroutines are included in the ftp area). The routines will eventually be converted to FTOOLS for use in a more convenient manner.

Along with the code, there is a LaTeX version of a cookbook (cookbook.tex) and an annotated listing of an example run (cookbook_example.txt). The software has undergone extensive beta-site testing with excellent results in general. However, should the need arise, questions and problems should be addressed to Steve Snowden at the USRSDC (LHEAVX::SNOWDEN or Also, please feel free to offer suggestions to improve the code or documentation.

The code and documentation can be found in the legacy anonymous ftp area:


A number of required data files are also in this area. The detector maps required by the software are found in another area, which is listed in the cookbook, presently it is:


Previous Status Report #101

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Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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