ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #110:

November 15, 1994


1) ROSAT Catalog Update

2) Data Distribution News

1) ROSAT Catalog Update

The database table created by MPE from the Rev 0/1 output is now available through the HEASARC online service, and is called ROSATSRC. A comparison with WGACAT reveals surprising differences. While the total number of detected sources is approximately the same, in the inner 20 arc min ROSATSRC contains twice as many sources as WGACAT, whereas in the outer region WGACAT contains two times more sources than ROSATSRC. The poster paper on WGACAT presented at the NAPA valley meeting of the AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division (1994, Nov 2-5) is now available on the WWW under

A brief comparison of the results from WGACAT and ROSATSRC, also linked from that page, can be found under

2) Data Distribution News

The U.S. ROSAT Science Data Center is terminating support for 9-track tapes as a data distribution medium. In the past, we have supported 9-track and 8mm tapes as the distribution media. Beginning immediately, we will only support 8mm EXABYTE and 4mm DAT tape formats.

The standard distribution media will be 8mm EXABYTE, 2 GB density. Any PI who wishes to receive 4mm DAT, 2 GB density rather than 8mm EXABYTE should send e-mail to Please include your full name and ROSAT PI number, if known.

For your convenience, we have included the following form which can be returned to us.

ROSAT Media Selection Form

Please indicate below which media format you prefer. You can return this form electronically to, or by mail to the address below. If you wish to receive your ROSAT data on 8mm EXABYTE 2GB density, you need not return this form.

PI Name:
E-mail Address:
PI Number:

I would like to receive my ROSAT data on the following media (please select only one):

4mm DAT

Return by mail to:

NASA/GSFC Code 631
U.S. ROSAT Science Data Center
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771

Return electronically to:

previous Status Report #109

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HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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