ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #117:

Feb 7, 1995


                   R"ontgenstrahlung from the Universe

      An International Conference on X-Ray Astronomy and Astrophysics

                        September 25-29, 1995 
                          W"urzburg, Germany

                         organized jointly by

          Max-Planck Institut f"ur Extraterrestrische Physik
          Astronomisches Institut der Universit"at W"urzburg

                      First Circular, February 1995


The conference will be part of the events celebrating the centennial of the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad R"ontgen on November 8, 1895 at the University of W"urzburg. For this epochal discovery, R"ontgen received the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.

At the same time the conference will mark the fifth anniversary of the launch of ROSAT which was named after R"ontgen and which has produced a wealth of new scientific data for a wide scientific community.

The scientific organization of the conference will be a joint effort of the ROSAT centers located at MPE (Garching), GSFC (Maryland), and the University of Leicester. It is a pleasure to invite you to participate in the meeting.

Please return the reply form in the appendix by the end of March, 1995 which will ensure that you receive subsequent circulars about the meeting.


B. Aschenbach               G. Fabbiano
G. Hasinger                 W. Lewin
K. Mason                    H. "Ogelman
R. Petre                    J. Pye       
R. Staubert                 Y. Tanaka    
J. Tr"umper (Chair)         H. Zinnecker     


W. Brinkmann                W. Pietsch 
T. Preibisch                J. Schmitt
H.W. Yorke                  H.-U. Zimmermann (Chair)
H. Zinnecker

Conference secretariat: Mrs. L. Falke and Mrs. R. Steinle


The conference will address the whole field of X-ray astronomy and X-ray missions, although we expect results from the ROSAT Observatory to form the backbone of the scientific program. Invited reviews, contributed talks, and poster sessions are expected to cover all major scientific aspects of X-ray observations and their immediate interpretation. Special sessions include:

  • Normal stars and white dwarfs
  • Cataclysmic variables
  • X-ray binaries
  • Supernovae and supernova remnants, including single neutron stars
  • Diffuse galactic emission
  • Normal galaxies
  • Cluster of galaxies
  • AGN
  • Extragalactic X-ray background
  • Surveys and source identifications


Talks and poster contributions accepted by the scientific organizing committee of the conference will be published.

The conference registration fee will be announced in the second circular.


W"urzburg lies in the middle of Germany, about 100 km east of Frankfurt, on the river Main. The capital of Unterfranken (Bavaria) is a town of about 130 thousand inhabitants and displays many colorful signs of its long and eventful history. The magnificent Residenz, the Castle Marienberg, beautiful churches and palaces as well as nearby medieval villages and castles contribute as much to the specific character of this city as the many wine-taverns and the students.

The city lies at the intersection of major highways and railroad lines. By plane you will arrive in Frankfurt and can then proceed to W"urzburg via train in about an hour and a half. By car you may follow the Autobahn from Frankfurt to N"urnberg and exit at W"urzburg - Heidingsfeld.


The conference will be held at the Neue Universit"at W"urzburg, located near to the city center.

Due to local restrictions the number of participants will be limited to about 250. An early registration is therefore recommended.


For your hotel reservation please use the form enclosed with this circular (mark 'inner city') to the tourist office in W"urzburg The office will select hotels near to the conference location. Generally hotels at this time of the year are booked heavily, therefore please make your reservation as early as possible.


The conference will be organized jointly by the Max-Planck Institut f"ur Extraterrestrische Physik and the Astronomisches Institut der Universit"at W"urzburg. The conference secretariat resides at Garching.

Fax:        +49-(0)89-3299 -3569 
mail:       X-Ray Conference Secretariat
            Max-Planck Institut f"ur Extraterrestrische Physik
            Postfach 1603
            85740 Garching
Telephone:  +49-(0)89-3299 -3559 J. Tr"umper (SOC)
                           -3593 U. Zimmermann (LOC)
                           -3805 L. Falke, secretary 
                           -3318 R. Steinle, secretary 

Current information on the program and the organization is available via

World Wide Web:

or anonymous ftp:

> ftp  (user: anonymous  no password)
> cd general/xray-conf
> get contents.doc
> get ...
> quit


1st Circular                               February  1995  
deadline for response                      March 31, 1995
2nd Circular                               May 1995
deadline for abstracts                     July 15, 1995
3rd Circular (final program)             August 1995
conference                                 September 25 to 29, 1995
deadline for proceedings                   November 31, 1995

                            Reply Form

                  R"ontgenstrahlung from the Universe

     An International Conference on X-ray Astronomy and Astrophysics

                25-29 September 1995, W"urzburg, Germany

Name:             ................................................
First Name:       ................................................
Title:            ......................
Institution:      ................................................
Address:          ................................................

E-mail:           ................................................
Fax:              .......................
Telephone:        .......................

Preferred communication mode is e-mail.

I will attend the conference     Yes  ...    Probably ...    No ...
Number of accompanying persons        ...

I will contribute a              talk ...    Poster   ...
                                 Yes  ...    Probably ...    No ...
The SOC will accommodate as many talks as possible.

Title of contribution


We will confirm your participation and contribution.

Please return this form as soon as possible:

 per email:       
 per FAX:          089-3299-3569
 per letter:       X-Ray Conference Secretariat
                   MPI f"ur Extraterrestrische Physik
                   Postfach 1603
                   85740 Garching
                          Hotel Reservation Form

          International Conference on X-Ray Astronomy and Astrophysics

                    Ro"ntgenstrahlung from the Universe

                 25-29 September 1995, Wu"rzburg, Germany

                      Deadline: August 14, 1995
I hereby reserve 

.......... single room(s)           .......... double room(s)
Location of the accommodation

... inner city                ... city             ... suburbs
PRICE including breakfast         single               double
Room with bath/shower/WC      ... from DM 90.-     ... from DM 130.-
Room with bath/shower/WC      ... from DM 130.-    ... from DM 180.-
Room with bath/shower/WC      ... from DM 180.-    ... from DM 250.-
Date of arrival                   for                  night(s)
Approx. time of arrival                        h by car/train
Date                              Signature
SENDER (print letters)
Zip code                          City
     With regard to conventions you are asked to meet the deadline
In case of room reservations the Tourist Office only proceeds as an agent.
Your request should arrive here early enough to allow us to accommodate you
and send you a reply (about one week).
For your reservation we charge you DM 5.- which you will have to pay with
you hotel bill.
Please return this form to:

Congress & Tourismus Zentrale
Am Congress Centrum
D-97070 W"urzburg

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