ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

Status Report # 12

October 1st 1991

Attitude software modifications appear to be going smoothly, and it is anticipated that a more normal mode of pointing observations, of several targets per day, will be resumed after October 15th. Thus there follows a timeline update in two sections, one target per day until October 15th, and normal length observations scheduled up to November 4th. It is anticipated that the AO2 long term timeline will be implemented after November 4th.


        Date                    Target

        26 Sep - 27 Sep  WG   HVC Interf                Mebold
        27 Sep - 28 Sep  US   1735-44                   Lewin
        28 Sep - 29 Sep  US   KES 79 Center             Seward
        29 Sep - 30 Sep  US   Draco cloud               Burrows
        30 Sep -  1 Oct  WG   HI filament               Mebold
         1 Oct -  2 Oct  US   LW Mon                    Strom
         2 Oct -  3 Oct  US   Trapezium                 Caillault
         3 Oct -  4 Oct  US   NGC 2110                  Wilson
         4 Oct -  5 Oct  UK   1H0709-360                Osbourne
                         US   1H0709-360                Shafter
         5 Oct -  6 Oct  WG   F1557                     Boehringer      
         6 Oct -  7 Oct  US   SN1987A                   Gorenstein
         7 Oct -  8 Oct  US   47 Tuc                    Margon
         8 Oct -  9 Oct  US   SMC X-1                   Clark
         9 Oct - 10 Oct  WG   SMC A                     Pietsch
        10 Oct - 11 Oct  WG   SMC B                     Pietsch
        11 Oct - 12 Oct  WG   HR 7557                   Schmitt
        12 Oct - 13 Oct  WG   Aql X-1                   Verbunt
        13 Oct - 14 Oct  US  1919+479                   Burns
        14 Oct - 15 Oct  UK  XY Uma                     Jeffries
Normal operations timeline: The expected net observation time is shown in parentheses.

15.10  2 h  -  15.10 10 h   Abell 2256          (9.6)  WG  Briel
15.10 10 h  -  16.10  2 h   Bet Cma             (16.6) UK  Drew
16.10  2 h  -  16.10 10 h   M82                 (9.6)  UK  Watson
16.10 10 h  -  17.10  2 h   SMC C               (19.2) WG  Pietsch
17.10  2 h  -  17.10 10 h   M81                 (9.6)  WG  Fabbiano
17.10 10 h  -  18.10  4 h   VV Pup              (15.6) WG  Schwope
18.10  4 h  -  19.10  2 h   PSPC background (maintenance day)
19.10  2 h  -  19.10 10 h   Zeta Pup            (9.6)  WG  Baade
19.10 10 h  -  20.10  1 h   Lynx 3.A            (15.6) US  Windhorst
20.10  2 h  -  20.10 10 h   Zeta Pup            (9.6)  WG  Baade
20.10 10 h  -  21.10  2 h   PSR 1957+20         (15.6) US  Kulkarni
21.10  2 h  -  21.10 10 h   Zeta Pup            (9.6)  WG  Baade
21.10 10 h  -  22.10  2 h   Lynx 3.A            (15.6) US  Windhorst
22.10  2 h  -  22.10 10 h   Zeta Pup            (9.6)  WG  Baade
22.10 10 h  -  23.10  1 h   V444 Cyg            (15.6) WG  Corcoran
23.10  1 h  -  23.10 11 h   Zeta Pup            (9.6)  WG  Baade
23.10 11 h  -  24.10  1 h   R CRA Raster        (16.8) US  Walter
24.10  1 h  -  24.10  8 h   Arp 102             (10.8) WG  Motch
24.10  8 h  -  24.10 23 h   W50                 (15.6) WG  Brinkman
24.10 23 h  -  25.10  8 h   Arp 102             (10.8) WG  Motch
25.10  8 h  -  25.10 23 h   Lockman hole (PSPC) (18.0) WG  Hasinger
25.10 23 h  -  26.10  2 h   Lockman hole (PSPC) (3.6)  WG  Hasinger
26.10  2 h  -  26.10  8 h   MS 1019.0 +51.38           US  Stocke
26.10  8 h  -  27.10  1 h   PKS 2152-69                WG  Fosbury      
27.10  1 h  -  27.10  6 h   Lockman hole raster        WG  Hasinger
27.10  6 h  -  28.10  0 h   Lockman hole (HRI)         WG  Hasinger
28.10  0 h  -  28.10 11 h   NGC 2841            (13.1) UK  Frenk
28.10 11 h  -  28.10 21 h   AB Dor/LMCX4        (11.9) WG  Schmitt

28.10 21 h  -  29.10  8 h   PG1704+608          (15.6) US  Elvis
29.10  8 h  -  29.10 21 h   AB Dor/LMCX4        (15.4) WG  Schmitt
29.10 21 h  -  30.10  7 h   10214+4724          (12.0) UK  Lawrence
30.10  7 h  -  30.10 21 h   AB Dor/LMCX4        (16.6) WG  Schmitt
30.10 21 h  -  31.10  7 h   Ursa Major cloud 2  (12.0) US  Sanders
31.10  7 h  -  31.10 21 h   AB Dor/LMCX4        (16.6) WG  Schmitt
31.10 22 h  -   1.11  5 h   MBM 41              (8.9)  US  Sanders
 1.11  5 h  -   1.11 19 h   0755+37             (17.9) US  Worrall
 1.11 19 h  -   2.11  2 h   TY Pyx              (8.3)  WG  Ottman
 2.11  2 h  -   2.11 21 h   Ursa Major cloud 1  (22.7) US  Sanders
 2.11 21 h  -   3.11  9 h   IC 5063             (14.4) UK  Ward
 3.11  9 h  -   3.11 18 h   TY Pyx              (8.3)  WG  Ottman
 3.11 18 h  -   4.11  3 h   Mkn 110             (10.8) UK  Lawrence
 4.11  3 h                  MS1019.0+5138              US  Stocke
start of Long term timeline

Processing status

Processing on AO1 data is being interrupted for 1-2 weeks in order to process the calibration data taken at the beginning of the mission. These data have never been processed in the U.S. and are needed to verify the performance of the HRI, and to provide PSPC and HRI data to be used to supply information to guest observers about such issues as point response function and background. Processing of these data have been delayed until now in anticipation of receiving a definitive set of aspect solution files, which arrived within the past few weeks.

ROSAT preprint/reprint library

The USRSDC is keeping a library of all published ROSAT papers. It is our hope to collect a complete set, including German and U.K. publications.\ Please send four preprints/reprints of any ROSAT paper you have authored to

US ROSAT Science Data Center
c/o Pat Tyler
Code 668
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA

One copy will be kept on file here; the others will be sent to SAO, MPE and Leicester.


By logging in to the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) on-line service, users can access ROSAT status reports, timelines, the AO proposal list, and an observation log.

The HEASARC on-line service resides on a VAX at GSFC and is accessible 24 hours a day. Users can log in to the captive account XRAY via these methods:

DECnet - node name NDADSA, address 15761
NSI-TCP/IP - address
Direct Dial - dial (301)286-9000, type "CALL SISC" and "CONNECT NDADSA"
When the NDADSA computer asks for a USERNAME, enter XRAY; no password is required.

ROSAT information is available within the XRAY account through the bulletin board and the database system. To access the bulletin board, simply type "BULLETIN"; information on the latest HEASARC developments is posted there, as are status reports for ROSAT and GRO.

To access the database system, type "BROWSE" followed by the name of the database you wish to view. ("BROWSE ?" lists available databases.) BROWSE is a command-driven program which allows users to manipulate, display, and execute analysis tasks on database entries. At present there are four ROSAT databases: ROSAO, ROSSTL, ROSTL1, and ROSATLOG.

ROSAO contains a list of accepted AO proposals. Each ROSAO entry contains one proposal, and includes information such as PI, target, RA, Dec, proposal priority, instrument, and more.

The ROSSTL and ROSTL1 databases contain observation timelines. ROSSTL is based on the short-term timelines, which are generated by MPE about a week prior to observations. ROSSTL is frequently updated and contains such information as observation sequence number, scheduled start and stop times, predicted RA and Dec, instrument, PI, etc. ROSTL1 contains only the long-term timeline for AO1, as it existed in January 1991.

The newest ROSAT database, ROSATLOG, contains a log of attempted pointings. ROSATLOG combines MPE's records with the short-term timelines to provide information about the target and PI, plus observation times and measured coordinates. ROSATLOG is periodically updated and checked for accuracy; still, it should only be used as a rough guide to ROSAT pointings because it does NOT reflect operational or other problems which may have affected an observation. To confirm whether a scheduled observation was successfully completed the ROSATLOG and the log of problem times (the blacklist) must be cross checked. The blacklist can be found at the end of this status report. An updated blacklist, including problem times during the one day pointing mode, will be available shortly.

BROWSE Example - Search ROSATLOG for a PI:
HEASARC> BROWSE ROSATLOG                Load the ROSATLOG database
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_DEC> SP PI WHITE         Search the total sample for entries 
                                        with "WHITE" as PI.  8 entries will be 
                                        found and displayed.

ROSATLOG_TOTAL_DEC 8> DALL 1            Display all the information in entry 1

ROSATLOG_TOTAL_DEC 8> RSAM              Reset the sample to TOTAL again
Type "HELP" for a summary of BROWSE commands, or "DBHELP" for info on the current database. Send questions or comments about the HEASARC on-line service to NDADSA::REQUEST (15761::REQUEST).


OLD status reports and the list of approved AO2 targets (SCHEDULED AO2 targets are not yet available) are accessible via ROSATNEWS.

To access ROSATNEWS one should log onto the ROSAT vax, (Span node 15576, TCP/IP 128. 183.10.64). The username is ROSATNEWS and no password is required. This captive account allows the user to see a listing of available documents and to select and read an item.

                        The ROSAT blacklist

Scheduled AO1 Observations affected by blacklist

|PI             seq_id       % observed    Target           priority 

|Strom  US      200001|*        23%      V410TAU           |     2|
|Caillault US   200008|*        25%      PLEIADES CENTER   |     2|
|Walter US      200027|         0%      ORI#12            |     2|
|Walter US      200032|         16%     ORI#8             |     3|
|Walter US      200033|         22%     ORI#10            |     3|
|Walter US      200039|         46%     ORI#3             |     3|
|Montmerle US     200045|       52%     RHO OPHIUCHI CORE |     2|
|Feigelson US     200046|       53%     CHAMAELEON CLOUD--S.    2|   
|Feigelson US     200047|       20%     CHAMAELEON CLOUD-NOR    2|
|Grady US      200049|          14%     HD58343           |     2|
|Corcoran US   200066|          8%      SCO OB1           |     2|
|Rosner US     200068|*         67%     PLEIADESFIELD#1   |     2|
|Guinan US     200070|->        0%      PI1 UMA           |     3|
|Shipman  US    200082|         62%     HZ 14             |     2|
|Cassinel US    200093|         0%      BETA CEN          |     1|
|Cassinel US    200095|         0%      BETA CEN          |     1|
|Cassinel US    200096|         0%      BETA CEN          |     1|
|Cassinel US    200103|->       0%      ETA CEN           |     3|
|Shipman US     200107|*        54%     V471 TAU          |     2|
|Golub US       200117|         0%      G1171.2A          |     2|
|Petre US       200121|         0%      YM29              |     2|
|Petre  US      200124|        54%      K2-2              |     3|
|Giampapa US    200126|         35%     LHS474            |     3|
|Schmitt US     200135|         2%      HD 36705          |     1|
|Pauldrac WG    200178|         32%     RHO PUP           |     3|
|Pauldrac WG    200196|->       0%      HD 46150          |     3|
|Pauldrac WG    200200|->       0%      LAMBDA ORI        |     3|
|Puls WG        200202|         69%     HD 68273          |     3|
|Schmitt WG     200216|         25%     ALP PER P2        |     2|
|Schmitt WG     200220|         0%      ALP PER P24       |     2|
|Schmitt WG     200236|         34%     ALP PER P5        |     2|
|Schmitt WG     200237|         13%     ALP PER P6        |     2|
|Schmitt WG     200326|         16%     GL 285            |     3|
|Schmitt US     200330|         60%     Gl 754            |     3|
|Krautter WG    200399|         6%      LUPUS DARK CLOUD  |     3|
|Jordan WG      200411|         23%     WD 0134+833       |     2|
|Jordon WG      200412|         60%     WD 2028+390       |     2|
|Barstow UK     200420|         0%      WD0501+527        |     2|
|Barstow   UK   200425|         0%      WD0346-011        |     2|
|Barstow UK     200438|         0%      Gliese 9550       |     2|
|Margon US      300007|         66%     47TUCANAE         |     2|
|Helfand US     300014|         52%     NGC7099           |     2|
|Pietsch WG     300056|         62%     V603 AQL          |     3|
|Verbunt WG     300066|->       0%      U GEM             |     3|
|Mason UK       300097|         65%     QQ Vul            |     2|
|Wood US        400009|         0%      EXO0748-676       |     1|
|Kulkarni US    400015|         15%     PSR1957+20        |     2|
|Smale US       400033|         6%      X1822-371         |     1|
|Oegelman WG   400040|          39%     PSR 1916+14       |     3|
|Oegelman WG   400041|          0%      PSR0656+14        |     2|
|Oegelman WG   400048|          37%     SR 1951+32       |     2|
|Oegelman WG   400053|          56%     THE VELA PULSAR   |     2|
|Willingale UK 400063|          40%     PSR 1855+09       |     3|
|Arendt US     500009|          59%     G7.7-3.7          |     3|
|Aschenba WG   500038|->        0%      G29.7-0.2         |     3|
|Aschenba WG    500046|         16%     CYGNUS LOOP       |     2|
|Brinkman WG    500050|         10%     G4.5+6.8          |     3|
|Fink WG        500052|         37%     DEM105            |     2|
|Brinkman WG    500058|         0%      W50               |     2|
|Pye UK         500068|          0%     SN 1006           |     2|
|Loose WG       600058|         64%     HARO3             |     2|
|Zimmerman WG   600101|         1%      M81               |     2|
|Watson UK      600110|         38%     M82               |     2|
|Marscher US    700060|->       0%      0742+103          |     3|
|Marshall US    700068|         25%     3C263             |     2|
|Turner US      700111|          46%    MKN3              |     3|
|McCarthy US    700118|          2%     3CR326.1          |     3|
|Turnshek US    700123|          51%    Q1700+5153        |     2|
|Brunner WG     700140|          36%    S50454+84         |     3|
|Wendker WG     700179|          0%     HS 47.5/22 FIELD  |     2|
|Ulrich WG      700230|          0%     1613+658          |     2|
|Lawrence UK     700262|          0%     MKN110            |     2|
|Henry US       800004|          54%    A 963             |     2|
|Harris US      800021|          33%    CYGNUS A          |     2|
|Kowalski US     800034|*        66%  PERSEUSCLUSTER-SOUTH|     2|
|Kowalski US     800035|*        62%  PERSEUSCLUSTER-NORTH|     2|
|White II US     800037|->         0%   A576                     3|
|Mushotzky US    800041|         36%    ABELL548          |     2|
|Sarazin US      800051|         18%    2A0335+096        |     2|
|Mauche US       900001|*        14%    AMHER             |     1|
|Windhorst US    900009|         32%     LYNX.3A           |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900040|         32%    The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900041|         0%     The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900042|         7%     The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900048|         0%     The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900049|         64%    The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900055|         0%     The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900056|         8%     The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900065|         43%    The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900066|         0%     The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900067|         41%    The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900078|         53%    The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900091|         21%    The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900092|         0%     The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900093|         0%     The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900094|         65%    The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900103|         0%     The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900115|         32%    The Lockman Field |     2|
|Hasinger WG     900129|         13%    The Lockman Field |     2|
|Snowden WG      900139|         58%    MBM36             |     2|
|Snowden WG      900143|         67%    MBM20             |     3|
|Cooke UK        900145|         14%    SGR1806-20        |     3|

Next Status Report #13 Previous Status Report #11

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Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

Please use the Feedback link if you have questions on ROSAT.

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 14-Sep-1999 11:47:03 EDT

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