ROSAT Status Report #17
Satellite and Instrument Status
The synchronization problem of the HRI instrument has apparently been solved by the new command procedure, which invokes a reset command timetagged after every belt or SAA passage. During the last observing period (December 6 to 11) no further telemetry turmoils have been noticed.
Mission Planning Statistics
Summary of pointed observations carried out with ROSATCalibration phase (June - July 1990) 502 Verification phase (July 1990) 58 AO1 (February 1991 - May 1991) 587 Reduced Pointing Phase (May - November 1991) 267 AO2 (November 1991 - April 1992) 984 (planned) Total number of different PIs: 528 US 303 FRG 163 UK 62 Total number of accepted observing programs: 855 US 418 FRG 303 UK 134
There will be a ROSAT booth at the Atlanta AAS meeting (Jan 12-16th) where ROSAT related software will be demonstrated and general queries can be answered.

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