ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #29

ROSAT NEWS No. 10 --- 1-Aug-1992

ROSAT Scientific Data Center at the

Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE)

Postfach 1603, D-85740 Garching, Germany

e-mail addresses (Uli Zimmermann): (Internet) or MPE::ROSAT_SVC (SPAN)
ROSAT Service Area (including ROSAT Data Archive):
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WFC Archive access via telnet/ftp user: xuv (password: xuv_archive)


No serious problems with either the satellite or the instruments were encountered since the last issue.


Please check the 2000 coordinates of all of your AO-3 pointings. We have detected, just by chance, already some serious mistakes.


PSPC processing is proceeding normally.

A new HRI software release has been implemented that is hoped to solve most of the problems that up to now inhibited part of the data to be processed successfully .


In replacement of former statements on the timing problem in the HRI data we forward here the newest US report: HRI data acquired after the 1992 Feb 26 spacecraft-clock reset event have been found to be subject to timing errors similar to those experienced by the PSPC. Prior to the feb '92 reset, the HRI data had been free of the timing error (+/- 1 sec).

PSPC data sets that were FITS converted between 24-Jun-92 14:00 and 28-Jul-92 17:40 have empty SOURCE and SOURCEANA tables.The information contained in these 2 files is a duplicate of what is listed in the protocol printout coming with the data. Because observers are not missing any information we do not plan to repeat the FITS conversion by default. But if you feel that you require this information in a table please contact us for a new tape.


Attitude Solution

A number of recent investigations may now point to an explanation for some features in the spacecraft attitude solution that up to now prevented to achieve absolute accuracies much better than 10 arcsec.

- A systematic comparison of X-ray positions of optically identified
sources shows a scatter of about 6 arcsec (rms.) around the
expected position for both HRI and PSPC.

- The same scatter was found in an HRI "raster scan", where the same
sources appear in the field-of-view at many different positions.

- The derived X-ray positions of bright targets vary as a function of
time by about +/- 5 arcsec, correlated with the 400s wobble motion
of the spacecraft; again this effect is observed both for HRI and

Various checks have been made in order to explain these effects, including a detailed investigation of the in-orbit accuracy of the AMCS star tracker (STC). A relatively simple test is provided by the angular separation between two stars measured simultaneously in the STC field-of-view and a comparison with the known distance. First analyses by GSOC and MBB indicate a variability of the measured distances, partially correlated with the wobble motion. On average the STC errors seem to be a factor of about 3 worse than the ground calibration results. It is also apparent that the effect has been present since the beginning of the mission and in both star trackers.

Up to now there is no straightforward understanding of this phenomenon. We hope to find out soon, whether the effect is of systematic origin or whether it is erratic. In the first case a post-facto correction procedure could be envisaged, which might be able to compensate all or part of the effect.

Spectral Calibration of the PSPC detector

The PSPC is probably the best-calibrated imaging proportional counter ever flown. Every event is transformed through a long chain of correction procedures from the raw telemetry to calibrated time, position and amplitude. In particular we correct for: the ADC nonlinearity, the gain saturation effect, the temporal gain variations, small-scale electronic position variations, spatial gain variations, and large scale window position variations. The detector response matrix contains our best current knowledge of the mirror effective areas, the composition of the PSPC entrance window, and a physical model of the characteristics of the counter gas and its resolution properties.

Nevertheless, there are residual systematic uncertainties on the percent level in almost every element of the above chain. Most of the detailed information originates from extended ground calibrations with monochromatic lines; important elements were also derived or verified in orbit. One of our major problems is that there exists no bona fide continuum calibration source, neither on ground nor in orbit, that has a spectrum known well enough in the 0.1-2 keV range and is suitable for the PSPC (similar to the Crab Nebula for higher energy X-rays). Another concern is the possibility of unexplored temporal variations in the instrument performance. Since fall 1991 the instrument is operated at a gain lower than nominal, which in principle also influences the calibration. However, the shape and energy of the in-orbit aluminum K calibration line (1.5 keV) did not change significantly after the gain switch. To obtain a comparison at other energies we have just taken a series of ground calibration measurements with the PSPC engineering model at lower gain.

Systematic features in the residuals of PSPC spectral fits are a well-known problem, in particular for high signal-to-noise ratio sources. We do not yet have a complete overview of all possible effects; some of the problems seem not to be present in all datasets and some may even be true features of the observed source. Due to the relatively poor energy resolution of the proportional counter the different possibilities can not be unambiguosly disentangled. We are currently undertaking an effort to collect a sample of bright source spectra for a better diagnosis. Problems that we know about are:

- a systematic deficiency of measured counts in the trough above the
carbon edge (ca. 0.4 keV) associated with excesses at about 0.2-0.3
keV and 0.6-0.9 keV. We are investigating the possibility of a small
systematic error in our model of the window transmission around the
carbon edge.

- an excess (30-50%) of measured counts compared to models above
2 keV. We are studying whether our effective area above 2 keV is
larger than expected. This might be due to the poorly known optical
constants of gold in this energy range.

- spectra of white dwarfs taken before and after the gain change
appear to be systematically different below 0.2 keV. This could
indicate a change in the PSPC energy resolution at lower gain or a
variation in the window transmission at low energies. Any such
effect might be exaggerated by the extreme steepness of the white
dwarf spectra. We will be able to judge on the low energy response
function from the recent low-gain calibration data.

While in the next few months we are trying hard to improve our knowledge of the PSPC performance and to push down the uncertainties even further, we advise ROSAT observers to include systematic errors of about 1 percent in their PSPC spectral fits and to be cautious in the interpretation of narrow spectral features, particularly those of small equivalent width. We would also appreciate to receive further information from observers about unexpected spectral features.


Since March '92 the Standard Analysis Processing calculates smoothed background maps by a different method avoiding some of the problems that sometimes came up in images with unusual background features. In short, these maps are produced from normal images by cutting out all the sources detected by the Local Detect Algorithm, then dividing the resulting image by the exposure map, applying a spline fit and finally multiplying the image reconstructed from the spline fit with the exposure map. Contrary to the product delivered before the change, the new background map shows now clearly the support structure of the PSPC window. The construction of background maps by EXSAS is not yet using this new scheme. For consistency reasons users working with source detection in EXSAS should therefore up to the next release of the software (which is planned to contain the new method) take the background maps as produced by the appropriate EXSAS commands.

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