ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #31:

Sept 8, 1992

             ROSAT Data Analysis and Science Workshop
              Wednesday-Thursday, November 4-5, 1992
                  Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA

The US ROSAT Science Data Center is sponsoring a 1+ day workshop on analysis techniques for and results from ROSAT data. It is intended to be an open forum for discussing how to maximize the scientific return from ROSAT data. The workshop will include invited and contributed oral talks, as well as posters. Invited talks will focus on topics such as background subtraction, and spatial and spectral analysis. Also available will be demonstrations of all the major data analysis systems used for ROSAT data: IRAF/PROS, MIDAS/EXSAS, XANADU/XSPEC, and IDL. Representatives from the US, German, and UK ROSAT data centers will participate.

We invite contributions in the form of oral or poster presentations. While the emphasis of this workshop is data analysis techniques, we nevertheless welcome contributions highlighting ROSAT scientific results. As the workshop is being held in conjunction with the Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) Conference, we encourage use of the forms contained in the ADASS announcement in making room reservations and submitting abstracts.

Please note the following:

1. If you will attend the ROSAT Science workshop ONLY, do NOT send the ADASS Conference Registration Form. Please fill out the ROSAT Workshop form (get the file "RSW_registration") available via anonymous ftp from:

(also included following this)

2. To submit a workshop abstract, indicate "ROSAT Science Workshop" in the "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS" box of the Conference Abstract Form. ADASS forms are available via anonymous ftp from and are in the directory pub/softconf.

RSW abstracts are due September 30, 1992.

A modest registration fee ($ 30) for those not participating in the ADASS '92 meeting will be payable at the workshop.

For further information, and to receive a hardcopy set of forms, please contact:

    Patricia Buckley
    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
    60 Garden Street, MS 83
    Cambridge MA  02138
    ROSAT Data Analysis and Science Workshop  

          	   Preliminary Schedule of Events  

      Wednesday, November 4, 1992   
 6:00-7:00 PM Poster/Demo Set-up  

 7:00-9:30    Opening Reception & Registration  

      Thursday, November 5, 1992    

 8 AM-noon    Registration 

 8:30-8:45    Opening Remarks 

 8:45-10:00   General Session -- 1 

10:00-11:00   Poster/Demo Session and Break 

11:00-12:30   General Session -- 2 


 2:00-3:00    General Session -- 3 

 3:00-4:00    Poster/Demo Session and Break 

 4:00-5:30    General Session -- 4 


 7:30-8:30    General Session -- 5 

 8:30-8:45    Closing remarks

 8:45-9:30    Poster/Demo Session



		ROSAT Data Analysis and Science Workshop
		Wednesday - Thursday, November 4-5, 1992
		     Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA





Phone:__________________ FAX:__________________ E-mail:_______________________

Affiliation for Name Tag:_____________________________________________________

Registration Fee: $ 30 per person, unless previously registered for ADASS '92
                  (payable at the Workshop)

Abstracts due by September 30, 1992

Please send to "" or mail to:
    Ms. Patricia Buckley
    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
    60 Garden Street - MS 83
    Cambridge, MA  02138 

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