ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #32:

Sept 24, 1992

             ROSAT Data Analysis and Science Workshop
              Wednesday-Thursday, November 4-5, 1992
                  Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA

The US ROSAT Science Data Center is sponsoring a 1+ day workshop on analysis techniques for and results from ROSAT data. It is intended to be an open forum for discussing how to maximize the scientific return from ROSAT data. The workshop will include invited and contributed oral talks, as well as posters. Invited talks will focus on topics such as background subtraction, and spatial and spectral analysis.

Please note the following:

1. If you will attend the ROSAT Science workshop ONLY, do NOT send the ADASS Conference Registration Form. Please fill out the ROSAT Workshop form (get the file "RSW_registration") available via anonymous ftp from:

2. To submit a workshop abstract, indicate "ROSAT Science Workshop" in the "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS" box of the Conference Abstract Form. ADASS forms are available via anonymous ftp from and are in the directory pub/softconf.

Abstracts are due September 30, 1992.

ROSAT at the Phoenix AAS meeting.

If you have read your preliminary announcement for the Phoenix AAS meeting, you will have noticed a special HEAD session devoted to ROSAT. The session will consist of three invited talks:

R. Petre - The ROSAT View of the Cosmos

R. Rosner - A New Look at Stars from ROSAT

B. Wilkes - ROSAT Beyond the Milky Way

The intent of these talks is to survey the most exciting and important results that ROSAT has thus far produced, with particular emphasis on those which have come from pointed observations with US participation. The speakers will also try to highlight those areas where further observations during the last few months of PSPC lifetime are crucial. As ROSAT data is spread out among hundreds of guest observers there is no possible means by which these speakers can know about all the exciting results without help. We are therefore requesting that observers with results they would like to see highlighted in these presentations contact Rob Petre, the US project scientist (at lheavx::petre or Initially, an E-mail note will suffice, but eventually we would like viewgraphs/slides depicting the results.

In support of these talks, we encourage observers with ROSAT results to present them at the meeting. Drawing attention to ROSAT results serves two useful purposes. In the short term, it might stimulate some new ideas for the final months of PSPC life. In the longer term, those who control the funding for guest observer programs will notice, and might adjust the funding for ROSAT accordingly.


The fourth window of opportunity to apply for ROSAT observations (AO4) opens on November 15, 1992, with the release of a NASA Research Announcement. Observing proposals will be due on February 1, 1993. In general, the process for submitting a proposal will be unchanged from previous AO's. One very important change in the mission will take place during the interval covered by AO4. The PSPC gas supply is expected to run out around the end of December 1993, approximately six months after the start of the AO4 observing cycle. After that time, only the HRI will be available for observations. The following adjustments will be made in the AO4 procedure.

  • A total of six months' observing time with the PSPC will be accepted. The PSPC will be placed in the focal plane at the start of the AO4 observing period, and left there until it becomes unusable.
  • A total of one years' observing time with the HRI will be accepted. This will make possible a switchover to the HRI at any time, should the PSPC die prematurely.
  • The AO4 period will cover at least one year. It will include the remaining time that the PSPC operates, plus one full year of HRI only time.
  • There will be no changing of PSPC targets into HRI targets by the mission planning and operations team. Observers must make a specific request for each instrument. Moreover, a given ROSAT proposal must contain ONLY HRI or PSPC observations. Proposals mixing instruments will not be accepted.

Timeline for second half of AO3

The procedure leading to the production of the long term timeline for the second half of the AO3 period, from December 15, 1992, until June 15, 1993, is about to begin. Of highest importance is the completion of those few remaining incomplete AO1 and AO2 observations. Observers whose priority 1 and 2 AO1 and AO2 observations have less than 70 percent of their allotted time should check the list of "holdover" targets, to be found under the GSFC anonymous ftp account under the /pub/AO_Info/ directory, with filename ao1_ao2.holdovers. If your observation is missing from this list contact Rob Petre before November 1.

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