ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #35:

Oct 27, 1992


		ROSAT Data Analysis and Science Workshop	
				Boston, MA	
				November 5, 1992	

Session	Time	Title	Speaker
	8:30	Opening remarks					R. Petre, GSFC
	8:45	The ROSAT Standard Analysis Software System 	W. Voges, MPE
	9:05	Background Subtraction and Exposure Correction 	S. Snowden, MPE
			of ROSAT PSPC observations	
	9:25	The Spectral and Spatial Performance of the HRI	R. Harnden, SAO
	9:45	The U.S. ROSAT Public Archive			M. Corcoran,GSFC
	10:00	Break	

2		Data Analysis Systems for ROSAT	

	11:00	PROS status and plans				D. Harris, SAO
	11:12	EXSAS					H.U. Zimmermann, MPE
	11:24	ASTERIX - The UK ROSAT Data Analysis System	J. Osborne, 
	11:36	Xanadu						K. Arnaud, GSFC
	11:48	An IDL-based Set of Analysis Routines		G. Reichert,GSFC
	12:00	Panel discussion 	
	12:30	Lunch	

3		Analysis techniques	

	2:00	Spectral features in AGN??			J. Turner, GSFC
	2:15	Electronic Ghost Images Around Soft ROSAT Point J. Nousek, PSU
	2:30	An IDL-based ROSAT Data and Analysis Package	F. Walter, SUNY
	2:45	ROSAT HRI Sees SNR and PSR in LMC Using PROS	F. Seward, SAO
			and FFT
	3:00	A Critical Comparison of Source Detection 	E. Schlegel,GSFC
			Algorithms Applied to ROSAT Data
	3:30	Break	
4		Analysis techniques and Science results	

	5:00	Extended X-ray Emission from NGC1068		M. Elvis, SAO
			and the HRI PSF and PHA properties
	5:15	An Attempt to Detect Intra-Supercluster		T. Mijaji, GSFC
			Emission with the PSPC
	5:30	A Study of the Diffuse Soft X-ray Background 	Q. Wang, JILA
			with a deep ROSAT pointing
	5:45	ROSAT PSPC Observations of the NGC5044   	L. David, SAO
			Group of Galaxies
	6:00	Lx-Lopt Relation for ROSAT AGN			W. Morgan,STSciI
	6:15	A Deep PSPC Exposure of a Region in the 	K. Strom, FCRAO
			Taurus-Auriga Clouds
	6:30	Evidence of Non-Equilibrium Ionization in 	S. Boccino, 
			the Vela Supernova Remnant		Palermo
	6:45	PSPC Observations of Jupiter's Aurora		H. Waite, SRI
	7:00	Closing remarks					R. Harnden, SAO
	7:15	Adjourn	


	The X-ray Structure and Spectrum of NGC 6251	M. Birkenshaw, SAO
	Results of ROSAT Observations of Early B-Stars	D. Cohen, Wisconsin
	ROSAT Observations of High Redshift Quasars	F. Fiore, SAO
	A ROSAT Spectrum of the Quasar 3C351		F. Fiore, SAO
	4U2129 + 47 = V1727Cyg				M. Garcia, SAO
	ROSAT PSPC Observations of NGC4636		G. Trinchieri, SAO
	Warm and Hot Ionized Gas in the Spiral Galaxy NGC4631 R. Walterbos, NMSU
	Generation of Energy Dependent Exposure Maps	J. Mendenhall, PSU
		Additional late submissions	


	PROS - D. Harris et al., SAO
	EXSAS - Izzo and Belloni, MPE
	ASTERIX - Saxton, Leicester
	RPS/MIPS - Duesterhaus, GSFC
	IDL - Reichert, GSFC
	Xanadu - Arnaud, GSFC

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