ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #39:

Dec 1, 1992


A new detector response matrix for the PSPC detector has been released representing the 'state of the art'. Its behavior is described in the document SPSPC_spec_calib.Nov92 to be found in the GSFC anonymous ftp account under /pub/PSPC_Info/

The new matrix is also available in XSPEC ascii format under the same directory and is named pspcb_31_300_1.ascii. Nominally this matrix is appropriate to PSPC-B, although the difference between the two PSPC instruments is very small, an official PSPC-C matrix will also be installed in that directory shortly. To make an XSPEC response matrix from this ascii file, use the auxiliary program MKRSP.


The detailed timeline for the second half of AO3 is now available under /pub/AO_Info/ao3PtII.details

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