ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #40

Dec 9, 1992

A ROSAT Master Observation List is now available on the Goddard rosserv anonymous ftp account. This ascii text file contains a listing of all ROSAT observations that have either been carried out or are scheduled.

The file includes observation sequence number; the proposal number from which the target was scheduled; the target number from that proposal; the target priority (Pr); the AO from which the target was awarded; and the instrument which was prime for the observation, where 0=HRI, 1=PSPC, 2=WFC. The times tabulated are:

T_Im	the total good time in the data, taken from the SASS processing 
	(given where available)
T_Plan	the scheduled time in the current timeline (given when the data 
	have not yet been processed)
T-Req	the time awarded for the target

The target RA and Dec are given in J2000, along with the target name and PI.

The file is named masterlog.rosat and resides under the /pub/AO_Info directory

Reminder: to reach the Goddard anonymous ftp account


at the ftp login prompt the username is anonymous and the password is your user identity (say your username at your home institution). The account is captive so you will see a limited range of directories. To find the observation log

cd /pub/AO_Info

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HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 14-Sep-1999 11:47:03 EDT

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