ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #41:

Dec 14, 1992

(A redistribution of a bulletin from the UK bulletin board)

                         -< ROSAT General Discussion >-
Note 7.28                      Guest Observer News                      28 of 28
LTVAD::JULO                                          20 lines  10-DEC-1992 10:17
                           -< Bugs in new matrix!! >-

The new PSPC response matrix recently released (pspcb_31_300_1.ascii) has been found to be incorrectly made. It should not be used for the spectral analysis of bright or soft sources. A replacement matrix will be supplied as soon as all problems with the current matrix are understood.

A) The energy grid of the matrix used in the original comparison with Mkn 421 was displaced by half an energy bin. The 'fudge factors' used to make the matrix are thus incorrect at all energies.

B) At some point between the creation of the new matrix in internal MPE format and its FITS conversion, effective area has been lost at low energies (ca. <0.1 keV).

As soon as a new matrix becomes available, it will be announced in a status report.

Master Log File

A few minor errors were found in the master log of Rosat observations residing on anonymous ftp (/pub/AO_Info/masterlog.rosat). A corrected version of this file has been placed in the account as of noon on Dec 14th.

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