ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #42:

Dec 17, 1992

ROSAT Archive Access Problems

Access to the ROSAT public archive on NDADS was temporarily stopped last week due to the discovery of 2 archived data files which appeared to contain corrupted data. The files which are known to be corrupted are


In the first case, invalid values of the x and y photon positions appeared in the photon list, while in the second case invalid pixel values were found in the upper region of the image.

As far as is known at present, these are the only two files which are corrupted in the archive on NDADS. However, to prevent the dissemination of data which may be corrupted but not identified as such, access to the ROSAT archive on NDADS was turned off from 12-11-92 through 12-17-92 until the source of the data corruption could be identified. The NSSDC and the ROSAT project now believe that the corruption was introduced by a faulty magnetic disk/controller which was used to stage the ROSAT data prior to ingest into NDADS. This hardware has now been replaced with a more reliable unit, and access to the ROSAT archive on NDADS is now available. However, access is temporarily limited to those files which were archived AFTER the replacement of the faulty staging hardware. To determine which data sets are available, users should send an e-mail request to


with the subject line


NDADS will then reply with a list of available data sets listed by instrument and ROR number.

Data previously ingested into NDADS prior to the removal of the faulty hardware is being re-staged using the replacement hardware and should be available by the end of next week (12-25-92). Thus we expect that by the end of next week users will have access to ALL data which entered the public domain prior to Dec. 25 1992.

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HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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