ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #43:

Dec 23, 1992

HRI Update

Updated information on the performance of the ROSAT HRI is now available via anonymous ftp on the machine.

The anonymous-ftp directory (pub/HRI_Info/HRI_report) contains the LaTeX (HRI.tex, together with "psfig.tex" and two "*.sty" style files which are referenced), DVI (HRI.dvi), and Postscript ( files for the entire 27-page report, "The ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI)", dated November 1992. Also included are individual Postscript files for each of its 13 figures (cf. list below). The files HRI.dvi and can be used with online "previewers" such as the Unix programs dvipage and ghostscript, respectively, while HRI.tex can be used (e.g., for keyword searches) with any text editor (albeit with the inconvenience of ubiquitous LaTeX commands). Hardcopies of the report (without figures) can be generated by printing "" (e.g., in Unix, with the command "lpr"); similarly, the individual-figure Postscript files can be printed to obtain hardcopies of the figures.

Please note that the figures have been kept separate (by substituting blank figures, "*ps_blank", in HRI.tex) from the Postscript file of the text because of problems with printing the entire report when the "encapsulated" figures were included. Figures 4, 5, 9, and 13 were found to hang some printers, apparently because color-level Postscript commands were included in these figures inadvertently during their generation. The use of a color printer for these figures may alleviate problems in obtaining hardcopies (if not, please request a hardcopy from the RSDC GOF). (There should be no problems with printing the other nine figures.)

Postscript files containing individual figures:

Fig. Description                                           .ps
---  ---------------------------------------------------   --------------
 1 - Response to point-sources HZ43, LMC X-1, and AR Lac 
 2 - On-axis encircled energy function                
 3 - Comparison of nearly-on-axis point-source images       
 4 - Images of HZ43 at nine different off-axis angles        
 5 - Images of LMC X-1 at nine different off-axis angles       
 6 - 50\% power radius vs. off-axis angle                
 7 - Effective area of the XRT/HRI vs. photon energy       
 8 - Vignetting function of the XRT/HRI         
 9 - Quantum Efficiency map     
10 - Pulse-height distributions of a Vega (UV source)   
11 - Pulse-height distributions of HZ43   
12 - Pulse-height distributions of A2256  
13 - Spatial variations of pulse-height distributions           

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