ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #44:

Dec 24, 1992

[                                                                      ]
[                    HINTS & POINTERS for PROS Users                   ]
[   24 DECEMBER 1992                                             #6    ]
[                                                                      ]


A revised version (15 Dec 92) is now available on anonftp. Hard copies will be mailed to all registered sites AND users; i.e. the same distribution list used for this emailing. However, if you do not receive a copy by mid January, please make a request to the address at the bottom of this issue. We do not have postal addresses for all users.


At present there are different versions of IRAF/PROS depending on machine architecture. Any architecture for which IRAF 2.10+ has been released can run PROS 2.1.1, architectures for which IRAF 2.9.1 must use PROS 1.1.3. PROS is developed and tested under Sun/Unix, but should run on any system that supports IRAF 2.10+. Presently, it has been installed successfully on Sun 3/4, Decstation Ultrix and Silicon Graphics IRIX.

	current versions

	----		----
	2.1.1		2.10.2	
	1.1.3		2.9.1	

ROSAT archive

PROS supports the FITS files in the ROSAT archive. However, until we complete work on an automated script, users must be aware of the following:

  • US files in the archive are already sorted by 'y x', and therefore the task FITS2QP should be run with the 'qp_mkindex=yes' option. If they are run with the 'qp_mkindex=no' (the default), then the QPSORT task should be run, to insure a sorted QPOE file.
  • MPE files in the archive are NOT already sorted by 'y x' and therefore the task FITS2QP should be run with 'qp_mkindex=no' (and 'mpe_ascii_fits=yes') The MPE files should then be processed through QPCOPY (standard parameters) to produce a 'sorted' QPOE file. Otherwise, IRAF sometimes fails when applying a region to an 'unsorted' file.


There have been several inquiries into precessing IMAGES from B1950 to J2000 (or vice versa). PROS has tasks that will precess coordinate pairs. However, there is a task in STSDAS/TOOLS that can be used to precess the IMAGE matrix itself. The TPRECESS task can be used on ROSAT IMAGE files (not QPOE files.) Some editing of the input IMAGE file will be needed. This can be done using the HEDIT task.

hedit CD2_1 0.0 add+ hedit CD1_2 0.0 add+

If the CD1_1 and CD2_2 keywords are also missing, they can be added with 'hedit' and should be given the values found in CDELT1 and CDELT2.

hedit CD1_1 add+ hedit CD2_2 add+

TPRECESS then can be run only with the newcopy=no option, so be sure to save a 'good' copy of your file.

Also TPRECESS will update the 'EPOCH' keyword with the 'todate' you've specified. PROS expects this value in EQUINOX, so it may be best to 'hedit' the EQUINOX keyword to agree with the EPOCH keyword. hedit EQUINOX


There is an IRAF bug, that does not always correctly apply user time filters. However, the PROS routine QPCOPY, does the filtering correctly. To be sure that user time filters are correctly applied, ALWAYS apply your time filter in 'qpcopy', and use the resulting file (with NO additional time filter) in application tasks. (This should be corrected in IRAF 2.10.3)


Buffer sizes for REGIONS have been increased considerably, and the 'help regions' has been re-written to be clearer. This should alleviate many of the previous problems.

The indeterminancy for the point of a PIE slice remains. (see Hints #4)


There are still some problems and inconsistencies with the World Coordinate Matrices included with the ROSAT data files. (see Hints # 4)

As a result, all conversion to RA and Dec, MUST be done with an UNBLOCKED QPOE file. (The IMAGE files, and blocked QPOE files exhibit the error described previously.)


PROS 2.1.1 includes the latest PSPC detector response matrix, called However, the 'pkgpars' defaults to the EARLIER matrix,, due to warnings concerning the validity of dtmat_31 in ROSAT Status report #41. All matrices are available, by just resetting the 'pkgpars.ros_dtmat' to the appropriate filename (try 'files xspectraldata$dtmat*.ieee' to see the options.)

Also the previous version (pre PROS 2.1) of the Raymond Model files are still available from anonymous FTP and can be referenced by setting the parameter pkgpars.raymond_dire=


Following is an example of the use of IRAF/PROS tasks to create an model IMAGE for the on-axis/HRI PRF (which has 3 components).

immodel "512 512" rosat_psf_t1.imh gauss 4.3716 norm- sca=0.9638 
    sour="256 256"
immodel rosat_psf_t1 rosat_psf_t2.imh gauss 8.0838 norm- sca=0.1798
    sour="256 256"
immodel rosat_psf_t2 rosat_psf_bl1.imh exp 63.38 norm- sca=0.001168
    sour="256 256"

#Determine sum of the PSF model using "imcnts"
imcnts rosat_psf_bl1 none none none test1 clob+
# (total counts were = 217.16)

#Normalize the PSF model using "imcalc"
imcalc -
rosat_psf_bl1_norm = rosat_psf_bl1 / 217.16

#  The file rosat_psf_bl1_norm is now a normized 512 x 512 IMAGE
#  of the HRI PRF function with resolution of .5".


Any user-generated spatial model can be imported to IRAF/PROS using the IMCREATE task. The requirement is that the user-generated spatial model file be written as a 2-dimensional binary array, using fixed-length binary records. The IMCREATE task will convert the 2-dimensional binary array into IRAF IMAGE format. As an IMAGE it can be used in all IRAF/PROS tasks.


We are continually trying to improve the cross-referencing information in PROS. We recommend using either 'references' or 'xapropos' to look for information on given keywords:

	e.g. xapropos prf   (if CTIO package is available)
	or   references prf

							Maureen Conroy


As the provider of the PROS software package ("xray" in IRAF), the ROSAT Science Data Center (RSDC) at SAO distributes HINTS & POINTERS to PROS Users via email. When we find answers to often asked questions, or when we have implemented new software solutions to longstanding problems, we will send this information directly to our users. These messages will also be available via anonymous ftp*, but to receive the email version, you should register with us. If your username is the one associated with your site registration, you are already registered for "HINTS & POINTERS", but we encourage other users (even at the same sites) to register.

Mailings will be sent as the need arises, perhaps every month or so. If you would like to suggest items for future issues of H&P or add your name to our distribution list, please contact us at the following address:

Internet -         RSDC    MS-3
DECnet   - CFA::RSDC (6699::RSDC)       Center for Astrophysics
UUCP     - ...!harvard!cfa!rsdc         60 Garden St. Cambridge MA 02138 USA
BITNET   - rsdc@cfa                     tel: (617) 495-7134  FAX: 495-7356

* to access our anonymous ftp service:
    o   ftp -i              # node address:
        [Name: anonymous]
        [Password: ]

   ftp> cd pub/pros/Hints

N.B.: you can also obtain your own copy of the PROS USERS GUIDE by anonftp from subdir /pub/pros/PUG.

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 14-Sep-1999 11:47:03 EDT

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