ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #46:

Jan 15, 1993

Status of the Release of German and UK Public Data to the US Archive:

A protocol for the exchange of public data between MPE and the USRSDC was agreed to in November. Under the terms of the protocol MPE and the USRSDC each month exchange a list of datasets which are to enter the public domain the following month. Before the actual exchange of data, each list must be approved by a representative of either MPE or the USRSDC. Once approval is given, exabyte tapes containing the approved data are mailed. This protocol was implemented and the first exchange of public data took place in December. In this initial exchange the USRSDC received from MPE exabyte tapes containing all data processed by MPE which were to enter the public domain through October 31, 1992. These data contain 57 German and UK pointed phase observations, along with a large number of calibration observations.

Unfortunately, unforeseen technical issues have arisen which have caused a delay in the ingest of the German and UK public data into the US archive. The data files received from MPE need to be renamed before copying them to the US archive, and a database needs to be maintained which keeps track of the files received from MPE and the corresponding names in the US archive. In addition, each observation in the US archive has associated with it a "public contents" file which contains a list of all the files archived for each observation and which lists information about the observation. In the initial shipment from MPE, the "public contents" files were not created to the US specification and as a result the USRSDC needs to reformat these files before the datasets can be copied to the archive. Software to perform these tasks and to copy the data from exabyte tape to the staging disk for ingest into the public archive is presently under development and should be ready by the end of the month. Once this software is in place, ingest of future shipments of UK and German data into the US archive should proceed smoothly. In the meantime, specific inquiries regarding the availability of German and/or UK data should be addressed to:

		Dr. Michael Corcoran
		Code 668
		Goddard Space Flight Center
		Greenbelt, MD 20771

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