ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #47:

Jan 21, 1993


ROSAT AO4 proposals are due at NASA headquarters by close of business, 1 February, 1993. AO4 observations will be performed over an interval of one year, beginning 15 June, 1993. Remember, only 6 months of PSPC observations will be accepted due to the limited lifetime of the PSPC.

Electronic submission of proposal forms is STRONGLY encouraged for AO4. Future AOs, including ASTRO-D will require use of the RPS system, and this is an ideal time to become familiar with the software. Forms can either be filled out through the utility within MIPS, or the Remote Proposal Software (RPS) can be employed. A reminder of how to use and access RPS follows:

Remote Proposal Submission (RPS) Overview

The Remote Proposal Submission (RPS) package provides all the tools necessary for the remote generation and electronic submission of observing proposal forms for the US ROSAT Pointed Observation Program. The primary feature of RPS is that it is designed for the user to run on his/her home machine. RPS enables guest observers to submit electronic versions of their proposal forms and to generate hard copy (LaTeX) versions. All ROSAT proposals must be submitted in a paper version that includes the proposal forms and scientific justifications. Before using RPS, the user should be familiar with the requirements of the US ROSAT Pointed Observation Program as outlined in the NASA Research Announcement (NRA). RPS offers a number of advantages to users: it will check the data entered into each form, thereby ensuring that the form the user submits does not contain incorrectly entered, incomplete or inconsistent data. In addition to the scientific justification a ROSAT proposal consists of the following forms:

1) The Cover Page which contains details of the Principal Investigator (PI), the proposal title, subject category, and the number of targets proposed.

2) The General Form which contains the details of any Co-Investigators (Co-I's), the official endorsement of the PI's institution, and the PI declaration.

3) One or more Target Forms which contain the technical details of the proposed observation(s) of each target.

4) Each target may have a Constraints Form if the investigator(s) wants one of the time constraints applied to the observation of that target.

5) A page summarizing the target data produced automatically by RPS.

6) A Budget Summary Form which contains summarized proposed costs for items such as salary, equipment, travel, etc.

7) A Detailed Budget Form which contains more specific information pertaining to the proposed cost of an investigation.

Additionally, abstracts must be entered into a separate ASCII file that is "included" into the submitted file.

NOTE: This version of RPS is derived from the original software written by Martin Ricketts et al. at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the United Kingdom.

How to Copy RPS

To download RPS to your home machine, log into the FTP account on ROSAT as follows:

		Connection opened (Assuming 8-bit connection)
		Foreign username:  anonymous
		  cd rps
		  cd sun
		  mget *

After logging on with username anonymous, the user should give his/her e-mail address as password. Then change the directory to rps (cd rps). RPS currently is available for three platforms: VAX (VMS), DECstation (ULTRIX), and SUN (UNIX). Change to the appropriate subdirectory (cd sun to obtain the RPS files needed to run on a SUN UNIX platform, cd vax to obtain the RPS files needed to run on a VAX VMS platform, and cd decstation to obtain the RPS files needed to run on a DECstation ULTRIX platform). Then download the files to the home machine (mget * will transfer all files in the current subdirectory to the home machine). All files must reside in the same subdirectory on the home machine. The file AAREADME.DAT is an electronic copy of the RPS brochure and contains information on how to run RPS.

For further information about the ROSAT Remote Proposal Submission (RPS) system or for copies of the RPS brochure, please contact:

by e-mail ------->      ROSAT::REQUEST or

by writing to --->	RPS Administrator
			Code 668
			Greenbelt, MD 20771	


If you are using RPS to submit your ROSAT AO4 proposal and are having problems latexing your .TEX file due to latex running out of memory, please try the following work-around:

edit your file and search for RPS_FORM_3 add a line after this line that says \clearpage

This should allow you to successfully latex your file. If you have any questions, comments, or problems, please contact LHEAVX::DUESTERHAUS.

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HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 14-Sep-1999 11:47:03 EDT

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