ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #49:

Jan 29, 1993


RPS does not flag all position entry errors.

Specifically, one MUST specify the sign of the target declination, even when it is +ve, and one must enter single digits with a preceeding zero (e.g. 02 13 09) or typographical errors may occur in the LaTeX individual target forms. The nature of the LaTeX form error is that some digits from the target position specification may be dropped from the individual target sheet, while the target summary sheet is correct. The information in the submitted rps .dat files (which rps converts to a LaTeX file for the proposer to make into a hardcopy) IS CORRECT however, (ie the positions are recognized as valid with or without the +ve sign designation and preceeding zeros) thus the SUBMITTED proposal files are correct and uncorrupted, but just the LaTeX forms may have errors. This means that the automatic entry of the proposal information into the database will be correct AND PROPOSALS ALREADY SUBMITTED SHOULD NOT BE RESUBMITTED, but proposers may wish to check their LaTeX forms carefully.

Proposals already submitted will be carefully checked for this problem and corrected as necessary.

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