ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #50:

Feb 3, 1993

(Redistribution of the MPE Status Report # 15)

=                                                                       =
=              ROSAT NEWS No. 15   ---      1-Feb-1993                  =
=                                                                       =
=                 ROSAT Scientific Data Center at the                   =
=          Max-Planck Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik           =
=                Giessenbachstrasse, 8046 Garching, FRG                 =
=  e-mail address (Uli Zimmermann): MPE or 28773::ROSAT_SVC (SPAN) or   =
=  (Internet) or             =
=                  45890090218::ROSAT_SVC (DatexP)                      =
= ROSAT Service Area read-access - SPAN: type MPE::SVC_ROOT:[-]help.doc =
=      via ftp: ftp  user ROSAT_SVC no(empty) password     =

Satelliten- und Instrument-Status

An inconsistency in the ground system command software caused the loss of some targets around New Year.

Since January 10 the Startracker 1 shows a different behavior. In about 30 % of the slews to a new target position, the mapping period of the startracker at the end of the slew takes more time (from 1 up to 20 minutes) until the tracker enters the pointing mode. This lead to a minor shortening of some of the observations, while a few targets were lost. The cause of this behaviour is not yet understood.

Different problems with commanding and the data handling onboard caused a loss of data in several other cases. Presently it is not clear how far operational aspects or a changed hardware behaviour can be made responsible for the difficulties.

Investigations are under way.


The deadline for AO-4 proposals closed one day ago. At the data center several hundreds of envelopes arrived that are supposed to contain the ideas for future ROSAT observations. In the next issue we will report on the details.


The PSPC detector response matrix released mid of December appears to work fine with most of the spectra.


The processing of current observations is complete until January 25, when a spacecraft clock reset was commanded.


Two weeks ago the first datasets of US observations arrived at the data center. The list of contents of all German and US datasets that became public until the end of January can be retrieved from the ROSAT Service Area (files RDA_coord.list and US_public.list in directory archive).


After a thorough testing (Ultrix, SUN Sparc OS, VMS) of the EXSAS system with the new version of MIDAS (which we only got at Christmas) about 70 EXSAS tapes were delivered mid of January to 56 institutes that had applied for the software.

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