ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #61:

June 2, 1993

AO4 timeline:

The first half of the AO4 timeline is now available on anonymous ftp on the new legacy account. This timeline covers the first six months of AO4, when the PSPC will be in the focal plane. Users should ftp to

and the timeline can be found under rosat/timelines/ao4_pt1.timeline.

The column headings are (left to right)

SEQ-ID The sequence number for the observation

Prop The number of the observing proposal

PR The target priority (1,2 or 3)

CO The country to which the proposal was submitted

Code The instrument configuration code 102=PSPC (all observations in this part of the timeline)

Sched The time scheduled for the observation

Min The minimum useful observation time for the target

Max The maximum time which should be allocated for the observation

Start The start time of the observation (year month day)

Stop The stop time of the observation (year month day)

Name The target name


Unscheduled observations:

The MPE planning team have constructed a timeline to satisfy as many of the accepted AO4 proposals as possible. There are some cases however, where it was simply not possible to schedule an observation under the current constraint that the PSPC lifetime will not extend beyond Dec 15th. The list of unscheduled observations is in rosat/timelines/ao4.unscheduled and a list of observations which were scheduled, but for which the minimum time constraint was not met are in rosat/timelines/ao4.partially_sched.

The sizes of the files are:	Sun (bytes)	Vax (blocks)

ao4_pt1.timeline		101266		   201
ao4.unscheduled			12634		   26
ao4.partially_sched		4686		   10

Should the PSPC lifetime be successfully extended by reducing the gas flow rate, then every attempt will be made to schedule the remaining observations.


  • Proposal # 1846 PI Vrtilek was granted 12 x 1.5 ksec time critical observations of Her X-1 at priority 1. Only 1 observation has been scheduled to date, this will be fixed in the short term timeline.
  • Proposal # 1750 PI Marscher was granted 3x 3ksec observations of OJ 287, at priority 1. Only 1 observation is currently scheduled, this will be fixed in the short term timeline.

Please notify Jane Turner (LHEAVX::TURNER) and/or Rob Petre (LHEAVX::PETRE) of any problems with the timeline.

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