ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #70:

Oct 28, 1993

ROSAT Science Symposium

This is the final list of talks to be given at the ROSAT Science Symposium, 8-10 November 1993.

If you requested a talk, but your name is not present, your contribution has been included as a poster. We are sorry we could not accommodate everyone who requested a talk, but the oversubscription factor for talks was at least 2.

Sessions numbered by session topic. Within a session, invited talks are 30m each, oral contributions are 15m each. We have tried to group oral contributions relative to the invited talk. Exact times have not yet been set. While the all the contributions have been chosen, some minor shuffling may still occur. Said shuffling will not alter the day on which a given talk is given, nor whether the talk occurs before or after lunch. Finally, the people responsible for the opening and closing remarks may be switched depending upon J. Trumper's schedule.

1. The Solar Neighborhood   Monday afternoon,  1:00PM

 Opening Remarks     R. Petre, S. Holt 15m    Confirm S. Holt

 Soft X-ray Background   D. Burrows    30m
   Monogem Ring          P. Plucinsky  15m
   Soft X-ray Bkgrd      S. Snowden    15m

 Star-Forming Regions    J.P. Caillaut 30m

 Break                                 30m

 Stars                   J. Schmitt    30m
   DA White Dwarfs       T. Fleming    15m
   Coronal Source gamDra A. Brown      15m

 Pulsars                 J. Finley     30m
   Pulsar Theory         J. Halpern    15m
   New Pulsars           A. Zepka      15m

 Total time:  4.0hrs -->> 5:00PM

 Reception      5:00PM

2. Accretion-Powered Sources   Tuesday   8:30AM

 CVs                     M. Watson     30m
 Extragalactic Binaries  J. Trumper    30m
   BHCs in NGC 1313      J. Stocke     15m
   EXO0748-676           P. Hertz      15m

 Break                                 30m

 LINERS                  G. Reichert   30m
 Seyferts/QSOs           F. Fiore      30m
   High-Z QSOs           J. Bechtold   15m
   RadGal Components     D. Worrall    15m
   Seyfert Galaxies      A. Wilson     15m
   Soft X-rays of QSOs   A. Laor       15m

 Total time:  4.0hrs -->> 12:30PM

 LUNCH     12:30PM

3. Workshop

The intent is to organize a few talks (listed below), each about 10m, to leave plenty of time for discussion. Steve Snowden is chairing this session. Speak with him if you have questions.

   Data archive          M. Corcoran
   Exposure Map, Particle
     bkgrd S/W           J. Mendenhall
   Particle Bkgrd        P. Plucinsky
   Background Issues     D. Davis
   PSPC spectral calib   J. Turner
   HRI status            SAO
   PROS status, future   SAO
   RDF files             J. DePonte, SAO
   aspect                MPE
   SASS                  MPE
   simulated spec. fits  A. Maggio
   Source counts         V. Kashyap
   Image restoration     J. Morse

4. Diffuse Thermal Emission  Wednesday morning, 8:30AM

 Elliptical Galaxies     C. Jones      30m
   Starburst Galaxies    T. Heckman    15m

 SNRs                    J. Hughes     30m
   Diffuse Emission HII  Y.-H. Chu     15m
   eta Car               M. Corcoran   15m

 Break                                 30m

 Superbubbles and Haloes J. Bregman    30m
   Soft Halo of NGC 4631 R. Walterbos  15m
 High-Z Clusters         P. Henry      30m
   Cool Clusters         L. David      15m
 Clumped Emission        J. Burns      30m

 Total time:  4:15hrs -->> 12:45PM

LUNCH   12:45PM

5. Serendipity    Wednesday afternoon, 2:00PM

 Dark Matter             R. Mushotzky  30m
   Cosmic X-ray Bkgrd    D. Leiter     15m
   Optical QSO Survey    H. Brunner    15m

 Supernovae              E. Schlegel   30m
   SN1987A               P. Gorenstein 15m

 Break                                 30m

 All-sky Survey          W. Voges      45m
   NGC 6814              G. Madejski   15m

 Closing remarks         J. Trumper    15m   CONFIRM
   (A "It's his satellite, look how we've used it" wrap-up.)

 Total time:  3:15hrs -->> 5:15PM

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