ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #77:

Dec 16, 1993

New Timelines on FTP

The following new files are now available on the legacy ftp area in the sub-directory rosat/timelines/

1) hriltl-1.time

Contains the first part of the HRI timeline and columns headings are:

1) Date:  year month day
2) Time: Seconds of day
3) Time: Hours of day
4) Scheduled time
5) ROR number
6) Instrument Code: HRI to be prime
7) Instrument Code
8) Decimal RA in hours
9) Decimal Dec
10) Target name
11) PI name

2) hrisum-1.time

More HRI timeline information, column headings are:

1) ROR
2) PI number
3) Target number in proposal
4) Target Priority
5) AO
6) Instrument Code: HRI is prime
7) PI Country
8) Scheduled time
9) Requested time
10)-12) RA
13)-15) Dec
16) Target Name
17) PI Name

3) postgyro-pspc.time

PSPC observations made after the ROSAT gyro problem was fixed (Nov26th 1993)

Column headings are:
1) ROR number
2) PI number
3) Target number from proposal
4) Target Priority
5) AO
6) Instrument Code=PSPC
7) PI Country
8) Exposure Time
9) Requested Time
10) -12) RA
13) -15) DEC
16) Target Name
17) PI name

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 14-Sep-1999 11:47:03 EDT

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