Update History

rosat@mpe ... up ... Checks
   - 1RXS All-Sky Maps have been added.
   - The description of srcl has been improved in the
     catalogue format description.
   - Various output formats are available via the Source Browser (see HELP).
   - An inconsistency in the format of the ASCII dump of the RASS-BSC 
     (file rass-bsc-1rxs.cat.gz in the WWW and anonymous FTP area)
     has been fixed:
        In the old version of the ASCII dump, the flags 'v.'
     (columns 56 and 57) were set to 'FF' (false) instead of '..' (not defined)
     in 49 cases.
   - A simplified version of the ROSAT Source Browser
        (selection by field of view) has been made available.
   - Minor additions to the format description and to the
        Source Browser Help.
   - An inconsistency in the format of the ASCII dump of the RASS-BSC 
     (file rass-bsc-1rxs.cat.gz in the WWW and anonymous FTP area)
     has been fixed:
        In the old version of the ASCII dump, the entry for the extraction 
     radius was erroneously shifted to the left by 1 character
     in 198 cases.
   - WGACAT (full version) installed in ROSAT Source Browser.
   - WGACAT (test version) installed in ROSAT Source Browser.
   - The ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue 
     was announced via IAU Circular 6420.

Feedback to: survey@rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de (jer / 19-Jul-96)