CALET specific

cgbm_bstgti - Search for burst(s) and calculate the time intervals using as input an event file from a specific CALET GBM detector.
cgbm_findrmf - Select and retrive RMFs from the CGBM CALDB for a given time, sky location, detector, and gain.
cgbm_speclc - Extract spectra and/or lightcurves from a CGBM event file within a time interval.
caletversion - Report version string for CALET package.

Non CALET specific


burstbkgevt - Generate simulated background events based on input background lightcurve and spectra. burstfinder - Search for burst(s) and calculate the time intervals using as input a binned lightcurve. burstt90t50 - Calculate the T90 and T50 intervals and write results to GTI output file.



February 2025