mosback creates model particle background spectra and images (if selected with a non-zero energy range) for the selected region from the intermediate files produced from mosspectra. The resultant image is in detector coordinates. The resultant image is in detector coordinates which can be transformed into sky coordinates by with rotdet2sky. mosback creates a QDP plot file which shows the source and model background spectra for the observation. Any enhancement of the data over the particle background model at higher energies probably indicates residual soft proton contamination, unless there are really hard and bright sources in the field.
20ptThe current location should be the working directory.
20ptmosspectra must have been successfully run at least once for the exposures to be used.
Calling Parameters:
20ptinspecfile – Name of the input spectrum file from mosspectra (e.g.,mos1S001-fovt.pi).
20ptoutspecfile – Name of the output spectrum file. If it is unspecified, the program will construct the file P-bkg.pi.
20ptrmffile – Name of the input redistribution matrix from mosspectra (e.g., mos1S001.rmf)
20ptwithplotfiles – If true, creates diagnostic QDP plot files.
20ptinimgfile – Template image for background image production. If it is unspecified, the program uses P-fovimdet-elow-ehigh.fits.
20ptoutimgfile – Name of the output quiescent particle background image. If it is unspecified, the program will construct the file P-bkgimdet-elow-ehigh.fits.
20ptelow – The low energy limit for the energy band in eV (e.g., 350).
20ptehigh – The high energy limit for the energy band in eV (e.g., 1100). If elow and ehigh are set to 0, the image processing will be eliminated and only spectral files will be produced.
20ptccds – The CCDs to be included, (e.g., "T T T F T T T").
20ptP-bkg.pi – The model particle background spectrum for the P exposure and the selected region.
20ptP-bkgimdet-elow-ehigh.fits – The model particle background image for the P exposure, selected energy band (elow and ehigh), and the selected region. The image is in detector coordinates.
20ptP-augindiv.qdp – Plots of the augmented QPB spectra for each chip. Produced if withplotfiles is true.
20ptP-augspec.qdp – A QDP plot file showing the observed spectrum and the model background spectrum. Produced if withplotfiles is true.
20ptP-bkgaccum.qdp – A QDP plot file showing the accumulating background spectrum. Chip 1 at the bottom increasing upwards. Produced if withplotfiles is true
20ptP-bkgspec.qdp – A QDP plot file showing the normalized model background spectrum. Produced if withplotfiles is true.
20ptP-bkgindiv.qpd – Plots of the individual corner spectra. Produced if withplotfiles is true.
20ptP-bridgefit.qdp – A QDP plot file showing the fit for the Al-Si bridge. Produced if withplotfiles is true.
20ptP-ratehard.qdp – A QDP plot file showing the selected region of hardness/count rate distributions for the various CCDs. Produced if withplotfiles is true.
20ptP-ratioindiv.qdp – Plots of the FOV/corner ratio spectra for each chip. Produced if withplotfiles is true Examples:
20ptmosback inspecfile=mos1S001-fovt.pi elow=350 ehigh=1100 ccds="T T T F F F T" (to create both the spectrum and the band image)
20ptmosback inspecfile=mos1S001-fovt.pi elow=0 ehigh=0 ccds="T T T F F F T" (to create the spectrum but not the band image)