XMM-Newton Science Analysis System: User Guide

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4.2 The EPIC pipeline products

The Pipeline processing produces a number of useful products which allow a first look at the data. These are described in detail in the Pipeline Products Description document.

Within the products, the page INDEX.HTM is the main page which gives a summary of the observation and provides links to the instrument observation summary pages, of the form:

As well as these summary files, links to two other summary files are provided:

PooooooooooOBX000PPSSUM0000.HTM: the PPS processing summary file, and
PooooooooooCAX000XCORRE0000.HTM: the EPIC field of view cross-correlation results

With each group of the pipeline products (Table 4) there is an HTML (.HTM extension) file which lists the associated data files and gives a short description of them.

The HTML file names are of the following format:

The data file names are of the form:

Table 4 lists the Group and File ID for the Pipeline processing data files relevant for EPIC.

Table 4: Pipeline processing data files relevant for EPIC
File ID Product Description File Type
XCORRE Main Cross Correlation Page HTML
OBLSLI EPIC Observation BOX-LOCAL Source List FTZ
OBMSLI EPIC Observation BOX-MAP Source List FTZ
OMSRLI EPIC Observation ML Source List FTZ
OBSMLI EPIC Summary Source List FTZ & HTML
OSNSMP EPIC Observation Sensitivity Map$^{1}$ FTZ
FBKTSR EPIC Flare Background Timeseries FTZ & PDF
EXPMAP EPIC Exposure Map$^{1}$ FTZ & PNG
REGION EPIC Source DS9 Regions ASC
DETMSK EPIC Detection Mask FTZ & PNG
BKGMAP EPIC Merged Background Map$^{1}$ FTZ & PNG
OBKGMP EPIC Observation Background Map$^{1}$ FTZ & PNG
MIEVLI EPIC MOS Imaging Mode Event List FTZ
PIEVLI EPIC PN Imaging Mode Event List FTZ
TIEVLI EPIC Timing Mode Event List FTZ
OEXPMP EPIC Observation Exposure Map$^{1}$ FTZ & PNG
OIMAGE EPIC Observation Image$^{1}$ FTZ & PNG
SUMMAR EPIC Observation Summary HTM
SFFTPL EPIC Source FFT Plot$^{1}$ PDF
SPCPLT EPIC Source Spectrum Plot PDF
STSPLT EPIC Source Timeseries Plot$^{1}$ PDF
SRCARF EPIC Ancillary Response Function FTZ
BGSPEC EPIC Source Background Spectrum FTZ
SRSPEC EPIC Source Spectrum FTZ
SRCTSR EPIC Source Timeseries$^{1}$ FTZ
FOVRES EPIC Field Of View Cross-Correlation Results HTML
FOVSUM EPIC Field Of View Cross-Correlation Summary FTZ & HTML
SRCRES EPIC sources Cross-Correlation results HTML
SRCSUM EPIC Source Cross-Correlation Summary FTZ& HTML

1; One file per band, where the bands id are
8: 0.2-12 keV; 1: 0.2-0.5 keV; 2: 0.5-2 keV; 3: 2-4.5 keV; 4: 4.5-7.5 keV; 5: 7.5-12 keV.

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre