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BROWSE: Walk Through

Many people prefer to learn by example rather than read through user's guides. This chapter gives a quick overview of typical BROWSE sessions. The following chapters give a more detailed view of how to use BROWSE.

Catalog Search

A simple search of the ROSAT and EXOSAT observations logs is illustrated using the sc, sn, and sp parameters.

HEASARC> browse rosatlog                  ! browse the ROSAT log
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_DEC > sn 3c*               ! search for names beginning 3C
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_NAM 12> dsam               ! display the found entries
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_NAM 12> dpage 1-**         ! display all the parameters
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_NAM 12 > sp pi mushotzky   ! search for all observations
                                          !   with PI Mushotzky
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_NAM 12> dsam               ! redisplay the found entries
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_NAM 12> dpage 1-**         ! display all the parameters
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_DEC 13> cdb exolog         ! change to the exosat
                                          ! observation log
EXOLOG_TOTAL_PI > sc                      ! search by coordinates
R.A. (1950  d/f= 20  h 47 m 58.20sec): 18 20 ! RA = 18 20
Dec  (1950 d/f=-52 deg 31 m  4.42sec): -30   ! dec = -30
Radius in arcmin. (d/f=  60.00):             ! cone radius = 60 arc min
EXOLOG_TOTAL_NAM 15> dsam                 ! redisplay the found entries
HEASARC> mail browse.log                  ! mail the BROWSE log file
HEASARC> lo                               ! end the session

Master Catalogs

A number of master catalogs have been setup that represent a concatenation of the many different catalogs that exist. These are used to get an immediate overview of whether a source has been cataloged in the XRAY, OPTICAL, or RADIO. A class search is also illustrated.

HEASARC> browse xray                     ! browse the XRAY master catalog
XRAY_TOTAL_DEC > sc                      ! search by coordinates
R.A. (1950  d/f= 18  h 14 m 58.00sec):   ! enter RA
Dec  (1950 d/f= 49 deg 50 m 48.00sec):   ! enter Dec
Radius in arcmin. (d/f=  15.00):         ! enter radius
XRAY_TOTAL_DEC 4> cdb optical            ! change to the OPTICAL mc
OPTICAL_TOTAL_DEC > sc/d                 ! search on the previous coords
XRAY_TOTAL_DEC > exit                    ! leave BROWSE
HEASARC> mail browse.log                 ! mail the BROWSE log file
HEASARC> lo                              ! end the session

Filters and Sorting

The ROSATLOG is searched for all entries belonging to PI Elvis, then sorted on time, and filtered inclusively and exclusively.

BROWSE ROSATLOG                          ! open the database
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_PI > sp pi elvis          ! search by parameter pi for elvis
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_PI 70> sort/a time        ! sort the entries on time
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_PI 70> ds                 ! display the results
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_PI 70> sif inst hri       ! set inclusive filter on
                                         ! instrument hri
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_PI 70:8> ds               ! display the results
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_PI 70:8> cpd /gterm       ! change plot device to /gterm
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_PI 70:8> phisto exposure  ! plot histo of exposures
 Parameter  not found
Histogram parameter > dur                ! error fixed, duration is the
                                         ! correct parameter name
 Plotting to /RETRO
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_PI 70:8> sef duration 0 1000 ! exclude observations with
                                            ! duration less than 1000
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_PI 70:8:5> exit
HEASARC> mail browse.log                  ! mail the BROWSE log file
HEASARC> lo                               ! end the session

XY Plots

The EXOSAT CMA catalog is searched for all entries of 3C382. The count rates in different filters are plotted against each other.

HEASARC> browse cma                       ! browse the EXOSAT CMA database
CMA_SOURCES_DEC > sn 3c382                ! search for name 3c382
CMA_SOURCES_NAM 10> sc                    ! search in a cone, in case
R.A. (1950  d/f= 18  h 33 m 11.75sec):    ! default RA, Dec and cone angle
Dec  (1950  d/f= 32deg 39 m 17.93sec):    ! are from the first entry found
Radius in arcmin. (d/f=  30.00):          ! in the previous search.
CMA_SOURCES_DEC 39> sif filter 7          ! take only filter 7 data (thin
CMA_SOURCES_DEC 39> dsam                  ! redisplay the sample
CMA_SOURCES_DEC 39> dp 1-**               ! display the full page of info
CMA_SOURCES_DEC 39:24> cpd help           ! get help on available plot
CMA_SOURCES_DEC 39:24> cpd /te            ! change plot device to tektronics
CMA_SOURCES_DEC 39:24> ps/plt time count  ! plot time v. count rate
                                          ! The /plt leaves the user
                                          ! in QDP/PLT for interactive
                                          ! changes to the plot (there
                                          ! is a chapter on QDP with
                                          ! more details).
PLT> hard                 ! hardcopy plot to a post script
                                          ! file called
PLT> ex                                   ! exit PLT
CMA_SOURCES_DEC 39:24> exit
HEASARC> mail                ! mail the postscript file
HEASARC> mail Browse.log                  ! mail the BROWSE log file
HEASARC> lo                               ! end the session

Histogram Plot

Make a histogram plot of the rosat exposure times, as defined in the rosat observation log.

HEASARC> browse rosatlog                              ! Load the database
ROSLOG_TOTAL_DEC > ps/hist/bins=30 exposure           ! histo plot into 30 bins
ROSLOG_TOTAL_DEC > ps/hist/bins=30/logi/PLT exposure  ! ditto with log binning
PLT > hardcopy                           ! make a hardcopy
PLT > exit                                            ! exit PLT/QDP
HEASARC > mail                              ! mail the file home

Aitoff Projection

Make an Aitoff (equal area sky projection) of all ROSAT observations.

HEASARC> browse rosatlog                  ! browse the ROSAT obs log
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_DEC > cpd /gterm           ! set plot device to noao gterm
                                            (or your plot device)
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_DEC > ps/ait               ! plot the sky in galactic coords
ROSATLOG_TOTAL_DEC > ps/ait/celes/plt     ! plot the sky in celestial coords
PLT > hardcopy                     ! make a hardcopy
PLT > exit
HEASARC> mail                      ! mail home the ps plot
HEASARC> lo                               ! end the session

ROSAT Images

A ROSAT PSPC image of IC443 is displayed (using SAOIMAGE and XIMAGE) and then extracted in FITS format. EXOSAT ME spectra of Cas A are also plotted, extracted and fit using XSPEC.

HEASARC> browse rospublic                 ! browse the ROSAT archival data
ROSPUBLIC_SOURCES_DEC > sn ic443*         ! search for names beginning ic443
ROSPUBLIC_SOURCES_NAM 11> ds              ! redisplay the sample
ROSPUBLIC_SOURCES_DEC 11> cpd /xw         ! set graphics display to Xwindows
ROSPUBLIC_SOURCES_DEC 11> saoimage/im 1   ! display first image with SAOIMAGE
ROSPUBLIC_SOURCES_DEC 11> ximage/int/im 1 ! display the first image using
                                          ! XIMAGE and remain in XIMAGE
XIMAGE> exit
HEASARC> lo                               ! end the session


An EXOSAT ME spectrum of a dwarf novae is analyzed from BROWSE, using XSPEC.

HEASARC>BROWSE RITTER                     ! load the RITTER catalog
                                          ! to find the coordinates
RITTER_TOTAL_DEC > sn EI UMA              ! of EI UMA
         Name      RA(1950)  DEC(1950)   OrbPd                Class
                  (hh mm ss) (o  '  ")   (days)
   1 EI UMA       08 34 48.4  48 48 36    0.2681 CV dwarf nova U Gem type
RITTER_TOTAL_NAM 1> cd me                 ! now switch to the ME db
ME_TOTAL_DEC > sc                         ! search by coordinates
R.A. (1950 d/f= 08 34 48.44 or 128.702):
Dec  (1950 d/f= 48 48 36.71 or  48.810):
Radius arcmin (outer inner d/f=   60.00    0.00):
         Name     Time   Seq QF  Expos    Count rate   RA(1950) DEC(1950)
                 (yy.d)          (sec)     (Cts/s)     (hh mm ) (o  '  ")
    1 PG0834+488 84.303 1165  3  17260    1.23+/-0.06  08 34 47  48 48 36
ME_TOTAL_DEC 1> xspec/int 1               ! now run xspec in an interactive
                                          ! mode
XSPEC> model wabs bre                     ! setup a thermal + abs model
XSPEC> fit                                ! make the fit
XSPEC> plot ecd                           ! plot the best fit
XSPEC> exit                               ! return to BROWSE
ME_TOTAL_DEC 1> bye                       ! quit

Cross Correlation

A cross-correlation between the IRAS and the Einstein IPC catalogs is made, then a cross-correlation between the IPC and EXOSAT CMA thin lexan filter catalogs made.

HEASARC> browse ipc                        ! browse the Einstein IPC
                                           ! catalog
IPC_TOTAL_DEC > cross/db=iras/rad=1        ! cross-correlate it against
                                           ! the iras catalog, with cone
                                           ! radius of 1 arc min
ipc_IRAS[dec] 808> msam ipc_iras           ! make a correlation sample
                                           ! called ipc_iras (so it
                                           ! can be recalled later
ipc_IRAS[dec] 808> dsam                    ! list the IRAS entries
ipc_IRAS[dec] 808> cdb ipc                 ! change to the ipc (note the
                                           ! change in case of the prompt)
IPC_iras[dec] 808> dsam                    ! list the IPC entries
ipc_IRAS[dec] 808> cdb iras                ! change to the iras
ipc_IRAS[dec] 808> psam/logx/logy/plt ipc.count iras.60
                                           ! plot the ipc count rate
                                           ! against the iras 60 micron
                                           ! flux
PLT> hardcopy               ! make a postscript plot
PLT> exit
ipc_IRAS[dec] 808> rcor                    ! reset the correlation
IPC_TOTAL_DEC > cross/db=cma/sam=3lx/rad=1 ! cross correlate the
                                           ! IPC against the exosat
                                           ! CMA database for 3lexan filter
                                           ! observations only, with 1 arc
                                           ! min radius
ipc_CMA[dec] 2775> psam/logx/logy/plt ipc.count cma.count
                                           ! plot the ipc and cma 3lx count
                                           ! rates against each other
PLT> hardcopy                ! hardcopy
PLT> exit
ipc_CMA[dec] 2775> msam ipc_cma            ! make a correlation sample
ipc_CMA[dec] 2775> rcor                    ! reset the correlation
IPC_TOTAL_DEC >lsam                        ! list the samples
IPC_TOTAL_DEC >csam ipc_iras               ! reload the ipc/iras correlation
ipc_IRAS[dec] 808> exit
HEASARC> mail                  ! mail postscript file
HEASARC> mail                   ! mail postscript file
HEASARC> mail browse.log                   ! mail the BROWSE log file
HEASARC> lo                                ! end the session

EXOSAT Bibliography

The bibliography database called EXOPUBS contains all EXOSAT publications in refereed journals (excluding conference proceedings). The bibliography can be accessed from BROWSE using the EXOPUBS database, or from the EXOLOG database. The following is an example of a search for the publications on Cyg X-1:

HEASARC> browse exopubs
Loading EXOPUBS database sample TOTAL indexed on DEC
Source name    First author                 Journal    Vol Page  Year
>1 CYGX-1       Fabian,A.C.                 M.N.R.A.S. 238  729   1989
 2 CYGX-1       Barr, P.                    Ap.J.      352  L41   1990
 3 CYGX-1       Barr, P.,                   M.N.R.A.S. 216  65    1985
the dp command can be used to display more information about the publication:

     Source name CYGX-1        RA 19H56M  0S   Dec +35D  3M  0S
                               LII  71.335deg  BII   3.067deg
Barr, P.,van der Woerd, H.,The complex 0.4-12 keV X-ray spectrum of
Cygnus X-1,Ap.J.,352,L41,1990
HEASARC> mail browse.log

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Michael Arida