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RXTE Cycle 15 Core Program RXTE

NASA has approved funding to extend RXTE operations to at least February 28, 2011, and it is possible that this may be extended to September 30, 2011 if additional funding becomes available. In order to provide an observing plan for this eventuality, the RXTE team is implementing a proposal cycle (Cycle 15) very similar to that enacted for Cycle's 13 and 14. RXTE Cycle 15 will again comprise public observations only (i.e., no proprietary data in Cycle 15), and it will be drawn from two sources: a "Core Program" and an "Open-Time Program." The Core Program was formulated by the Project Scientist, in consultation with the RXTE Users Group and the instrument teams. It is based on monitoring proposals and target of opportunity proposals in place in Cycle 12, most of which have passed several peer reviews as providing important science for RXTE. It will not be necessary to repropose for these. The Core Program is shown below, with Monitoring proposals listed first, followed by TOO proposals.

Note that the number of monitoring proposals in the Core Program has been reduced for Cycle 15, in order to free up some additional time for the Open-Time Program.

The other component of Cycle 15 will be an "Open-Time" Program, where users will be able to propose further observations for Cycle 15 not already included in the Core Program (note that these will all be public - there will be no proprietary data awarded in Cycle 15). These "Open-Time" proposals should avoid duplicating the science of the Core Program given below. For more information on proposing for the Cycle 15 "Open Time" program, see the RXTE Cycle 15 Information Page.

Cycle 15 Core Program

Monitoring Proposals

Monitoring observations include specific stars, intermediate polars, radio/X-ray rotation powered pulsars, soft gamma repeaters (SGRs), anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) , the persistent millisecond pulsar HETE J1900.1-2455, two pulsar rich positions in the SMC, galactic plane scans, two low mass X-ray binaries, the binary pulsar EXO 2030+375, the gamma ray binaries LS I +61 303 and LS 5039, the persistent black holes LMC X-3, LMC X-1, Cyg X-1 and GRS 1915+105, and specific AGN.

Note: when extended into AO-15, these data will be numbered "96..." and be immediately public.
For more information on any of the proposals below, click on the highlighted Cycle 12 proposal id. These links pull information from the RXTE archive via Browse, and so may take a few seconds to complete.

Target                  Cycle 12 ID     Cycle 12 PI
------                  -----------     -----------
ETACAR                  93002-01          CORCORAN
CHCYG                   93007-01          MUKAI
PSRJ1846-0258           93010-01          GOTTHELF
PSRJ1811-1925           93012-01          KASPI
SGR1806-20              93016-01          KOUVELIOTOU
1E2259+586              93019-01          KASPI
1E1048.1-5937           93019-02          KASPI
1E1841-045              93019-03          KASPI
RXSJ170849.0-400910     93019-04          KASPI
4U0142+61               93019-05          KASPI
PSRJ0537-6910           93023-01          MARSHALL
HETEJ1900.1-2455        93030-01          GALLOWAY
SMCPOSITIONE            93037-01          CORBET
SMCPOSITIONF            93037-02          CORBET
GALACTICBULGE1          93040-01          MARKWARDT
GALACTICBULGE2          93040-02          MARKWARDT
4U1705-44               93060-01          HOMAN
4U1636-53               93087-01          BELLONI
EXO2030+375             93098-01          WILSON
LSI_+61303              93102-01          RAY
LS5039                  93102-02          RAY
LMCX-3                  93113-01          SMITH
NEARLMC_X-1             93113-02          SMITH
CYGX-1                  93121-01          POTTSCHMIDT
MKN79                   93127-02          MCHARDY
NGC4593                 93127-05          MCHARDY
NGC3783                 93127-08          MCHARDY
MKN110                  93127-10          MCHARDY
NGC_4258                93134-01          MARKOWITZ
3C279                   93135-01          MARSCHER
BLLAC                   93135-03          MARSCHER
3C273                   93135-04          MARSCHER
MR2251-178              93136-01          UTTLEY
3C111                   93137-01          MARSCHER
MKN766                  93144-01          MARKOWITZ
GRS1915+105             93701-01          MORGAN

TOO Proposals

TOO programs include those for following up the identification of new transient sources before it is known whether they are black hole candidates or neutron stars and for following the recurrences of previously identified transients. They can be triggered by detection by any X-ray mission, or by evidence of outburst in another wavelength. The programs include following up the identification of new accreting millisecond pulsars and the reoccurrences of any known millisecond pulsar, and for observing any AXP or SGR, newly identified or known, which becomes burst active or is observed to flare or have a glitch in the rotation rate. They include programs which would follow up special conditions of known low mass X-ray binaries, in particular especially low flux states or burst active states of sources in which burst oscillations are not known or in which there is evidence of an on-going superburst. They include observations of bright outbursts of transient classical X-ray pulsars. They include following outbursts of known black hole transients and new black hole candidates, essentially as long and as much as is interesting. The Cycle 12 proposals will be used as guides for what the observing modes should be and how much time is worthwhile for the particular type of occurrence. "Requests for observation" will be responded to as before.

Note: when extended into AO-15, these data will be numbered "96..." and be immediately public.
For more information on any of the proposals below, click on the highlighted Cycle 12 proposal id: this links to the abstract for the Cycle 12 proposal.

Target                  Cycle 12 ID      Cycle 12 PI
------                  -----------      -----------
NEWMSECPULSAR1          93013-01          CHAKRABARTY
NEWMSECPULSAR1          93013-02          CHAKRABARTY
NEWMSECPULSAR2          93013-03          CHAKRABARTY
NEWMSECPULSAR2          93013-04          CHAKRABARTY
NEWMSECPULSAR3          93013-05          CHAKRABARTY
NEWMSECPULSAR3          93013-06          CHAKRABARTY
IGRJ00291+5934          93013-07          CHAKRABARTY
XTEJ0929-314            93013-08          CHAKRABARTY
XTEJ1751-305            93013-09          CHAKRABARTY
XTEJ1807-294            93013-10          CHAKRABARTY
XTEJ1814-338            93013-11          CHAKRABARTY
NEW_X-RAY_RQ_PSR        93015-01          KASPI
1E2259+586              93017-01          KASPI
1E1048.1-5937           93017-02          KASPI
1E1841-045              93017-03          KASPI
RXSJ170849.0-400910     93017-04          KASPI
4U0142+61               93017-05          KASPI
CXOUJ010043.1-72113     93017-06          KASPI
CXOJ164710.2-455216     93017-07          KASPI
XTEJ1810-197            93017-08          KASPI
NEW_AXP                 93017-09          KASPI
AXJ1845-0258            93018-01          KASPI
HESSJ1813-178           93021-01          GOTTHELF
SAXJ1808.4-3658         93027-01          WIJNANDS
HETEJ1900.1-2455        93028-01          GALLOWAY
HETEJ1900.1-2455        93028-02          GALLOWAY
NEW_PERSISTENT_MSP      93029-01          GALLOWAY
4U0115+63               93032-01          POTTSCHMIDT
2S1417-624              93032-02          POTTSCHMIDT
GROJ1008-57             93032-03          POTTSCHMIDT
1A1118-616              93032-04          POTTSCHMIDT
GROJ1750-27             93032-05          POTTSCHMIDT
KS1947+300              93032-06          POTTSCHMIDT
CEPX-4                  93032-07          POTTSCHMIDT
GS0834-430              93032-08          POTTSCHMIDT
4U1901+03               93032-09          POTTSCHMIDT
GROJ2058+42             93032-10          POTTSCHMIDT
GS1843+00               93032-11          POTTSCHMIDT
XTEJ1946+274            93032-12          POTTSCHMIDT
XTEJ0658-073            93032-13          POTTSCHMIDT
V0332+53                93032-14          POTTSCHMIDT
GENERICPULSAR           93032-15          POTTSCHMIDT
4U0115+63               93032-16          POTTSCHMIDT
2S1417-624              93032-17          POTTSCHMIDT
GROJ1008-57             93032-18          POTTSCHMIDT
1A1118-616              93032-19          POTTSCHMIDT
GROJ1750-27             93032-20          POTTSCHMIDT
KS1947+300              93032-21          POTTSCHMIDT
CEPX-4                  93032-22          POTTSCHMIDT
GS0834-430              93032-23          POTTSCHMIDT
4U1901+03               93032-24          POTTSCHMIDT
GROJ2058+42             93032-25          POTTSCHMIDT
GS1843+00               93032-26          POTTSCHMIDT
XTEJ1946+274            93032-27          POTTSCHMIDT
XTEJ0658-073            93032-28          POTTSCHMIDT
V0332+53                93032-29          POTTSCHMIDT
GENERICPULSAR           93032-30          POTTSCHMIDT
COHLMXBJXXYY+ZZ         93041-01          MARKWARDT
VARLMXBJXXYY+ZZ         93041-02          MARKWARDT
XTEJ1751-305            93042-01          MARKWARDT
XTEJ1807-194            93042-02          MARKWARDT
XTEJ1814-338            93042-03          MARKWARDT
FAINTTRANS1_JXXYY+ZZ    93044-01          SWANK
FAINTTRANS2_JXXYY+ZZ    93044-02          SWANK
FAINTTRANS3_JXXYY+ZZ    93044-03          SWANK
FAINTTRANS4_JXXYY+ZZ    93044-04          SWANK
FAINTTRANS5_JXXYY+ZZ    93044-05          SWANK
FAINTTRANS6_JXXYY+ZZ    93044-06          SWANK
FAINTTRANS7_JXXYY+ZZ    93044-07          SWANK
FAINTTRANS8_JXXYY+ZZ    93044-08          SWANK
FAINTTRANS9_JXXYY+ZZ    93044-09          SWANK
FAINTTRANS10_JXXYY+ZZ   93044-10          SWANK
SCOX-1                  93046-01          VAN DER KLIS
GX5-1                   93046-02          VAN DER KLIS
GX17+2                  93046-03          VAN DER KLIS
GX340+0                 93046-04          VAN DER KLIS
GX349+2                 93046-05          VAN DER KLIS
GX3+1                   93046-06          VAN DER KLIS
GX9+1                   93046-07          VAN DER KLIS
GX13+1                  93046-08          VAN DER KLIS
GX9+9                   93046-09          VAN DER KLIS
SGR1                    93048-01          GOGUS
SGR2                    93048-02          GOGUS
SGR3                    93048-03          GOGUS
XTEJ1710-281            93052-01          MARKWARDT
GRS1747-312             93052-02          MARKWARDT
XTEJ1806-246            93055-02          ALTAMIRANO
EXO1745-248             93055-03          ALTAMIRANO
NEWSOURCE               93055-04          ALTAMIRANO
BURSTINGSOURCE          93064-01          GALLOWAY
BURSTINGSOURCE          93064-02          GALLOWAY
BURSTINGSOURCE          93064-03          GALLOWAY
BURSTINGSOURCE          93064-04          GALLOWAY
BURSTINGSOURCE          93064-05          GALLOWAY
SWIFTJXXXX-YYY1         93065-01          KRIMM
SWIFTJXXXX-YYY2         93065-02          KRIMM
SWIFTJXXXX-YYY3         93065-03          KRIMM
SWIFTJXXXX-YYY4         93065-04          KRIMM
SWIFTJXXXX-YYY5         93065-05          KRIMM
SWIFTJXXXX-YYYN         93065-06          KRIMM
CENX-4                  93066-01          REMILLARD
AQLX-1                  93076-01          MAITRA
CENX-4                  93076-02          MAITRA
A0620-00                93076-03          MAITRA
GRS1124-68              93076-04          MAITRA
XTE1550-564             93076-05          MAITRA
SAX1819.3-2525          93076-06          MAITRA
4U1630-47               93076-07          MAITRA
GX339-4                 93076-08          MAITRA
GRS1915+105             93076-09          MAITRA
4U1543-47               93076-10          MAITRA
GROJ1655-40             93076-11          MAITRA
XTE_J1817-33            93076-12          MAITRA
XTEJ1701-462            93076-13          MAITRA
SWIFTJ1753.5-0127       93076-14          MAITRA
NEWSOURCE               93076-15          MAITRA
SAXJ1324.5-6313         93085-01          WIJNANDS
SAXJ1752.3-3138         93085-02          WIJNANDS
SAXJ1753.5-2349         93085-03          WIJNANDS
SAXJ1806.5-2215         93085-04          WIJNANDS
SAXJ1818.7+1424         93085-05          WIJNANDS
SAXJ1828.5-1037         93085-06          WIJNANDS
SAXJ2224.9+5421         93085-07          WIJNANDS
IGRJ17364-2711          93085-08          WIJNANDS
SWIFTJ1749.4-2807       93085-09          WIJNANDS
4U1608-52               93086-01          ALTAMIRANO
AQLX-1                  93086-02          ALTAMIRANO
4U1636-53               93089-01          STROHMAYER
4U1820-30               93089-02          STROHMAYER
4U1735-44               93089-03          STROHMAYER
SERX-1                  93089-04          STROHMAYER
GX3+1                   93089-05          STROHMAYER
4U1728-34               93089-06          STROHMAYER
GS1826-238              93089-07          STROHMAYER
4U1702-429              93089-08          STROHMAYER
4U1705-440              93089-09          STROHMAYER
CYGX-2                  93089-10          STROHMAYER
4U0614+091              93089-11          STROHMAYER
NEWSUPERBURST           93089-12          STROHMAYER
4U1254-69               93089-13          STROHMAYER
4U1608-522              93089-14          STROHMAYER
AQ_X-1                  93089-15          STROHMAYER
GX9+1                   93089-17          STROHMAYER
GX13+1                  93089-18          STROHMAYER
GX9+9                   93089-19          STROHMAYER
KS1731-260              93089-20          STROHMAYER
SLX1735-269             93089-21          STROHMAYER
4U1820-30               93090-01          CORNELISSE
4U1820-30               93090-02          CORNELISSE
BURSTER1                93093-01          KAARET
BURSTER2                93093-02          KAARET
BURSTER3                93093-03          KAARET
4U0614+091              93094-01          KAARET
4U_1728-34              93094-02          KAARET
A0538-66                93096-01          CORBET
A0538-66                93096-02          CORBET
UNKNOWN1(IGRJ####)      93103-01          RODRIGUEZ
UNKNOWN2(IGRJ####)      93103-02          RODRIGUEZ
UNKNOWN3(IGRJ####)      93103-03          RODRIGUEZ
UNKNOWN4(IGRJ####)      93103-04          RODRIGUEZ
SWIFTJ1753.5-0127       93105-01          SOLERI
SWIFTJ1753.5-0127       93105-02          SOLERI
BHTRANSIENT1            93108-01          CASELLA
BHTRANSIENT2            93108-02          CASELLA
BHTRANSIENT3            93108-03          CASELLA
BHTRANSIENT4            93108-04          CASELLA
X-RAYNOVA               93109-01          MCCLINTOCK
FAINTTRANSIENT1         93111-01          BELLONI
FAINTTRANSIENT2         93111-02          BELLONI
FAINTMONITORING         93111-03          BELLONI
LMCX-3                  93114-01          BOYD
V4641SGR                93115-01          YAMAOKA
LOFAR1                  93117-01          WIJNANDS
LOFAR2                  93117-02          WIJNANDS
LOFAR3                  93117-03          WIJNANDS
LOFAR4                  93117-04          WIJNANDS
LOFAR5                  93117-05          WIJNANDS
BHTRANSIENT1            93118-01          BELLONI
BHTRANSIENT2            93118-02          BELLONI
BRIGHTBHTRANSIENT       93124-01          VAN DER KLIS
BRIGHtBHTRANSIENT       93124-02          VAN DER KLIS
BRIGHTBHTRANSIENT       93124-03          VAN DER KLIS
BRIGHTBHTRANSIENT       93124-04          VAN DER KLIS
BRIGHTBHTRANSIENT       93124-05          VAN DER KLIS
BRIGHTBHTRANSIENT       93124-06          VAN DER KLIS
BRIGHTBHTRANSIENT       93124-07          VAN DER KLIS
BRIGHTBHTRANSIENT       93124-08          VAN DER KLIS
UNKNOWN                 93125-01          CADOLLE BEL
UNKNOWN                 93125-02          CADOLLE BEL
UNKNOWN                 93125-03          CADOLLE BEL
UNKNOWN                 93125-04          CADOLLE BEL
1es2344+514             93132-01          KRAWCZYNSKI
H1426+428               93132-02          KRAWCZYNSKI
MRK180                  93132-03          KRAWCZYNSKI
1es0033+595             93132-04          KRAWCZYNSKI
1es0120+340             93132-05          KRAWCZYNSKI
1es0647+25.0            93132-06          KRAWCZYNSKI
1es0806+524             93132-07          KRAWCZYNSKI
1es1028+511             93132-08          KRAWCZYNSKI
1es1101-23.2            93132-09          KRAWCZYNSKI
RX J1211.9+2242         93132-10          KRAWCZYNSKI
1es1218+304             93132-11          KRAWCZYNSKI
1es1553+113             93132-12          KRAWCZYNSKI
1es1959+650             93133-01          KRAWCZYNSKI
MRK421                  93133-02          KRAWCZYNSKI
MRK501                  93133-03          KRAWCZYNSKI
0109+224                93140-01          MILLER
0754+101                93140-02          MILLER
HESS_AGN1               93141-01          COSTAMANTE
HESS_AGN2               93141-02          COSTAMANTE
HESS_AGN3               93141-03          COSTAMANTE
HESS_AGN4_HIGH          93141-04          COSTAMANTE
HESS_AGN5_HIGH          93141-05          COSTAMANTE
3C273                   93143-01          CARSON
HESS_AGN1               93145-01          DE ALMEIDA
HESS_AGN2               93145-02          DE ALMEIDA
3C66A                   93149-01          TAGLIAFERRI
AO0235+164              93149-02          TAGLIAFERRI
PKS0528+134             93149-03          TAGLIAFERRI
PKS0537-441             93149-04          TAGLIAFERRI
S50716+71               93149-05          TAGLIAFERRI
PKS0735+17              93149-06          TAGLIAFERRI
OJ248                   93149-07          TAGLIAFERRI
OJ287                   93149-08          TAGLIAFERRI
S40954+65               93149-09          TAGLIAFERRI
ON231                   93149-10          TAGLIAFERRI
3C273                   93149-11          TAGLIAFERRI
3C279                   93149-12          TAGLIAFERRI
PKS1406-076             93149-13          TAGLIAFERRI
PKS1510-08              93149-14          TAGLIAFERRI
PKS1622-29              93149-15          TAGLIAFERRI
BLLAC                   93149-16          TAGLIAFERRI
CTA102                  93149-17          TAGLIAFERRI
3C454.3                 93149-18          TAGLIAFERRI
MRK0421                 93150-01          CHEN
MRK0501                 93150-02          CHEN
3C454.3                 93150-03          CHEN
OJ+248                  93150-04          CHEN
4C+10.45                93150-05          CHEN
OS+319                  93150-06          CHEN
PKS0235+164             93150-07          CHEN
3C66A                   93150-08          CHEN
M87                     93150-09          CHEN
CTA26                   93150-10          CHEN
PKS2155-304             93150-11          CHEN
PKS1622-29              93150-12          CHEN
HB891406-076            93150-13          CHEN
3C446                   93150-14          CHEN
NGC6251                 93150-15          CHEN
3C120                   93150-16          CHEN
4C+19.44                93150-17          CHEN
4C+01.02                93150-18          CHEN
4C+31.56                93150-19          CHEN
HB892005-489            93150-20          CHEN
HB892128-123            93150-21          CHEN
HB891730-130            93150-22          CHEN
HB890735+178            93150-23          CHEN
HB890836+710            93150-24          CHEN
HB890954+658            93150-25          CHEN
HB891739+522            93150-26          CHEN
4C+04.42                93150-27          CHEN
3C273                   93150-28          CHEN
BLLAC                   93150-29          CHEN
4C29.45                 93150-30          CHEN
PKS0528+134             93150-31          CHEN
1ES2344+514             93150-32          CHEN
ON+231                  93150-33          CHEN
HB890716+714            93150-34          CHEN
HB890736+017            93150-35          CHEN
3C279                   93150-36          CHEN
OA129                   93150-37          CHEN
PKS1622-253             93150-38          CHEN
NRAO0190                93150-39          CHEN
TXS1510-089             93150-40          CHEN
3C111                   93150-41          CHEN
SGR*                    93150-42          CHEN
CENA                    93150-43          CHEN
3C345                   93150-44          CHEN
B31128+385              93150-45          CHEN
PKS2209+236             93150-46          CHEN
1ES1921-293             93150-47          CHEN
OJ+287                  93150-48          CHEN
HB891127-145            93150-49          CHEN
HB891921-293            93150-50          CHEN
HB890829+046            93150-51          CHEN
HB891633+382            93150-52          CHEN
HB892230+114            93150-53          CHEN
PKS1830-211             93150-54          CHEN
BLACKHOLETRANSIENT      93700-01          HOMAN
BHCTRANSIENT#1          93702-01          TOMSICK
BHCTRANSIENT#1          93702-02          TOMSICK
BHCTRANSIENT#2          93702-03          TOMSICK
BHCTRANSIENT#2          93702-04          TOMSICK
XTEJ1701-462            93703-01          WIJNANDS

If you have a question about RXTE, please send email to one of our help desks.

This page is maintained by the RXTE GOF and was last modified on Wednesday, 24-Aug-2022 11:10:33 EDT.