Deepto Chakrabarty
Mark Finger
Mike Nowak
Keith Jahoda
Fred Lamb (Chair)
Al Levine
Frank Marshall
Alex Markowicz
Paul Ray
Rick Rothschild
Michiel van der Klis
David Smith
Paula Szkody
Kim Weaver
Ex-Officio Members
Hale Bradt
Anne Cowley
Paul Hertz
Fulvio Melia
Guenter Riegler
Dan Schwartz
Alan Smale
Jean Swank
Nick White
Next Meeting
The next RXTE Users' Group meeting Not Yet Scheduled
If you have any topics you would like raised at the meeting, please contact the Chair, (Fred Lamb) and/or the Project Scientist, (Jean Swank).
Previous Meetings
RXTE Users' Group Meeting
held on
September 15-16, 1997
RXTE Users' Group Meeting held on April 2-3,
If you have a question about RXTE, please send email to one of our
help desks.