This page contains RXTE-related Conference Proceedings and similar
(non-refereed) publications from 2001. For information on other
RXTE-related publications, see:
Structure of the circumnuclear region of Seyfert 2 galaxies-clues from RXTE observations of NGC 4945
P. ZYcki , G. Madejski , and C. Done
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p1023-1026, 2001 December
X-ray spectral complexity in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
S. Vaughan , J. Reeves , R. Warwick , R. Edelson , and K. Pounds
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p995-998, 2001 December
PDS 456: An extreme accretion rate quasar?
J. Reeves , P. O'Brien , S. Vaughan , D. Law-Green , M. Ward , C. Simpson , K. Pounds , and R. Edelson
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p894-897, 2001 December
Detection of a pulsating soft component in the X-ray pulsar XTE J0111.2-7317
B. Paul , J. Yokogawa , M. Ozaki , F. Nagase , D. Chakrabarty , and T. Takeshima
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p850-853, 2001 December
BeppoSAX observations of the Her X-1 short-on and anomalous low-states
A. N. Parmar , T. Oosterbroek , D. D. Fiume , M. Orlandini , A. Santangelo , S. D. Sordo , and A. Segreto
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p838-841, 2001 December
Time lags in low mass X-ray binaries
J. Olive and D. Barret
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p814-817, 2001 December
Measurements of fluctuations in the hard X-ray background with RXTE
D. R. MacDonald , D. E. Gruber , and E. A. Boldt
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p734-737, 2001 December
A series of eclipses of Her X-1 observed with RXTE
D. Leahy and D. M. Scott
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p722-725, 2001 December
RXTE observations of Seyfert galaxies: Evidence for reflection from disk and torus
G. Lamer , P. Uttley , and I. M. McHardy
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p710-713, 2001 December
Her X-1 X-ray turn-on monitored by RXTE
M. Kuster , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , D. E. Gruber , R. E. Rothschild , and W. A. Heindl
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p706-709, 2001 December
Two cyclotron lines in Vela X-1?
I. Kreykenbohm , P. Kretschmar , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , W. A. Heindl , D. E. Gruber , and R. E. Rothschild
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p702-705, 2001 December
Wind accretion in HMXRB
I. Kreykenbohm , J. Wilms , P. Kretschmar , R. Staubert , R. E. Rothschild , W. A. Heindl , and D. E. Gruber
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p698-701, 2001 December
An X-ray/TeV gamma-ray study of Mkn 501 during its extraordinary outburst of 1997
H. Krawczynski , P. S. Coppi , T. Maccarone , and F. A. Aharonian
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p694-697, 2001 December
Simultaneous X-ray/optical burst from GS 1826-24
A. Kong , L. Homer , E. Kuulkers , P. Charles , and A. Smale
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p690-693, 2001 December
The relativistic astrophysics explorer: A new mission for X-ray timing
P. Kaaret , J. Grindlay , F. K. Lamb , E. H. Morgan , J. H. Swank , and W. Zhang
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p678-681, 2001 December
RXTE studies of the starburst galaxies M82 and NGC253
D. E. Gruber and Y. Rephaeli
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p634-637, 2001 December
Erratic variability of LMC X-1 in the 1.5-10 keV range. Sporadic presence of a QPO in a black hole candidate
D. D. Fiume , F. Haardt , M. R. Galli , A. Treves , and L. Chiappetti
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p594-597, 2001 December
EUVE/ASCA/RXTE observations of NGC 5548
J. Chiang , C. Reynolds , O. Blaes , M. Nowak , N. Murray , G. Madejski , H. Marshall , and P. Magdziarz
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p578-581, 2001 December
Very high energy gamma rays from Cen X-3
P. M. Chadwick , K. Lyons , T. J. L. McComb , K. J. Orford , J. L. Osborne , S. M. Rayner , S. E. Shaw , and K. E. Turver
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p566-569, 2001 December
Low and high frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in 4U1915-05. Relation with source state
L. Boirin , D. Barret , and J. F. Olive
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p518-521, 2001 December
RXTE monitoring of centaurus A
S. Benlloch , R. E. Rothschild , J. Wilms , C. S. Reynolds , W. A. Heindl , K. Pottschmidt , A. Orr , I. Kreykenbohm , and R. Staubert
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p506-509, 2001 December
Probing dense matter in the cores of AGN: Observations with RXTE and ASCA
K. A. Weaver
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p482-485, 2001 December
ASCA observations of the new jet system XTE J1748-288
T. Kotani , N. Kawai , F. Nagase , M. Namiki , M. Sakano , T. Takeshima , Y. Ueda , and M. Matsuoka
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p462-465, 2001 December
Evidence for photon bubble oscillations (PBO) and turbulence in Centaurus X-3
R. I. Klein , J. G. Jernigan , and J. Arons
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p457-461, 2001 December
Intensive HST/RXTE monitoring of NGC 3516: Evidence against thermal reprocessing
R. Edelson
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p437-440, 2001 December
Kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations-observational overview
M. van der Klis
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p406-415, 2001 December
Oscillations during thermonuclear X-ray bursts: A new probe of neutron stars
T. E. Strohmayer
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p377-386, 2001 December
The relativistic precession model for QPOs in low mass X-ray binaries
L. Stella
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p365-376, 2001 December
Beat-frequency models of kilohertz QPOS
M. C. Miller
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p229-238, 2001 December
High-energy emission from isolated pulsars
A. K. Harding
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p150-159, 2001 December
X-ray transients monitored by the all-sky monitor on RXTE: A tabulation
H. Bradt , A. Levine , R. Remillard , and D. A. Smith
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p35-52, 2001 December
An X-ray view of millisecond pulsars
W. Becker
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 599: X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, p13-24, 2001 December
The New Galactic Black Hole Candidate XTE J1650-500: X-ray, Optical, and Radio Results
J. M. Miller
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v34:569, 2001 December
RXTE Observations of 4U 1900+24/HD 154791: a Symbiotic Neutron-Star Binary
D. K. Galloway , J. L. Sokoloski , and P. Uttley
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v34:568, 2001 December
Optical Variability of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Akn 564 on Timescales from Hours to Years.
C. M. Gaskell , V. T. Doroshenko , E. S. Klimek , J. S. Campbell , K. A. Crowley , T. A. George , R. W. Goosmann , R. Grove , M. E. Hiller , B. W. Peterson , and M. A. Poulsen
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1530, 2001 December
RXTE, VLBA, Optical, and Radio Monitoring of the Quasars 3C 279, PKS 1510-089, and 3C 273
A. P. Marscher , S. G. Jorstad , M. F. Aller , I. M. McHardy , and T. J. Balonek
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1529, 2001 December
Correlated X-ray and optical variations in γ Cas (B0.5e)
M. A. Smith , R. D. Robinson , and G. W. Henry
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1524, 2001 December
New Results from Chandra and RXTE Observations of type 1 AGN
T. Yaqoob , I. M. George , T. Y. Turner , B. McKernan , U. Padmanabhan , K. A. Weaver , and K. Nandra
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1516, 2001 December
Periodicities of Black Hole Candidates 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258
D. M. Smith , W. A. Heindl , and J. H. Swank
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1473, 2001 December
Two-epoch RXTE Observations of Mrk501
E. Chapman and R. M. Sambruna
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1455, 2001 December
Multifrequency Monitoring of the Blazar PKS 2005--489
T. A. Rector , E. S. Perlman , R. Sambruna , G. Madejski , and F. Rantakyro
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1453, 2001 December
Keck and Magellan Observations of Neutron Star X-Ray Transients in Quiescence
J. A. Tomsick , W. A. Heindl , Z. Wang , D. Chakrabarty , J. P. Halpern , and P. Kaaret
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1447, 2001 December
Modeling the RXTE/ASM X-ray Light Curve of GX301-2
D. A. Leahy
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1447, 2001 December
LMC X-2: Hunting the Z
A. P. Smale and E. Kuulkers
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1446, 2001 December
Long-Term Monitoring of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars
F. P. Gavriil , V. M. Kaspi , and D. Chakrabarty
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1446, 2001 December
FUSE Spectroscopy of Hercules X-1
B. Boroson , S. D. Vrtilek , T. R. Kallman , M. Still , H. Quaintrell , R. McCray , J. Greene , and J. Raymond
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1446, 2001 December
Flux-Correlated Changes in the Transient Pulsar SAX J2103+4545
J. H. Swank , A. Baykal , and M. J. Stark
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1446, 2001 December
Activity cycles among the X-ray Pulsar population of the SMC
S. Laycock , R. H. D. Corbet , M. J. Coe , F. Marshall , and J. Lochner
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1446, 2001 December
The Orbit of the X-ray Pulsar XTE J1855-026 - an Eclipsing Supergiant System
R. Corbet
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1445, 2001 December
Low Frequency Radio Transients in the Galactic Center
S. D. Hyman , A. L. Bartleson , T. J. W. Lazio , and N. E. Kassim
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1430, 2001 December
B-field Determination from Magnetoacoustic Oscillations in kHz QPO Neutron Star Binaries: Theory and Observations
L. G. Titarchuk , C. F. Bradshaw , and K. S. Wood
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1351, 2001 December
Magnetically Driven Precession of Warped Disks and Variabilities in Accreting neutron stars
D. Lai and A. Shirakawa
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1350, 2001 December
Discovery of the Orbital Period of the Bursting and Dipping Source XTE J1710-281
C. B. Markwardt , J. H. Swank , and T. E. Strohmayer
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1350, 2001 December
Are ``Z" and ``Atoll" Sources the Same?
M. P. Muno , R. A. Remillard , and D. Chakrabarty
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1350, 2001 December
Pulsed X-rays from the Vela Pulsar: Results from RXTE
M. S. Strickman and A. K. Harding
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1335, 2001 December
PSR J0537-6910: The Big Glitcher
F. E. Marshall , W. Zhang , E. V. Gotthelf , J. Middleditch , and Q. D. Wang
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1335, 2001 December
RXTE Standard Data Products: Archival Observations at a Glance
P. T. Boyd , M. J. Tripicco , A. P. Smale , and G. L. Rohrbach
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1322, 2001 December
Eclipse Observations of EXO0748-676 and X1658-298 with USA and RXTE
M. T. Wolff , P. S. Ray , K. S. Wood , A. P. Smale , and P. Hertz
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1313, 2001 December
The Search for the Orbital Period of X1556-60
G. Brammer , S. Wachter , D. W. Hoard , and A. P. Smale
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1311, 2001 December
X-Ray Nova Light Curves
C. R. Shrader and L. Titarchuk
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1309, 2001 December
A Glimmer of Light from the Heart of Darkness - Photometry and X-ray Observations of the Black Hole Binary Cygnus X-1
C. S. Pilman , J. F. Sepinsky , E. F. Guinan , G. P. McCook , and I. Ribas
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1309, 2001 December
Estimating the instantaneous power spectrum of an x-ray binary system
L. Galleani , L. Cohen , D. J. Nelson , and J. D. Scargle
In: Proc. SPIE Vol. 4477, p. 123-130, Astronomical Data Analysis, Jean-Luc Starck; Fionn D. Murtagh; Eds., p123-130, 2001 November
Timing Results from the 16 ms Pulsar, J0537-6910 in N157B
J. Middleditch , F. E. Marshall , W. Zhang , E. V. Gotthelf , and Q. D. Wang
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:1174, 2001 November
SKY2000 Catalog, Version 3 (Myers+ 2000)
J. R. Myers , C. B. Sande , A. C. Miller , W. H. Warren , and D. A. Tracewell
VizieR Online Data Catalog, v5105, 2001 September
The quiescent optical light curve of XTE J2123-058
T. Shahbaz and C. Zurita
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
The Micro-Quasar GRS 1758-258 as Seen by Chandra
W. A. Heindl and D. M. Smith
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Smeared Iron Lines in Centaurus X-3
S. Kitamoto and T. Kohmura
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Study of Aperiodic Time Variation of the X-ray binary Pulsar, Centaurus X-3
T. Kohmura and S. Kitamoto
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
X-ray spectral and temporal study of the high-z QSO PKS 2126-158
G. Risaliti and M. Elvis
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Long-term Lightcurves of M31 X-ray Sources
A. K. H. Kong , M. R. Garcia , R. Di Stefano , S. S. Murray , and F. A. Primini
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
The Vela Pulsar and its Synchrotron Nebula: Surprises from Chandra
A. J. Young and A. S. Wilson
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
The environment of GRS 1915+105 as seen with the Chandra HETG and RXTE
J. C. Lee , R. Remillard , and N. S. Schulz
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Discovery of an X-Ray Pulsar in 3C58
S. S. Murray and P. O. Slane
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Verifying Chandra Absolute Times
A. Tennant
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Long X-ray bursts: too long for comfort?
E. Kuulkers
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Modeling RXTE/ASM observations of the 35-day cycle in Her X-1
D. A. Leahy
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
RXTE/ASM observations of and the nature of the gamma-ray source LSI+61 303
D. A. Leahy
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
X-ray afterglow observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts with Chandra and ASCA (Iron line diagnosis in X-ray afterglows)
T. Murakami and D. Yonetoku
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Iron-K Line Diagnostics from Chandra Grating Observations of AGN
T. Yaqoob , I. M. George , and T. J. Turner
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
ASCA, ROSAT and RXTE Observations of the Non-Thermal X-ray Emission from the Galactic Supernova Remnant G347.3-0.5
T. Pannuti and G. Allen
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Catching NGC 4051 in the low state with Chandra
P. Uttley and I. McHardy
In: Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001., 2001 September
Investigation of X-ray sources on UKSTU plates
R. Hudec
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p585, 2001 September
A multi-mission study of the Crab nebula: spectral response of hard X-ray detectors
A. R. Rao and S. V. Vadawale
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p517, 2001 September
Multiwavelength observations revealing the outbursts of the two soft X-ray transients XTE J1859+226 and XTE J1118+480
S. Chaty , C. A. Haswell , R. I. Hynes , C. R. Shrader , W. Cui , C. W. Mauche , A. J. Norton , J. Solheim , R. Ostensen , T. R. Geballe , Z. Ioannou , and A. R. King
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p491, 2001 September
On the nature of the microquasar V4641 Sagittarii
S. Chaty , I. F. Mirabel , J. Martí , and L. F. Rodríguez
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p479, 2001 September
X-ray transients in the Galactic Center region
J. in't Zand
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p463, 2001 September
Hard X-ray spectrum of GRS 1915+105: the disk-jet connection
A. R. Rao and S. V. Vadawale
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p437, 2001 September
Recent GRB investigations on archival astronomical plates
R. Hudec and W. Wenzel
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p423, 2001 September
New types of X-ray flares/bursts from GRS 1915+105
J. S. Yadav and A. R. Rao
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p399, 2001 September
Long-term X-ray variability study of SMC X-1
M. Ribó , M. Peracaula , J. M. Paredes , J. Núñez , and X. Otazu
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p333, 2001 September
Evolution of the 1.24s pulse profile during a Her X-1 turn-on
M. Kuster , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , I. Kreykenbohm , S. Blum , D. Gruber , and R. Rothschild
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p309, 2001 September
Phase-resolved spectroscopy of Vela X-1
I. Kreykenbohm , P. Kretschmar , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , W. A. Heindl , W. Coburn , and R. E. Rothschild
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p305, 2001 September
Quark stars in low-mass X-ray binaries: for and against
W. Kluzniak , T. Bulik , and D. Gondek-Rosinska
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p301, 2001 September
Radio emission from the X-ray transient XTE J1550-564
D. Hannikainen , K. Wu , D. Campbell-Wilson , R. Hunstead , J. Lovell , V. McIntyre , J. Reynolds , R. Soria , and T. Tzioumis
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p291, 2001 September
Studies of X-ray source variability using RXTE-ASM
S. Benlloch , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , and M. Nowak
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p263, 2001 September
Innermost stable circular orbits around rotating compact quark stars and QPOs
D. Gondek-Rosinska , T. Bulik , W. Kluzniak , J. L. Zdunik , and E. Gourgoulhon
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p223, 2001 September
More realistic cyclotron line models for accreting pulsar spectra
P. Kretschmar , R. A. Araya-Gochez , I. Kreykenbohm , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , W. A. Heindl , R. E. Rothschild , and D. E. Gruber
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p207, 2001 September
Observations of new black hole candidates with BeppoSAX
F. Frontera , L. Amati , D. dal Fiume , N. Masetti , M. Orlandini , E. Palazzi , T. Belloni , S. del Sordo , and A. N. Parmar
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p187, 2001 September
A broadband study of the Galactic X-ray/γ-ray background
A. Valinia and V. Tatischeff
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p153, 2001 September
Nonthermal X-ray emission in clusters of galaxies
Y. Rephaeli
In: ESA SP-459: Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, p149, 2001 September
BeppoSAX observations of the black-hole candidate XTE J1859+226 in outburst
L. Amati , F. Frontera , D. Dal Fiume , S. Del Sordo , N. Masetti , E. Palazzi , and M. Orlandini
In: The Second National Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects, p55, 2001 September
Linking Timing and Spectral Parameters in Black Hole Candidates
F. Vignarca , T. Belloni , and A. Treves
In: The Second National Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects, p49, 2001 September
The Hard X-ray Emission From Accretion Powered Binary Pulsars in the BeppoSAX and RXTE Era: The Observed ``Signatures'' of Comptonization and Cyclotron Electron Scattering
A. Santangelo
In: The Second National Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects, p44, 2001 September
GRS 1915+105: Voyage Through an Accretion Disk
S. Migliari and T. Belloni
In: The Second National Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects, p31, 2001 September
Spectral Properties of Neutron Stars in LMXB
T. di Salvo
In: The Second National Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects, p12, 2001 September
X-ray Emission from Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
D. de Martino
In: The Second National Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects, p11, 2001 September
The Broad-Band Energy Spectrum of XTE J1550-564
A. Colombo , T. Belloni , F. Haardt , and A. Treves
In: The Second National Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects, p7, 2001 September
On the Correlation Between X-ray Luminosity and Spin-Down Energy Loss in Pulsars
R. Cerutti , A. Possenti , M. Colpi , and S. Mereghetti
In: The Second National Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects, p5, 2001 September
X-Ray Oscillations in AM Herculis Binaries
P. Barrett
NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N, v1:83764, 2001 July
A. J. Castro-Tirado , J. Greiner , and J. M. Paredes
Microquasars. Proceedings of the third Microquasar Workshop, Granada Workshop on Galactic Relativistic Jet Sources, Granada (Spain), 11-13 September 2000. Edited by Alberto J. Castro-Tirado, Jochen Greiner, and Josep M. Paredes. Reprinted from ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 276 Supplement Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001 June
RXTE Observations of GRS 1915+105
J. Rodriguez , P. Durouchoux , and M. Tagger
In: SF2A-2001: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, p365, 2001 May
Multi-wavelength observations revealing the outbursts of the two soft X-ray transients XTE J1859+226 and XTE J1118+480
S. Chaty , C. A. Haswell , R. I. Hynes , C. R. Shrader , and W. Cui
In: SF2A-2001: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, p349, 2001 May
Emission Line Variability in Akn 564
L. C. Gallo and W. F. Welsh
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:916, 2001 May
RXTE Observations of the Non-Thermal X-ray Emission from the Galactic Supernova Remnant G347.3-0.5
T. G. Pannuti and G. E. Allen
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:909, 2001 May
Chandra and RXTE observations of the Cyg A nucleus
Y. Terashima , A. S. Wilson , K. Arnaud , A. J. Young , D. A. Smith , and P. L. Shopbell
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:897, 2001 May
Long-Term X-ray Monitoring of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxies 3C390.3 and 3C120 with RXTE
S. Emdadi , R. M. Sambruna , and M. Eracleous
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:896, 2001 May
Long Term X-ray Monitoring of Mrk 501 with RXTE
E. Chapman and R. M. Sambruna
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:894, 2001 May
X-ray Study of Optically Thick Accretion Disks around Stellar Black Holes
A. Kubota , K. Makishima , and K. Ebisawa
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:869, 2001 May
Disk Disruptions and X-ray Intensity Excursions in Cyg X-2, LMC X-3 and Cyg X-3
P. T. Boyd and A. P. Smale
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:849, 2001 May
Reversing Phase Lags in the Burst Pulsations from Aql X-1
D. W. Fox , M. P. Muno , W. H. G. Lewin , E. H. Morgan , and L. Bildsten
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:823, 2001 May
The Shape of the Accretion Disk in Her X-1: Results from Modelling X-ray and EUV Emission
D. A. Leahy
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:805, 2001 May
A Complex Super-Eddington Burst with Radius Expansion from X2127+119 in M15
A. P. Smale
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:804, 2001 May
XMM-Newton Spectroscopy of Circinus X-1
R. E. Shirey
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:804, 2001 May
X-Ray Timing of the Pulsar 1E 1145.1-6141
P. S. Ray and D. Chakrabarty
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:804, 2001 May
An Empirical Compton Up-Scattering Model for Soft Lags in Kilohertz QPO
H. C. Lee , R. Misra , and R. E. Taam
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:804, 2001 May
X-Ray and UV Orbital Phase Dependence in LMC X-3
J. F. Dolan , P. T. Boyd , and A. P. Smale
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:802, 2001 May
A Generic model for alternating lags of QPO harmonics and its application to the 67 millihertz QPO of GRS 1915+105
R. Misra
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:802, 2001 May
The X-ray variability and quasi-periodic oscillations in XTE J1550-564 during the decay of the 2000 outburst
E. Kalemci , J. A. Tomsick , R. E. Rothschild , K. Pottschmidt , and P. Kaaret
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:802, 2001 May
Non-Thermal Signatures in Low State Spectra of Black Hole X-Ray Transients
A. A. Esin and J. A. Tomsick
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v33:801, 2001 May
XTE Observations of the Intraday Variable BL LAC S5 0716+714 in a coordinated Multiwavelength Study
D. M. Worrall
NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N, v1:44080, 2001 April
Oscillations milliseconde des binaires X de faible masse : La révolution de RXTE
J. F. Olive
In: Atelier d'astronomie X, p37-45, 2001 January
Les observatoires X en activité
D. Barret
In: Atelier d'astronomie X, p11-12, 2001 January
Atelier d'astronomie X
J. Ballet and D. Barret
Atelier d'astronomie X, 2001 January
Dips in X-Ray Flux Associated with Superluminal Ejections in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120
A. P. Marscher , S. G. Jorstad , J. L. Gomez , and M. F. Aller
NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N, v2:46979, 2001 January
RXTE, VLBA, Optical, and Radio Monitoring of the Quasars 3C 279, PKS 1510--089, and 3C 273
A. P. Marscher , S. G. Jorstad , M. F. Aller , I. M. McHardy , and T. J. Balonek
NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N, v2:46978, 2001 January
RXTE Observations M87: Investigating the Non-Thermal Continuum
C. S. Reynolds
NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N, v1:45811, 2001 January
Small-scale structure deduced from X- and gamma-ray timing measurements
M. C. Miller
In: IAU Symposium, p244, 2001 January
Study of Galaxy Evolution using VHE γ-ray Observations with Ground-based Cerenkov Telescopes
A. Konopelko
In: IAU Symposium, p151, 2001 January
Oscillations millisecondes des binaires X : La révolution de RXTE
J. Olive
Ecole de Goutelas \#23, CNRS, 22-26 May 2000, edited by D. Egret, J.-L. Halbwachs, and J.-M. Hameury. Publisher: Societe Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique (SF2A), p.ois Olive$\}$ 243. , v23:243, 2001 January
Chandra-ASCA-RXTE observations of the micro-quasar GRS 1915+105
J. C. Lee , N. S. Schulz , C. S. Reynolds , A. C. Fabian , and E. G. Blackman
In: ASP Conf. Ser. 234: X-ray Astronomy 2000, p231, 2001
OSSE and RXTE Observations of GRS 1915+105: Evidence for Non-thermal Comptonization
A. A. Zdziarski
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
Disk-Jet connection in GRS 1915+105: Evidence of mass ejection during the soft X-ray dips
S. V. Vadawale and R. Rao
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
Low and High Angular Momentum Accretion Flows in BHCs: Case Study of RXTE J1550-564
R. Soria , W. Kinwah , D. Hannikainen , M. McCollough , and R. Hunstead
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
Spectral and Temporal Signatures of Accreting Black Holes
C. Shrader and T. Titarchuk
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
Disk Diffusion Propagation Model for the Outburst of XTE J1118+480
P. S. Ray , K. S. Wood , L. Titarchuk , M. T. Wolff , M. N. Lovellette , and R. M. Bandyopadhyay
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
New Results on the High Energy Emission of Seyfert Galaxies from RXTE Color-Flux diagrams
P. O. Petrucci , I. Papadakis , L. Maraschi , F. Haardt , I. McHardy , and P. Uttley
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
A model for the alternating lags of the 67 millihertz QPO harmonics of GRS 1915+105
R. Misra
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
High Frequency Oscillations from the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1859+226
C. Markwardt , W. Focke , and J. Swank
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
A Comprehensive RXTE Database of AGN Variability
A. Markowitz , R. Edelson , and S. Vaughan
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
X-ray Study of Optically Thick Accretion Disks around Stellar Black Holes- the Standard Accretion Disk and beyond
A. Kubota
In: X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes, 2001
Relativistic Models of kHz QPOs
W. Kluzniak
In: The Neutron Star - Black Hole Connection, p325, 2001
RXTE Observation of the Millisecond Pulsar PSR B1821-24
Y. Saito , N. Kawai , A. Rots , T. Kamae , and S. Shibata
In: ASP Conf. Ser. 251: New Century of X-ray Astronomy, p404, 2001
IXAE Observations of the X-ray Pulsar XTE J1946+274
P. C. Agrawal , B. Paul , K. Mukerjee , and A. R. Rao
In: ASP Conf. Ser. 251: New Century of X-ray Astronomy, p398, 2001
The X-ray Fast-time Variability of Sco X-2 (GX 349+2) with RXTE
P. M. O'Neill , R. K. Sood , E. Kuulkers , and M. van der Klis
In: ASP Conf. Ser. 251: New Century of X-ray Astronomy, p396, 2001
Innermost Stable Circular Orbits around Rotating Quark Stars and kHz QPOs in Low Mass X-ray Binaries
D. Gondek-Rosinska
In: ASP Conf. Ser. 251: New Century of X-ray Astronomy, p354, 2001
A Model for η Carinae as Implied by RXTE, CHANDRA and FUSE Observations
R. C. Iping
In: ASP Conf. Ser. 251: New Century of X-ray Astronomy, p248, 2001
The IPN I: From the Past to the Future
T. L. Cline , K. C. Hurley , S. Barthelmy , P. Butterworth , M. Feroci , F. Frontera , S. Golenetskii , E. Mazets , and J. Trombka
In: Gamma-ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era, p375, 2001
Optical GRB Analyses: Results from Archival Plates
R. Hudec and W. Wenzel
In: Gamma-ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era, p181, 2001
Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
H. Bradt , A. M. Levine , F. E. Marshall , R. A. Remillard , D. A. Smith , and T. Takeshima
In: Gamma-ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era, p26, 2001
Monitoring the Short-Term Variability of Cyg X-1
K. Pottschmidt , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , M. A. Nowak , J. B. Dove , W. A. Heindl , and D. M. Smith
In: Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei, p133, 2001
RXTE Monitoring of LMC X-3
J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , K. Pottschmidt , W. A. Heindl , J. B. Dove , M. C. Begelman , and R. Staubert
In: Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei, p131, 2001
X-Ray Variability of Neutron Stars versus Black Holes
T. Belloni
In: Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei, p125, 2001
Echoes in X-ray Binaries: Mapping the Accretion Flow
K. O'Brien and K. Horne
In: Astrotomography, Indirect Imaging Methods in Observational Astronomy, p416, 2001
Doppler Tomography of XTE J2123-058 and Other Neutron Star LMXBs
R. I. Hynes , P. A. Charles , C. A. Haswell , J. Casares , and C. Zurita
In: Astrotomography, Indirect Imaging Methods in Observational Astronomy, p378, 2001
Multi-wavelengths observations of AGN: fifteen years along
W. Wamsteker
Shanghai Observatory Annals, v22:133, 2001
RXTE Observations of the Vela Pulsar: The Pulsar Rosetta Stone
M. S. Strickman , A. K. Harding , C. Gwinn , P. McCulloch , and D. Moffett
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 587: Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, p570, 2001
The Extraordinary Campaigns on MKN 421 of 2000 (SAX) and 2001 (RXTE)
G. Fossati , M. Jordan , and J. Buckley
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 587: Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, p266, 2001
The Compact Jet of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1550-564 during the 2000 X-ray Outburst
S. Corbel , P. Kaaret , R. K. Jain , C. D. Bailyn , R. P. Fender , J. A. Tomsick , E. Kalemci , V. McIntyre , D. Campbell-Wilson , J. M. Miller , and M. L. McCollough
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 587: Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, p126, 2001
RXTE Observations of GRS 1915+105
J. Rodriguez , P. Durouchoux , and M. Tagger
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 587: Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, p66, 2001
Studies of Hard X-ray Tails in Z Sources with HEXTE/RXTE
F. D'Amico , W. A. Heindl , R. E. Rothschild , and D. E. Gruber
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 587: Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, p44, 2001
KiloHertz QPO and Gravitational Wave Emission as the Signature of the Rotation and Precession of a LMXB Neutron Star Near Breakup
J. G. Jernigan
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 586: 20th Texas Symposium on relativistic astrophysics, p805, 2001
Shot Noise in USA Lightcurves of XTE J1118+480 and Cygnus X-1
W. B. Focke , E. D. Bloom , B. Giebels , G. Godfrey , K. T. Reilly , P. Saz Parkinson , G. Shabad , K. S. Wood , P. S. Ray , R. M. Bandyopadhyay , M. T. Wolff , G. Fritz , P. Hertz , M. P. Kowalski , M. N. Lovellette , D. Yentis , and J. D. Scargle
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 586: 20th Texas Symposium on relativistic astrophysics, p690, 2001
Long-Term RXTE Monitoring of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937
V. M. Kaspi , F. P. Gavriil , D. Chakrabarty , J. R. Lackey , and M. P. Muno
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 586: 20th Texas Symposium on relativistic astrophysics, p501, 2001
Inference from Rossi traces
K. M. Hanson and J. M. Booker
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 568: Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, p604-614, 2001
X-ray Emission from Galactic Jets: X-ray Binaries and Sgr A*
H. Falcke , S. Markoff , and R. Fender
In: Astronomische Gesellschaft Meeting Abstracts, p107, 2001
Temporal Evolution of X-ray Power Spectra of Cygnus X-1
K. Pottschmidt , J. Wilms , M. A. Nowak , T. Gleissner , W. A. Heindl , D. M. Smith , and R. Staubert
In: Astronomische Gesellschaft Meeting Abstracts, p195, 2001
A Her X-1 Turn-On: Using the Pulse Profile to Probe the Outer Eedge of an Accretion Disk
M. Kuster , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , W. A. Heindl , R. Rothschild , N. I. Shakura , and K. A. Postnov
In: Astronomische Gesellschaft Meeting Abstracts, p190, 2001
A Long Look at GX 301-2 with RXTE
I. Kreykenbohm , J. Wilms , R. Staubert , R. Rothschild , W. Coburn , W. Heindl , and P. Kretschmar
In: Astronomische Gesellschaft Meeting Abstracts, p189, 2001
High X-ray Variability in Mkn 478
D. Grupe and M. Gliozzi
In: Astronomische Gesellschaft Meeting Abstracts, p179, 2001
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