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revised ASCA observation plan

The following is a message sent by Fumiaki Nagase, regarding the
changes to the ASCA timeline caused by Typhoon Yancy...

Dear ASCA Team members:

I am sending a weekly observation plan for September 13 to 21,  
in addition to the plans of the previous two weeks which are changed 
because of the event of Typhoon that hit KSC. The timeline for the lest 
targets has been changed, since RX0459+5147, parts of Perseus cluster 
and QSF3,  A493 and N132D were cancelled because of the typhoon event. 
At present we are waiting for the 20 meter antenna being repaired and 
expect that we can start ASCA operation after tomorrow (September 8) 
morning. If the antenna is not available in tomorrow morning,  
we will skip PKS0548-322 and the source will be allocated 
in late October. When we start stable operation, we will issue the 
revised timeline for the rest targets.


A S C A    Weekly  Observation  Plan
Date	MNV start 	Target to 		Required	comments
 	time (UT)	be pointed		time (ksec)	
August 31 - September 5, 1993.
8/31	13:30		NGC 4945  (AGNs)	40 ks	

9/ 1	 8:40		Pleiades -1 (Stars)	10 ks

9/ 1	15:00		Pleiades -2 (Stars)     10 ks

9/ 1	21:30		Pleiades -3 (Stars)	10 ks

9/ 2	 5:30		Pleiades -4 (Stars)	10 ks

9/ 2	13:20		Capella (Stars)		40 ks

9/ 3	13:20		RX04591+5147, 	Cancelled due to Typhoon

9/ 4	 2:10		Typhoon	Noop 	(RX0491+5147, cancelled)

9/ 4	15:00		Typhoon	Noop	(Per. Cl., cancelled)
September 5 - September 13, 1993.

9/ 5	 3:40		Typhoon	Noop	(A496, cancelled)

9/ 6	10:20		Typhoon	Noop	(QSF3 No.2, cancelled)

9/ 7	 0:20		Typhoon	Noop	(N132D, cancelled)

9/ 7	19:40		PKS 0548-322 (AGNs)	40 ks

9/ 8	18:57		NEP No. 5 Pos. 2 (CXB)	20 ks

9/ 9	 3:20		PSR0540-693 (LMC SNRs)	40ks

9/ 9	21:20		LMC X-3 (Binaries)	20 ks

9/10	 4:40		Bright LMC Region	40 ks

9/10	23:00		QSF3 No. 2 (CXB)	20 ks	
9/11	11:20		IRAS18325-5926 (AGNs)	40 ks 	(ROSAT Simlt.)

9:12	16:20		3C368 (AGNs)		40 ks
September 5 - September 13, 1993.

9/13	19:00		SN1006 (SNRs)		40 ks	

9/15	 0:40		Perseus Cluster 	20 ks	(Pointing No. 3)

9/15	14:03		QSF3 No.3		20 ks	(Pointing No. 3)

9/16	 2:00		SSD433 (Binaries)	20 ks	(Pointing No. 4)

9/16	16:00		GX 339-4 (Binaries)	20 ks

9/17	 7:00		Bright Gal. Bulge (CXB)	40 ks

9/18	11:10		A665 (Cl. of gal.)	40 ks

9/19	10:00		IC342 (Galaxies)	40 ks

9/20	 8:10		A496 (Cl. of gal.)	40 ks

(9/21	 7:00)		(to next target)